Harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle hormones can spark serious change. How?

Well, imagine if, rather than surrendering to the rage that arrives just before your period is due, or putting an especially cool idea down to 'just a good morning,' you could learn just how the orchestra that is your oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone affect your days – and hack your life to work in harmony with them.

From the best time to nail a training session to the times when you'll want to take it slow, it pays to know what's up.

At the inaugural Women's Health Live event, this theme was the subject of a panel chat, featuring gynaecologist Dr Anita Mitra (AKA The Gynae Geek), period coach Claire Baker, and Dr Georgie Bruinvels, a research scientist who focuses on female athletes and the menstrual cycle.

Here's what WH learned.

Menstrual cycle hormones: what you need to know

First off: what do we mean by hormones?

'Hormones have a bad rep,' said Dr Mitra. 'You'll hear people say 'I don't want to put hormones in my body,' about certain foods or contraceptives.'

Newsflash. 'Well, your body is dependent on hormones. They are the chemical messengers play a role in every system of your body. You need them for periods, of course, but it's not just the sex hormones that are important.'

'We've got oestrogen and progesterone being the predominant female hormones, but there's also testosterone, your thyroid hormones, cortisol... they all talk to one another to regulate your blood pressure; alter you mood. And they are not all bad.'

Neither do they operate in isolation. 'They talk to each other and are interdependent.'

Why you need to understand your hormones

'Women often feel confused and frustrated with their hormones,' Baker said. 'We don't know what's going on.

'But knowing more about how your body works and listening to it at every stage, knowing how you feel when your progesterone levels are higher, for example, means that you can become the authority on yourself. '

How to map your cycle

Get yourself a notebook and write it down – or use a tracking app, like Moody Month. Day one is the day that your period starts. Day-by-day, note down how you feel, where your mind is at, the sensations in your body.

In doing this, you'll learn: 'how to take care of yourself at each time,' explains Baker. 'I am on day eight right now and I have a peak in oestrogen so I feel creative and energetic and have sexual energy - but I know that a vulnerability of mine here is that I'll take too much on and then become anxious. So I know to make myself slow down.'

Get that self-knowledge in the locker, people.

When's the best time to train?

Menstrual mapping applies to your workouts, big style. 'If you learn how you can work with your hormones, in terms of training and nutrition and how you can capitalise on those changes - they can help you learn the best time to do a specific type of exercise,' elaborates Bruinvels.

'Sometimes in your cycle you might feel more tired; sometimes, more motivated,'

On day eightish, for example, a sharp HIIT class might be exactly what you feel like – later on, a slower, longer run might be right. Figure your cycle out and plan your exercise accordingly.

'Sometimes in your cycle you might feel more tired and not motivated'

Don't assume that your cycle is 28 days long

It's unlikely that your cycle hits 28 days, perfectly. 'Yours may be 30 days, or even 40, says Dr Mitra. 'It runs from day one to the next day one.' The only way to figure yours out? Yep: tracking.

Understand how your cycle affects your mental health

'We can't compartmentalise health, we need to look holistically,' says Baker.

'There is such a lack of understanding around mental health and hormones. The decline in them before your period really does affect our minds. I would love for women to be supported in charting and knowing when they might feel really down or depressed.'

As to why mapping comes into play, here? 'We get cycle amnesia. Because I'm on day eight, I can't remember just how it feels to be pre-menstrual right now. So, writing it down helps you to identify patterns.'

'There's a lack of understanding around mental health and hormones'

Your lifestyle is so important

Yes, you can affect how your hormonal changes play out, in the real world. 'Your diet and exercise can make symptoms worse,' says Bruinvels. 'Plus, if you are stressed, that can also make your symptoms more intense.'

The solution? Be on top of what you're eating, what you have in the diary and the self-care that you've made room for, on the days when your charting tells you that low self-esteem will be calling your name.

Now that you're clued up on your menstrual cycle hormones, find out if female hormone tests are worth it.

Headshot of Claudia Canavan
Claudia Canavan
Health + Wellness Director

Claudia is Health + Wellness Director at Women's Health and Men's Health. She commissions, edits and writes about topics including the happiness potential of less conventional relationships, what the latest wave of psychedelic research means for women and how to thrive through each stage of your life. She regularly hosts and participates in panel talks about how we live now and is frequently asked to provide expert comment for national radio.