If you regularly grab a bento box on the run, devour a falafel wrap at your desk and munch through your soba noodles at home to the tune of Succession, then you may well be familiar with stomach pain after eating.

But that 'someone is twisting my intestines' vibe is not always purely thanks to inhaling your meals. According to nutritional therapist Claire Barnes of Bio-Kult, nasty sensations in your tummy can occur in a number of different scenarios – ranging from the simple ‘eaten too much’ to the serious ‘stomach cancer’ end of the spectrum.

Why does my stomach hurt after I eat?

‘The stomach acts as our first line of defence to protect the body from harmful microbes,’ says Barnes. ‘Whilst the stomach is one of the least microbial colonised regions of the digestive tract, the bacteria that does reside there is important in terms of both health and disease.'

'For instance, an overgrowth of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori can stimulate excessive inflammation in the stomach, damaging the mucosal lining of the stomach and potentially leading to stomach ulcers and gastric cancer.’

Not nice.

‘Stomach pain may occur very quickly after eating, especially if there is inflammation already present,’ continues Barnes.

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‘However, the pain may also occur sometime after eating, which may suggest delayed emptying of the contents of the stomach. The level of pain will also differ considerably; for some, stomach pain may be a mild discomfort of indigestion that will subside quickly, whilst others may unfortunately experience agonising pain.’

When should I be concerned about stomach pain?

One biggie to flag is that you shouldn’t be able to feel pain in your internal organs – if you do suspect that's the case, then head to your doctor, STAT. Plus, if you are dealing with recurring pain over multiple weeks and it affecting your day-to-day life, then do head to see your GP for tests.

Other than that, obviously, stomach pain after eating can be as a result of easily-fixable issues, as well as medical reasons.

Let’s break them down.

Causes of stomach pain after eating that might require medical intervention

1/ Acid reflux

Approximately half of all adults get hit by acid reflux at some time in their lives. Not so happy days. It occurs when your stomach acid travels up to your oesophagus. Your oesophagus is not used to this acid, and so you get that feeling of 'heartburn.' It can happen because you've eaten way too much, or might be triggered by certain foods – more on this, below.

You may find some relief from this with lifestyle tweaks and the use of over-the-counter meds, like Rennie's. Check out gut health expert Dr Megan Rossi's full guide to acid reflux, here.

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2/ Stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers are defined as a breach in the mucosa of at least 5mm in diameter. ‘They occur due to an imbalance between the stomach acid and ability of the mucosal lining of the stomach to resist it,’ says Barnes.

‘Interestingly, research suggests that ulcers in the stomach appear to be associated with normal or low levels of stomach acid (rather than high levels of acidity) and are believed to be associated with impaired mucosal defence.’

3/ Delayed emptying of the stomach

Gastroparesis, or delayed emptying of the stomach, is a chronic condition in which your stomach doesn't empty in the standard way – it's thought to be a result of nerve damage in the area impacting the way that your stomach muscles work.

It can cause bloating of the stomach, as well as discomfort, nausea and pain. To get diagnosed, you need to head to your GP and potentially have blood tests.

4/ Gastritis

This refers to the lining of your stomach becoming inflamed, after being damaged – it can cause feelings of nausea, as well as a burning sensation.

‘It leads to a reduction in the ability of the stomach to secrete acid,’ says Barnes. ‘A lowering of the stomach acid compromises the acid barrier function against intestinal invasion and may result in an imbalance of the gut microbiota – which may then promote the development of further inflammation in the stomach and lead to other digestive conditions such as C. difficile-induced colitis and colorectal cancer.

5/ Stomach cancer

While the H.pylori bacteria, which infects the lining of the stomach is super common – millions of people have it, globally, per Cancer Research UK – between one and three out of every 100 will go on to develop stomach cancer. Symptoms include pain at the top of your stomach, feeling full very quickly after eating and acid reflux.

6/ IBS

Naturally, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a real cause of stomach pain after eating, and can be triggered by certain foods, or by stress. If you suspect you might have this issue, your GP can advise on courses of action.

Lifestyle-related stomach pain causes

7/ You've eaten too many acidic foods

Think fruit juices or tomatoes, which can cause pain for some.

8/ You're prone to trapped wind

If you eat very quickly – and therefore swallow a lot of air – you might experience painful trapped wind. (Note: this can also be a result of a food intolerance: read more, here.)

9/ You like things hot

Spicy foods contain capsaicin, which can irritate sensitive stomachs.

10/ You can’t function without coffee

Caffeine is a stimulant (and irritant).

11/ You like a wind down with a G&T

Carbonated drinks can lead to extra, sometimes painful, gas.

12/ You're stressed

Your head and your gut are linked, via the vagus nerve which sends a range of signals from your digestive system and organs to your brain and vice versa. Think you've got a problem, here? Read the WH guide on how to de-stress.

Other potential stomach pain issues

13/ A food allergy or intolerance

To get tested, head to a dietician or your GP, for referral.

14/ Inflammatory Bowel Disease

This term refers to Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Your doctor can refer you for tests, if you think you may be dealing with one of these.

15/ Gallstones

Abdominal pain that comes and goes – especially after eating a high fat meal – are a sign.

16/ An overactive thyroid

One sign of this is is quicker bowel movements. Read up on thyroid problems, here.

17/ Indigestion

Try to not eat three to four hours before going to bed, to help with this.

18/ Food poisoning

A dodgy Can cause sharp, stabbing sensations in your gut.

19/ Coeliac disease

Half a million people with Coeliac disease in the UK don't know they've got it, per Coeliac UK.

20/ Constipation

If you're struggling to poo, you can wind up with stomach pain. Check out the WH guide to dealing with being bunged-up for solutions.

21/ Being overweight

Your GP can advise on healthy strategies for losing weight.

    4 Steps to managing stomach pain after eating

    Of course, if you do reckon there's something up, head to your GP. If you think that your lifestyle could be key? Scroll through the below.

    1/ Quit it

    ‘Stopping smoking, avoiding heavy alcohol consumption, eating smaller meals and avoiding eating late in the evening can all help to alleviate stomach pain after eating because of their role in disrupting your stomach's lining.

    2/ Stock up on Aloe

    ‘Some people find that the soothing and cooling properties of Aloe Vera juice help their symptoms of burning and inflammation,’ says Barnes. ‘Aloe Vera also acts as a prebiotic, helping to feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut.’

    3/ Support your stomach bacteria

    ‘Certain Lactobacillus species can survive within the stomach and inhibit H.pylori by reducing their ability to bind to the stomach lining,’ says Barnes. ‘Increasing evidence also strongly indicates that the gut microbiota plays a pivotal role in the regulation of gastro-intestinal pain.

    Increasing fermented foods, including sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and kombucha, or taking a live bacteria supplement such as Bio-Kult Advanced, which contains 14 different strains, including seven Lactobacillus species, could help to increase the beneficial strains in the stomach, whilst inhibiting the harmful ones.’

    4/ Boost your digestive enzymes

    ‘Taking a digestive enzyme complex supplement containing protease (to break down protein), lipase (to break down fats) and amylase (to break down carbohydrates) could help to support digestion and potentially reduce stomach pain,’ Barnes says.

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    Emma Pritchard
    Contributing Health Editor
    Emma interviews the world’s leading sportswomen, top health experts, and women who have turned their lives around through fitness – women like you. You'll often find her scoping out an inspiring story and training to teach Pilates – sometimes at the same time; who doesn’t love a challenge?