Much like attempting an alternated staggered push-up, it pays to know what thrush is, before you try to tackle it.

The result of an abundance of candida albicans – a common fungus which usually lives in and on the body, problem-free – it can affect your mouth, throat, groin and armpits, as well as genitals. It's super common, affecting over 75% of women over the course of a lifetime. As you probably know, when it does take root in your vagina, it can cause nasty symptoms, like itching, irritation, discharge and soreness during sex or urination.

Experience four or more episodes within a year? You've then got what's known as 'reoccurring thrush.' This differs from a continued infection as there are gaps in between, in which you’re symptom-free.

For the sake of clarity: thrush is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease – but can be made worse by intercourse.

So. Precisely why does it happen – and what can you do about it? To get answers, WH spoke to Dr Mara Kotrotsou, Chief Medical Officer at virtual fertility clinic Apricity, and consultant of Gynaecology and Reproductive medicine.

What is the difference between oral thrush and vaginal thrush?

'Oral thrush, or oropharyngeal candidiasis, is a candida infection in the mouth and throat. It can cause redness and soreness, cracking and redness in the corners of the mouth, pain when eating, a cotton-like feeling in the mouth and sometimes loss of taste. It is not common in healthy adults,' explains Dr Kotrotsou.

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Canesten Thrush Duo Oral Capsule and External Cream
£14 at Boots

She also details that babies younger than one month, or adults with risk factors such as suffering from diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, or those taking antibiotics, immunosuppressant medication or medication that causes a dry mouth – as well those who smoke or wear dentures – are affected more than most.

Vaginal thrush is an overgrowth of candida albicans in your vagina (natch). It can cause the symptoms detailed above.

What are the symptoms of vaginal thrush?

In women the most common symptoms are:

  • White vaginal discharge ( sometimes described as being like cottage cheese) which is odourless
  • Itching and irritation around the vagina and vulva
  • Soreness and stinging during sex or when going for a wee

What are the causes of vaginal thrush?

1/ You're pregnant

'Thrush is more common when women are pregnant because of the changes that take place in the due to the pregnancy hormones,' says Dr Kotrotsou. These can change the bacterial balance in the vagina, and weaken the immune system, making thrush more likely. This is especially likely in the third trimester. Speak to your GP before treating the infection, as different steps are advised.

2/ You're breastfeeding

For the exact same reasons as above.

3/ You're on the pill

Much as with pregnancy, hormonal contraception can throw your bacterial balance off centre. But it doesn’t need to mean coming off the pill.

4/ You have diabetes

High blood sugar levels is a key player in yeast infections, as is a weak immune system; two symptoms characteristic of people with diabetes.

5/ You have a weakened immune system

Chemotherapy, HIV and other things which impact the immune system increase the risk of thrush and it can also spread to other parts of the body, like the lungs, liver and intestines.

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Boots Thrush w/w Cream - 20g

6/ You are taking antibiotics

The meds can cause an imbalance of bacteria in the body, particularly the sensitive microenvironment in the vagina, which can lead to an excess of candida.

7/ You're using irritating products

Scented soaps and body washes can disrupt the delicate pH of your vagina and have an irritant effect on its sensitive mucosal lining. And thinking of douching? Don’t. 'Avoid irritants in perfumed soaps, shower gels, vaginal deodorants, wipes and vaginal douches. Use water and an emollient (moisturiser) soap substitute to clean the skin around the vagina that is neutral and does not disturb the vaginal pH,' says Dr Kotrotsou.

8/ Your clothes are too tight

If you are prone to thrush, avoid wearing tight fitting non breathable underwear or tights, especially for long periods of time, Dr Kotrotsou advises. Excess heat can promote the overgrowth of yeasts.

9/ You're really stressed

Feeling continually stressed out can impact your immune system – and thus up your risk of excess yeast.

What is the treatment for thrush?

'The treatment for thrush is anti-fungal medication,' Dr Kotrotsou says. 'For vaginal thrush the treatment options include pessaries (a pill that is inserted in the vagina via an applicator), intravaginal creams (also placed in the vagina using an applicator) or oral capsules. Short courses are effective in most cases but occasionally episodes persist or recur and long-term treatments are required.'

She also says that when you first experience thrush-like symptoms, it is best to discuss it with your doctor (at the moment, of course do this by phoning your GP, as opposed to going in, in person) and seek advice on what to do next. Thrush is often diagnosed by inspection (looking at the affected area) and a swab may also be taken from the area especially if the symptoms persist despite treatment.

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Headshot of Claudia Canavan
Claudia Canavan
Health + Wellness Director

Claudia is Health + Wellness Director at Women's Health and Men's Health. She commissions, edits and writes about topics including the happiness potential of less conventional relationships, what the latest wave of psychedelic research means for women and how to thrive through each stage of your life. She regularly hosts and participates in panel talks about how we live now and is frequently asked to provide expert comment for national radio.