When WH polled our community, 57% of those who struggle with a hormonal or gynaecological condition told us they believe it has harmed their career.

That’s why we’re taking a close, critical look at how female health issues - everything from endometriosis, fibroids and PMDD to fertility treatment and (peri)menopause - affect our working lives.

womens health at work

How did we get here? What does it feel like? And how do we make meaningful change? This is Women’s Health at Work.

Know what’s up with the specifics of employment law as it pertains to your health? No? Us neither, frankly.

But banging the drum about women’s health issues at work without getting to grips with the basics of the legislation underpinning employers' actual legal obligations? That's like laying the perfect scalloped pastel tiles in your bathroom without attending to the broken plumbing underneath.

To fill the significant gaps in our knowledge, Women’s Health booked in a call with Moira Campbell, senior employment lawyer solicitor at Kingsley Napley solicitors. The eagle-eyed among you may recognise her from Davina McCall’s latest Channel 4 menopause documentary - and, helpfully, she’s experienced at representing both employees and employers in employment cases.

‘There’s such a lack of clarity on both sides,’ she tells WH- ‘which leads to issues both in terms of [employers] providing the right support and also [employees] enforcing [their] rights.’

As to why so many of us remain so ill-informed about our rights? Campbell believes it has a lot to do with just how stigmatised women’s health issues have been more generally in society - and then how this is amplified when it comes to our professional lives.

‘It’s only recently that the increased openness around women's health issues has filtered down to the workplace,’ she explains. ‘There has been some real positive change. And I think there will continue to be. But there is a lack of clarity and understanding of what the actual rights are, how to enforce them and, ultimately, how to achieve the most positive working environment possible.’

To that end, we quizzed Campbell to provide you with a cheat sheet of your legal protections at work, as they pertain to specific female health conditions and challenges, including fertility treatment and (peri)menopause.

She also offers her professional, step-by-step guide for anyone worried how a gynaecological health condition or hormonal health challenge might be affecting their performance. (Which, we should add, is a solid template to follow when disclosing many other health issues - including mental health concerns.)

Your employment rights + menopause

In Campbell’s experience, most cases involving menopause often end up being settled. This is often due - she explains - to a mixture of some employers wanting to avoid bad publicity, and some women bringing the case not wanting to fight publicly all the way to a tribunal.

The legal position on employment claims is that menopause itself is not explicitly protected under the Equality Act 2010. However, somewhat confusingly, it’s under this legislation that most claims about menopause discrimination are brought.

Campbell advises that employers should be aware that the way in which women experiencing menopause are treated at work could give rise to claims of discrimination and/or harassment on grounds of sex and/or age, but that most successful claims cite disability discrimination.

'That’s because the symptoms of menopause may, depending on their severity, have an adverse impact on a woman’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, meaning that a woman is “disabled” for the purposes of that legislation,' explains Campbell.

There was talk about menopause being made a specific protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 but officials have since said that’s not going to happen.

So, what does it mean to be ‘disabled’ into the context of employee rights?

If labelling yourself as 'disabled' because of a gynaecological or hormonal health condition feels uncomfortable, you're not alone.

‘The word “disabled” is often a barrier to people taking that first step and getting that protection,’ Campbell acknowledges. 'But I encourage clients to remember that it’s simply the definition under the Equality Act 2010. It’s just a technical definition, which actually works in your favour.’

In order for a health issue to qualify as a disability it needs to meet what Campbell defines as the ‘different limbs of the test’.

  • Does it severely impact your ability to carry out your normal day to day activities?
  • Does it look like it’s going to last 12 months or more?

If the answer to both of these is yes, the likelihood is that your condition might be a disability and you may qualify for protection under the Equality Act 2010.

However, she warns, employees who bring a discrimination case against their employer on the grounds of disability often have to go through quite an 'intrusive, expensive and difficult' process of proving that they are disabled for the purposes of the act.

Your employment rights + fertility

Rights for women going through fertility treatment are, largely, lacking. ‘There is a protected period when a fertilised embryo is implanted, and the individual is then regarded as being pregnant, Campbell explains. ‘But it’s very short.’

‘If an implantation fails, and the pregnancy ends, the protected period ends two weeks after that. If an employer treats an individual unfavourably during that period of protection, then [the employee] could claim pregnancy and maternity discrimination.’

‘The Equality and Human Rights Commission also have a code that recommends employers treat requests for time off for IVF treatments sympathetically.'

'So, [employers] might want to establish procedures for allowing additional time off for IVF and fertility treatment,’ Campbell continues - caveating that the operating word is recommends. ‘That's not legally binding.’

I’m struggling with symptoms around my menstrual cycle that are negatively impacting my work. What should I do?

The short answer is: if you feel comfortable, disclose it as early as possible. But, as ever, there’s a smarter way to have this conversation. Let's break it down.

  1. Take medical advice. Don't try and self diagnose, or diagnose through friends - always speak to the experts.
  2. Now you’ve got assurance - and evidence - from your medical professional, it’s time to make contact with your manager or HR professional, someone you trust to have this first conversation with. You don't have any legal protection under the Equality Act 2010 if you don't disclose your condition to your employer. Speak to them in person first, you don't need to put anything in writing at this stage.
  3. Prepare for this conversation, remembering that it has a dual purpose. Firstly, it's about you informing your employer about your condition and giving them that information. Secondly, it's about making proposals for what support you need. Whether that's reasonable adjustments, or flexible working (you can request this if you've been working for your employer for over 26 weeks) or just that you want someone being aware of the challenges you face and looking out for you.
  4. Remember to read your company's sickness policy (or condition-specific guidance) and, using this, form a clear idea of what adjustments you would like to request from your employer. The most productive conversations happen when you have a clear idea of what your desired outcome looks like - and that desired outcome is grounded in their existing policies.
  5. Follow this conversation up in writing. Mark the email as private and confidential and bullet points the main points of discussion.

Doesn't disclosing my condition put me at risk?

Of course, this always carries risk. But from a long-term legal perspective, the smartest call is to be open about the challenges you're facing.

'Once the employer is aware of [the condition] they can hopefully be in a position to take steps to support the employee and mitigate the effects of their condition as much as possible,' Campbell adds.

'Yes, sadly there will be organisations out there who will treat people less favourably because of their condition,’ she explains. ‘But if the employer is aware of [the condition], [the employee] can feel confident that they have legal protection should they require it later on.'

Got it? Good. We hope you find this useful.

Headshot of Roisin Dervish-O'Kane
Roisin Dervish-O'Kane

As Women’s Health Senior Editor Roisín reports on healthcare and the booming culture around wellness - and hosts the weekly WH podcast, Going for Goal. Named the PPA’s Writer of the Year in 2018, her journalism entertains readers - and empowers them with the tools to perform - and feel - at their best.