When WH polled our community, 57% of those who struggle with a hormonal or gynaecological condition told us they believe it has harmed their career.

That’s why we’re taking a close, critical look at how female health issues - everything from endometriosis, fibroids and PMDD to fertility treatment and (peri)menopause - affect our working lives.

womens health at work

How did we get here? What does it feel like? And how do we make meaningful change? This is Women’s Health at Work.

Lauren Chiren knew something wasn’t right with her health when she starting reacting badly to workplace stress. ‘I'm used to a very high level of stress, I thrive on challenge - in fact, I welcome it. I've always kind of had that kind of edgy, on-the-go feeling, like you’re operating at 100 miles an hour,’ she tells WH.

‘I always felt like I had to be one step ahead. But, since I always managed to do so, this high-pressure mindset worked in my favour.’

Lauren was used to shouldering a lot. As well as having a senior role in a large, corporate organisation she was also the sole carer for a child with lifelong health needs and, based in Bristol, was miles away from her family back in Glasgow.

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Lauren Chiren | Twitter

She’d manage these stresses by burning off energy - specifically, practising martial arts and lifting weights - and enjoying sustaining, responsibility-light, socialising with various groups of friends.

But then something shifted. ‘I remember sitting in a meeting, holding the arms of a chair, watching the clock tick down, because I was having palpitations. I didn't know it was palpitations; I just knew that if I let go of the arms of the chair, I was going to fall over,’ she recalls.

‘I'd never had a panic attack - or even really experienced anxiety - in my life. And all I knew was that if I didn't concentrate on my breathing, keeping myself upright, that I was going to pass out and end up on the floor,’ she recalls. ‘Then there was the time I completely blanked the name of one of my colleagues who I’d worked with for over eight years. Or the time when, in front of an 18-person meeting, I couldn’t recall the word “plan”.’

‘I thought: if I couldn’t work now, how will I ever work again?’

Lauren, then 43, was going through early menopause. But she didn’t know this - and the confidence blow that came from what she perceived as her own internal systems failure was devastating. ‘I became convinced that I was developing early onset dementia. I thought: I can’t work right now, so how will I ever work again? And if I can’t work, how can I bring up my son?’

Lauren was, evidently, spiralling. But she had no one to question her panicked thoughts. That’s because the already steadfastly self-reliant mother-of-one had withdrawn from all of her supportive friendships. Her family couldn’t step in as she didn’t want to alarm them by sharing her fears. And she absolutely would not do anything that might risk her appearing out of control to her managers at work.

‘I continued like this for 18 months; the only things I focused on were trying to keep my head above water at work and being as good a mum as possible to my son,’ Lauren recalls. In a sign of just how detached she’d become from her needs, she decided one thing that she *could* make room for in her life was completing a marathon (she wasn't a runner) in aid of the children's hospital where her son received care. Training for which required her be in the gym at 6am most days.

'I started getting really badly injured in ways I've never been injured before. Again, not appreciating the physiological changes I was going through [as a result of going through the menopause] and pushing my body too hard.'

In a state of panic, Lauren went to her doctor, who told her she was struggling with ‘low mood’ as a result of all the pressures piled on her plate: working long hours all week; caring for a child with additional health needs; spending any spare time marathon training and, in doing so, increasing levels of chronic stress in her body.

'My menopause symptoms were so debilitating I had to quit my job'

‘He said I needed to take a month off. I’d argued that I had never taken any time off work in my life and that I couldn’t bring myself to. Eventually we agreed on a week - even the thought of this killed me. However, by the end of that first week, I was back in the doctor's surgery saying that I needed more time. I could barely get the words out of my mouth. So that month became five months.’

During that time, still unsure of what the problem was but finally accepting that she couldn’t go on as she was, Lauren decided to leave her job. ‘I was a gibbering wreck in every meeting I’d had to have with HR during my leave - and every doctor’s appointment. It was like I’d completely lost myself.’

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It was only at this stage that my doctor decided to do some blood tests. 'He said to me: you've just been through menopause - early menopause - at 43,' she recalls. 'I actually burst into tears of joy when he told me - the relief that I hadn't developed dementia was overwhelming.'

‘Imagine if we let young girls start menstruating without telling them what was coming? That's what my generation experienced with menopause’

The way Lauren tells it, she knew - right then - that she'd need to do whatever she could to stop more women ending up where she was in that moment. She researched intensely, retrained as a menopause coach and then began working with businesses to improve how their support for women experiencing menopause. Now, a decade later, she's busier than ever.

Lauren is emphatic that improving outcomes for women in the workplace at midlife isn't just a workplace problem. 'This is societal: it starts with school; it starts with families,' she tells WH.

'I'll often say to people: can you imagine if we let our young girls fall into menstruation without telling them what was coming? That's what my generation experienced with menopause. No one told us what menopause was; no one explained to us that this massive change in your hormones can have this profound impact on you.'

'Employers need to consider the whole person, not only the tasks at hand'

For Lauren, her experience was a rude awakening as to just how seismic an impact health can have on women's - people's - working lives. The tough, male-dominated workplace culture she'd come up through taught her that true commitment at work meant parking your personal life.

'Even 10, 15 years ago I might have said "when you're being paid to do a job you turn up, do the job, leave your personal life back at the gate". But now, having lived through this experience, I recognise that's not always possible for people.'

'And if we want to give people the best tools to do business, then we need to make serious changes to the workplace,' she explains. 'And this is not [just] about women. This is not about any particular part of society. It's about treating people as individuals and making sure that we have communication that is about the whole person, and not just the tasks at hand.'

Learn more about Lauren's work at womenofacertainstage.com

Headshot of Roisin Dervish-O'Kane
Roisin Dervish-O'Kane

As Women’s Health Senior Editor Roisín reports on healthcare and the booming culture around wellness - and hosts the weekly WH podcast, Going for Goal. Named the PPA’s Writer of the Year in 2018, her journalism entertains readers - and empowers them with the tools to perform - and feel - at their best.