You're bloated, feeling lethargic and have more flatulence than post a Christmas Dinner Brussels sprouts binge. Do you think anything of it? Probably not. Maybe you just ate too much or need to cut back on carbs, right?

This is where you might be wrong.

Have you ever thought about the Coeliac disease? It's a common digestive condition where 'the small intestine becomes inflamed and unable to absorb nutrients' state the NHS England.

According to Coeliac UK, 76% of the 650,000 people in the UK with coeliac disease, don’t even know they’ve got it, with less than a quarter (24%) having a medical diagnosis.

Of those, the majority will be women; coeliac disease is twice as likely to affect women than men.

Still think that stomach pain is nothing to worry about?

So, what is Coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition that is caused by the immune system essentially having a freak out over gluten. Instead of thinking 'Happy Days, Bread', it reacts by damaging the lining of the small intestine instead. As a result, the finger-like projections of the small intestine (known as villi) that allow the body to absorb nutrients from food into the blood can’t function properly – or in severe cases, at all.

'Left undiagnosed and untreated, coeliac disease can lead to nutritional deficiencies including anaemia (both iron deficiency and B vitamin deficiency anaemias), osteoporosis, gluten ataxia and neuropathy, and, although rare, there is an increased risk of small bowel cancer and intestinal lymphoma,' says Norma McGough of Coeliac UK. It is also associated with other autoimmune conditions such as thyroid problems and symptoms of diabetes.

'Although coeliac disease is a genetic condition that is triggered by eating gluten, there are also environmental triggers that influence its development – and which are still not clear.'

What are the symptoms of Coeliac disease?

  • Severe or occasional diarrhoea
  • Excessive wind
  • Constipation
  • Nausea and / or vomiting
  • Stomach pain, cramping and bloating
  • Tiredness
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Skin rash
  • Tooth enamel problems
  • Depression
  • Repeated miscarriage

Why is Coeliac disease so frequently missed?

Despite the increase in coeliac disease diagnoses in the past couple of decades – thanks to developments in screening and an increase in awareness – scan down the list above and the symptoms could be markers of many other conditions and gut-related problems. IBS, for one of them. It’s easy to see how coeliac disease could be missed.

Coeliac UK has an online questionnaire that can help if you’re unsure whether the symptoms you have are a sign of coeliac disease. However, if you are concerned, always seek advice from your GP.

'It is important that people are screened for coeliac disease using blood tests that are done in primary care before diagnosis of other gut problems is confirmed,” McGough says. “You have to be on a normal, gluten-containing diet for the tests and endoscopy/biopsy results to be valid so if you think you have coeliac disease, do not remove gluten from your diet; see your doctor and get tested.'

How can Coeliac disease be treated?

Ultimately, because it’s gluten that triggers the disease, going gluten-free is your only option. Rice, potatoes, corn and pulses (peas, beans and lentils) are all good choices, as are plain meat, fish, egg, cheese, milk, most yoghurts, fruits and vegetables.

'Take one-step at a time,' says McGough. 'The gluten-free diet is not black and white and there are a number of different sources of information at your fingertips. Make sure you speak to a Registered Dietitian (as a part of your health care) for individual advice and support. Coeliac UK is a registered charity that has been established since 1968 and which provides a wealth of information on the gluten-free diet. We have a Food and Drink Directory, food apps, a venue guide (for eating out) a recipe database and a host of other resources to help the gluten free community.'

You could also try this teff porridge recipe for a versatile, satisfying and nutritious breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. Or snack. Porridge is so multi-tasking.

Worrying about your health? Read up on the PCOS symptoms or endometriosis.

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Sophie Cullen

Sophie Cullen is a multi-award-winning beauty journalist and brand consultant, with a special interest in all things skincare and makeup. Sophie was responsible for the running of Conde Nast BRIDES beauty department for five years, overseeing all print, online, social coverage and live events. Today she writes for Harper's Bazaar Arabia, Vogue Japan, Conde Nast Glamour, Pop Sugar, Victoria Health and Bustle as well as working with brands such as: Pixi Skincare and Elemis.