Pregnancy exercises could make your pregnancy (and birth) both safer and more comfortable, but with so much information out there it can be hard to know what you can and can't do. We hear you.

Every woman is different, so it makes sense that her pregnancy experience will be, too - for me, I managed to swerve sickness entirely yet my cup size all but doubled in the first six weeks - but virtually no-one manages to sail through the full nine months without issue. And a big one can be working out what pregnancy exercise looks like for you.

When it comes to keeping fit and healthy with pregnancy exercises, guidance is different depending on where you look for information and advice rolled out even just a decade ago is outdated given how much more we now know about the female body. As an editor working at the UK’s biggest health and fitness media brand, even I was a bit confused about pregnancy exercises once I knew I was expecting, so I went to those in the know to get the big questions answered and below you’ll find all you need to know to stay fit during pregnancy.

Pregnancy exercise advice

1.DON’T give up exercise altogether

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‘A lot of women are shocked when I suggest they ought to consider some form of exercise during pregnancy,’ says Dr Anita Mitra, NHS gynaecologist and author of The Gynae Geek. This is especially true of the first trimester, she adds, where expectant mothers fear miscarriage. ‘However, the majority of first-trimester miscarriage is associated with chromosomal abnormalities, which can’t be attributed to exercise. In a pregnancy with no complications, exercise doesn’t pose a risk.

Dr Mitra insists that exercise during pregnancy - whether that’s walking, Pilates, weight training or running - should be considered as training for the new demands put on your body. ‘Pregnancy and labour are the equivalent of a marathon, so it requires building up to,’ adds Dr Mitra. By ensuring your body is as fit and healthy as it can be, you’re also doing yourself a favour birth. ‘There isn’t any strong evidence to suggest that active mums recover quicker, but being active means it’ll be easier to do things like lifting the baby and lugging a pram around,’ says Dr Mitra.

2. DO meet the NHS guidelines for pregnant women

The focus is on staying active day to day, rather than strenuous exercise, and the NHS guidelines recommend trying to clock up 30 minutes of movement every day. Not meeting those guidelines suggests you’re leading a particularly sedentary lifestyle, which has proven not just to negatively impact your physical health, but your mental health too. Just walking is enough, but if you’re used to maintaining a certain level of fitness, there’s no reason not to stick with that - and if you can do it outdoors and get a fix of fresh air, all the better.

NHS GUIDELINES: What exercises should be avoided during pregnancy?

The NHS website is a great resource if you're pregnant. The website states precisely which moves and exercises you should avoid when expecting. According to its article on exercise in pregnancy it says:

  • do not lie flat on your back for long periods, particularly after 16 weeks, because the weight of your bump presses on the main blood vessel bringing blood back to your heart and this can make you feel faint
  • do not take part in contact sports where there's a risk of being hit, such as kickboxing, judo or squash
  • do not go scuba diving, because the baby has no protection against decompression sickness and gas embolism (gas bubbles in the bloodstream)
  • do not exercise at heights over 2,500m above sea level – this is because you and your baby are at risk of altitude sickness.
best pregnancy exercises, prenatal workout
Delmaine Donson
best pregnancy exercises, prenatal workout
Delmaine Donson

3. DO stick with exercise that you know

When should I start pregnancy exercises?

You should be thinking about exercise as a daily goal, but that’s not to say you should be embarking on a new 12-week programme for the first time during pregnancy if you’ve never exercised before; maintaining - not beating - current fitness is what you’re aiming for. If you're up to it, you can continue exercise throughout your pregnancy, from trimester 1 through to trimester 3.

Think about what you know your body likes to do, what it can do, and stick with that. ‘It’s wise to avoid any new types of exercise as you want to be confident with your form and how your body reacts to each movement,’ explains Rosie Stockley, trainer and founder of the MAMAWELL postnatal exercise programme. Don’t suddenly start swinging kettlebells or trying yoga inversions if neither are in your usual arsenal of fitness. ‘The exception to this rule would be starting a specialist class like antenatal yoga as you will learn beneficial moves for your pregnancy and birth,’ adds Rosie.

preview for Full-Body Pregnancy Workout with Kayla Itsines | Transformations

4. DO learn which exercises are safe

First things first, if you’re a fan of group classes, the best thing to do is flag your pregnancy with the instructor before the class begins. Most gyms have trainers who are trained in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

Otherwise, in a normal ‘uncomplicated’ pregnancy where you have no prior health issues, you’re looking more at adaptations to moves, rather than writing moves or types of exercise off entirely. It can be difficult to sync mind and body if you’re not used to it, but happily women report feeling more in tune during pregnancy - so you’re likely to find you know what’s too much or not working for you, then take the common sense approach to modify or just leave that move out of your routine.

To help you know what to choose and what to lose Charlie Barker, founder of Bumps & Burpees has shared these handy guidelines to help you protect your core, pelvic floor and joints as your bump grows.

What kinds of exercises are safe during pregnancy?

1st Trimester

The first trimester is from week 1 to the end of week 12

    Exercises to avoid during pregnancy (all trimesters): High risk exercises

    Avoid exercises with a high risk of falling, or someone falling into you so no contact sports and be mindful doing single leg work that you don't fall.

    Manage your heart rate

    Be aware that your heart rate will likely be higher than it was before so you might find yourself getting out of breath doing things that never felt hard before. That's ok, but just give yourself a few more rest breaks when you need it to.

    Get in good habits

    Practice engaging your core and pelvic floor as you lift weights/objects (Exhale on the effort is good to remember) and start rolling to your side when you get up off the floor to take some of the pressure off your core.

      2nd Trimester

      The second trimester is from week 13 to the end of week 26

        In the next few weeks your bump might start to show, or maybe it already has, but now is the time to protect that core from undergoing too much pressure.

        Exercise caution with stomach exercises

        Avoid exercises that require you to lift both legs in the air at the same time or moves that put the entire core under pressure at the same time with no support from anywhere else. These include:

        • Ab rollouts
        • V-sits
        • Leg lifts
        • TRX/slider plank crunches

        Be aware of "doming"

        Swerve exercises that cause your abdominals to "dome" down the midline. You should look out for that dome shape, this means that the exercise or movement you are doing is too much for your core right now. Slow it down, use your breath to engage your core and if it still is doming then consider it a no go for now.

        Keep breathing

        While lifting weights make sure you don't hold your breath. Bracing, or holding your breath to lift puts a lot of downwards pressure on your pelvic floor, so remember to exhale and engage the core as you lift something heavy.

        Modify moves

        Start dropping to a modified plank with you knees down for press ups and renegade rows. You can still engage your core throughout the exercise, but it takes off some of the pressure from the part that is beginning to stretch.

        Exercises to avoid during trimester 2: Anything high-impact

        You may still feel fine to run or skip and thats ok, but be in tune with your joints and if you feel any discomfort in your pelvis, hips, knees then it is time to stop. I would advise you to stop impact movements such as jumping as your bump starts to show, as it puts a huge amount of downwards pressure on your pelvic floor and even if it feels ok to do now, you may not know the damage you're doing until later on.

          3rd Trimester

          The third trimester is from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy

          Your bump will dictate what you can and can't do it a workout as you start to move differently.

          Exercises to avoid during trimester 3: Core exercises

          If you have been keeping some stomach exercises in your workout plans now's the time to give them a bump. Avoid planks, boats pose, v-sits, sit-ups and any other exercise that is core specific.

          Move onto all all fours

          Keep avoiding full plank positions, and take your modified plank to a box position towards the end of 3rd trimester, so knees directly under your hips.

          Stay grounded

          If you are suffering with any pelvic girdle pain, you might want to avoid single leg work like lunges and split squats so stick to exercises with both legs on the ground and your hips staying square.

          5. DO factor cardio into your day

          As the NHS says you should aim for 30 minutes of exercise every day during which you should be able to hold a conversation and not feel lightheaded.

          If you are healthy and you don't have any complications with your pregnancy you can keep factoring cardio into your workouts. If you're worried or have any questions then do consult your GP or midwife.

          What cardio exercise is safe during pregnancy?

          1. Swimming - this is a great low-impact form of cardio and will support your weight as your tummy grows
          2. Walking
          3. Running - but don't take up running if you haven't done it before or be sure to consult with your GP/midwife first
          4. Cycling
          5. Aerobics - be sure to tell the teacher you are expecting

          Besides cardio, you would also benefit from factoring strength training into your workouts to strengthen your muscles to help you carry the added weight of pregnancy. Strength training can ease backache and strengthen your joints.

          Founder of Define London and prenatal specialist trainer Ashley Verma became living proof of her passion for exercise during pregnancy when she conceived last year. ‘I saw it as training for the biggest event of my life so far,’ she says.

          Unsurprisingly, Verma focused on the exercise methods she uses to train her Define clients – high rep, low weight barre-style workouts – targeting the muscles she knew would be increasingly called upon during pregnancy to support her growing bump. They are:

          • glutes
          • hamstrings
          • quads
          • abdominals
          • upper and lower-back muscles

          Can I do squats during pregnancy?

          Absolutely. In fact, Verma affirms that squats are highly recommended, since they help build pelvic floor strength and encourage blood circulation to your whole body. They also improve hip mobility, which will help during labour.

          Feeling inspired but unsure what strength moves to do during pregnancy? We asked Verma to put together a pregnancy-friendly workout (though you’ll feel the burn expecting or otherwise) you can follow at home. Enjoy.

          9 pregnancy exercises

          1.THIGH DANCING

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          Targets: Back, glutes, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, core

          Do: 2 to 3 mins

          (a) Kneel with your knees apart slightly, hands on your hips. Draw your tailbone under and lift your bum a few inches off your heels. Ready?

          (b) Begin with little pulses, lifting your bum a few inches higher, then dropping again slightly, never allowing your bum to rest on your heels. Do this for 30 secs, then hold your fists in front of your chin and, as you rise up, punch one arm upwards and draw it back down on the drop. On the next lift, punch the same arm forwards, and draw it back in on the drop. Repeat both punches on the other side. Keep alternating for 2 mins.

          2. UPRIGHT V

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          Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, pelvic floor

          Do: 3 sets of 10 reps

          (a) Stand with your heels together and toes about a fist’s width apart. Keep your hands on your hips and bend your knees slightly.

          (b) Rise up on to your toes, then drop back down, keeping your pelvis tucked to engage your pelvic floor. That’s 1 rep.

          3. TRICEP KICKBACK

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          Targets: Triceps Do: 3 sets of 20 reps (10 on each arm)

          (a) Start with dumbbells in both hands and your feet together, then step your right leg back. Bend your left leg slightly and hinge your torso forward, allowing your left arm (and weight) to rest on your left thigh. Bend your right arm, bringing the weight to hip height.

          (b) Keeping your elbow close to your side, straighten your arm and press the weight straight behind you, making sure you fully extend the arm. Bend the elbow to bring the weight back to your hip again, keeping the upper arm as still as possible. Do 10 reps before switching sides.

          4. CURTSY ROW

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          Targets: Glutes, quads, back, shoulders, arms

          Do: 3 sets of 20 reps (10 on each side)

          (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Step back and across to the left with your right foot and bend both knees as if you’re curtsying.

          (b) As you step back and drop, row the opposite arm up towards your armpit, making sure your elbow stays close to your body. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

          5. LEG LIFT

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          Targets: Back, glutes, quads, hamstrings, abs, arms

          Do: 40 reps total (20 with arms raised, 20 with arms forward)

          (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight. Bend and raise your left knee out and upwards as you lift your right arm up towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

          (b) After 20 reps (10 on each side), round your back and lift your arms straight out in front of you as you raise your left leg. Do 10 reps on each side.

          6. DEEP SQUAT

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          Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings Do: 3 sets of 10 reps

          (a) Stand with your feet wide, toes turned out. Keep your arms bent at chest height, fingertips touching. Pull your shoulders back and keep your chest proud throughout.

          (b) Engage your core and tuck your pelvis to engage your pelvic floor as you bend your knees and push your bum back, dropping as low as your mobility allows. Drive through your heels to push yourself back up.


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          Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, biceps Do: 3 sets of 20 reps (10 on each side)

          (a) Stand with your feet wide and a dumbbell in each hand. Draw your tailbone under to engage the pelvic floor. Now hold this position. Keeping your elbows tucked close to your sides, bend your arms to 90°.

          (b) Keeping your elbows as still as possible, curl one arm up at a time, raising the other as you drop back down. Hold the wide position as you perform 10 curls on each side. When you’re done, stand up and shake it out for 30 secs before dropping back for your next set.

          8. BACK EXTENSION

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          Targets: Back, core Do: 10 reps total (5 on each side)

          (a) Start on all fours, slightly soften your elbows and brace your core, gently lifting your bump and elongating your lower back.

          (b) Keep your breath calm as you extend your right leg back and your left arm forward. Slowly pulse the arm and leg up and down for 3 breaths, then lower. Maintain stability through the back.

          9. PRETZEL

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          Targets: Glutes, hamstrings, core Do: 3 sets of 10 reps on each side

          (a) Starting from seated, lower on to your left forearm, using a small Pilates ball or cushion for added support. Keeping your left leg slightly bent on the floor, bend your right leg behind you at 90° and raise it until your upper thigh is parallel to the floor.

          (b) Raise your right arm to help you balance as you pulse the leg a few inches up and down 10 times, before allowing your knee to drop to the floor. Rest for a few secs before lifting your leg up again for the next set.

          best pregnancy exercises, prenatal workout
          Delmaine Donson

          7. DON’T exercise for weight loss

          Pregnancy is a really interesting and amazing time to watch your body adapt and grow, but it can be challenging if you feel you have less control over your body,’ says Rosie.

          Try not to see fitness as a means to an end for weight loss, but instead respect the changes that are happening because your body and growing baby demand it. Aim, instead, to be strong. ‘Pregnancy isn’t a time to exercise to lose weight, but it can still be a time to focus on maintaining fitness levels and lean muscle strength,’ adds Rosie. ‘Aim to maintain rather than increase muscle and maintain weight rather than lose it.’

          8. DO explore apps and online workouts

          These days you don't need to spend time in the gym to get your gains. The app store and internet is an easy option for pregnancy exercise plans. However, do research each app or plan's credentials to ensure you're being taught by an expert in the prenatal field. WH recommends:

          The Bump Plan

          If there's one person who can help you navigate pregnancy fitness, it's Hollie Grant. Her online fitness platform The Bump Plan has guided over 30,000 women from around the world, with all classes physio-approved. Workouts run the gamut from low-impact cardio to pregnancy-specific Pilates, while the platform is also hailed for its mental health advice, education hub and community feel. Try a free 7-day trial, then join from £20 per month.

          Bumps and burpees

          If you prefer to workout on your own schedule purchase an e-book from Bumps & Burpees. The strong edition is perfect for mums-to-be who are used to grappling with free weights. It costs £14.99 and comes with 8 full workouts that you can do anywhere you like. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a resistance band and you're set.

          Results with Bump

          Results Wellness Lifestyle (formerly Results With Lucy) online fitness programme is now for prenatal women. The easy-to-follow plan promises to help to improve your posture, relieve stress and maybe even cope with your labour. And, I've tried it. Read what happened when I worked out like Lucy Meck. Right now, you can get 7 days for free.

          9. DO focus on your breathing more than ever

          According to NHS advice, pregnant women should be able to hold a conversation while exercising. Remember, the oxygen you take in is not just aiding you, but your baby too, so if you’re holding your breath or working out so hard you can barely shallow gasp, that is less than ideal. Try to remember to focus on your breathing throughout exercise - not to the point where you’re forcing it or keeping to a rigid rhythm - but enough to notice if you hold it a little.

          Need more help? Try these breathing exercises for better sleep.

          10. DON'T underestimate rest days

          Just as you need to factor in rest days when training for an event or a sports challenge - or just trying to steadily improve your fitness - they are also important come pregnancy. As mentioned above, you’re likely to feel more in tune with your body at this time, so if some classes, workouts or movements start not working for you or they make you feel less than great, ‘take that as a sign to step back and give them a rest,’ says Rosie.

          Remember that your energy levels are probably going to take a hit during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and towards the end of the third - so honour that.

          11. DON’T forget to workout your pelvic floor

          The pelvic floor - that band of muscles which supports the bladder, colon, rectum, vagina, cervix and uterus - is important at any time, but it tends to get more airtime during pregnancy (and after birth). Why? Because pregnancy, and childbirth, put these muscles under particular strain.

          ‘Up to 80% of expectant and new mums experience pelvic floor problems after giving birth, including bladder weakness and prolapse which can be painful, embarrassing and restricting,’ explains Tania Boler, CEO & co-founder of Elvie. Indeed, the pelvis widening during pregnancy, and the baby passing down the birth canal will result in your pelvic floor muscles being stretched, and possibly torn.

          ‘During pregnancy, the more your pelvic floor can support you the better, as it will aid the birthing process, work to reduce common aches such as lower back and pelvic girdle pain and possibly heal more quickly afterwards,’ explains Rosie.

          Pelvic floor exercises

          Pelvic floor exercises should become your daily must-do, whether you use apps like the Squeezy App which has timed workouts provided by physiotherapists or the Elvie Trainer which slips inside you and records your pelvic contractions so you can monitor your muscle strength and track progress.

          Elvie The Pelvic Floor Trainer

          The Pelvic Floor Trainer
          £169 at Cult Beauty

          12. DO treat yourself to some key maternity gymwear pieces

          For the first trimester you should be able to get away with wearing your regular gym kit, but as you enter into the second and third trimesters you'll want to get some maternity gym kit. You don't need to overhaul your whole workout wardrobe but a few key pieces will be crucial. So, why can't you just get larger size of regular gym kit? Well, maternity kit is specially designed to take into consideration your changing shape. It will be more supportive around the mid-section, think of it like a sports bra for your bump!

          Look to get a couple of pairs of high-waist leggings, some supportive long tops that won't ride up over your belly and sports bras (which depending on how your breast grow, you may need to invest in earlier than the second trimester). Not only will you be able to use this kit during your pregnancy, but you should still be able to get some wear out of these new supportive pieces post-partum too as it could take a while for your belly to go down.

          Reebok Training maternity leggings in black
          Reebok Training maternity leggings in black
          Grey Marl Active Maternity & Nursing Bra
          Grey Marl Active Maternity & Nursing Bra
          NINE | Legging
          NINE | Legging
          MAMA Double-layered sports top
          H&M MAMA Double-layered sports top
          The Maternity Lounge Hoodie
          Isabella Oliver Maternity The Maternity Lounge Hoodie
          Look At Me Now stretch-jersey maternity leggings
          Spanx Look At Me Now stretch-jersey maternity leggings
          Esprit Swimsuit

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          Headshot of Victoria Joy
          Victoria Joy
          Former WH Executive Editor (Print)

          Victoria Joy is a qualified coach who helps people take back control of their everyday life, cutting through the overwhelm to create helpful habits and consistent routines to make life feel easier.