No doubt, female hormones are elusive things.

There's the wave of oestrogen mingled with testosterone that makes day six of your cycle that dizzy time when you feel so physically strong that you could kill a wolf with your bare hands if you needed to – but sadly slips away into nothingness.

Or, the sudden spike of progesterone before you come on that makes you want to lock yourself in your bedroom with only a loaf of bread, a toaster and the pot of Nutella who truly understands you for company, which (thankfully) dissipates the second you actually come on.

So it makes sense that you might want to get to pin yours down, a little more.

And this is where at-home health test kit-makers Thriva come in.

Why? After filling you in on whether or not you've got a B12 deficiency or if you need to dial up your iron intake, the latest product in their range is female hormone tests.

With a prick of your finger, you're promised deeper insight into if your hormones are falling into the 'normal' range or not, as well as discovering if PCOS might be to blame for your troubles conceiving.

Female hormone tests: how do they it work?

'Thriva is a home finger-prick blood testing service that helps you keep on top of your health, explains Dr Katie Baker, GP and Thriva's Lead of Clinical Operations.

'You can easily check your hormone levels with a straightforward test kit that’s posted to you and then processed by an accredited lab.

'You also fill in a questionnaire so that we can interpret your blood results accurately. After the test, you get a detailed breakdown of your results, followed by advice and recommendations from a GP on how to improve your health.'

Female Hormone Test

Female Hormone Test
£79 at

These are delivered via an online profile that you build out when you open up your kit.

How accurate are female hormone test results?

Okay. So are these results a sort of approximation, or what? 'Your hormones vary throughout your cycle so it’s important to take the female hormone test between day two and day give of your period — ideally on day three,' says Dr Baker.

'The lab ranges are based on your expected hormone levels at this time in your cycle.'

'Your results will be as accurate as you would get from your doctor. We only use UKAS accredited labs, just like the NHS. These labs run validation tests on all finger-prick blood samples, before making them available.'

What female hormones do they test for?

This is where it could get confusing. However, Thriva lays this out very clearly on their website with easy-to-understand descriptions of what each hormone is – and what it does.

Thriva's 101 on what they test for:


Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is key for normal ovarian production and is important in egg production and ovulation. If FSH drops or increases beyond a normal range you might have trouble getting pregnant, or it could be sign that you're becoming menopausal.

Luteinising hormone (LH)

This hormone is vital for baby-making. During the month, around the mid-point of your cycle, your LH levels increase and this rise triggers ovulation. Often, women with irregular periods and those who are struggling to get pregnant find that their LH levels are imbalanced.

Oestradiol (E2)

E2 is a type of oestrogen and is the main female sex hormone. This guy is essential for egg production and other functions in your body. Often, an imbalanced E2 is linked to irregular periods, PMS, hot flashes, fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, depression and a low sex drive.


Think of this as an enabler in your body - a helpful concierge if you like. Why? Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) binds with other hormones to help transports them around your body. Essentially, SHBG helps ensure you have the right amount of hormones for your body to use - when hormones are bound to SHBG your body can't use them, thus keeping things at the right levels.


Testosterone isn't just essential for men - it's produced by women too.


Perhaps the most well-known hormone thanks to the thyroid's link to weight gain or loss. You want this to be in the normal range and stable to help protect yourself from tiredness, low mood, anxiety, depression and difficulty sleeping.

If I have a result in the ‘normal’ range, but is on the cusp of being low or high, should I still try and alter it?

'A result in the ‘normal’ range is not something to worry about. But you’ll get advice on how to keep your results in the normal range or how to improve them,' elaborates Dr Baker.

'This advice can range from increasing omega-3s in your diet, which can help improve your oestrogen levels, to decreasing your weight to help bring your testosterone back within the normal range.'

To get the scoop on whether the tests are worth your cash (they retail for £79), three Women's Health staffers had a crack.

Female hormone tests: the reviews are in

Claudia Canavan, 28, digital beauty and health editor

Face, Hair, Shoulder, Yellow, Neck, Joint, Smile, T-shirt, Gesture, Black hair,

The test itself is pretty seamless and all of the packaging is super well designed, with the carious components being easy to navigate. You prick your finger (which feels more brutal than I was anticipating) before massaging out enough blood to fill a little tube.

This doesn't take long but is relatively visceral, for anyone who's not great with coming face-to-face with their bodily fluids.

I deal with dramatic mood swings in the week leading up to my period. As an adult, I manage to keep them from spinning out of control though a combination of making sure that those crucial days see me getting enough sleep, treading lightly on plans and booking in time for walks outside.

One thing I was hoping to elicit some clarity on was if there is a deeper, underlying reason as to why my PMS can feel so white hot; or if it's something I'll need to manage from here until menopause (woo!)

When my results came back – incredibly quickly, a mere day after I had packaged and posted my sample – I was told that most stuff was gravy, but that my 'SHBG is low, this could be contributing to your mood changes.'

SHBG is sex hormone-binding globulin, and means that 'there’s more testosterone available for your body to use. This can cause symptoms like excess body hair, acne, obesity, irregular periods, a low sex drive, and mood change,' Dr Baker tells me.

In my online results, I'm told to discuss my results with my GP and given two 'focus' areas – to exercise more and to eat a diet full of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

I can't say that either pieces of advice were the health panacea I've been waiting for, especially given that my BMI is firmly plonked in the 'normal' range, I workout four times a week and eat a 90% plant-base diet with the addition of a little fish a couple of times a month, to keep my B12 and Omegas in check.

Plus, I've too-and-froed to the docs multiple times about this very issue, and have always been directed to try yet another form of the contraceptive pill.

While I'm comforted to know that nothing is horribly out of whack, I don't feel like I've got any advice I can really take onwards.

Francesca Menato, 28, social media editor

Clothing, Shorts, Thigh, T-shirt, Leg, Sportswear, Neck, Top, Muscle, Sleeveless shirt,

The actual process of doing the test was very simple - although I personally underestimated how painful the pinprick would be.

When an experienced phlebotomist draws blood they don’t use force and, as a result, don’t leave a bruise.

The mechanism in the kit is not so gentle. If you’re squeamish, you may struggle.

That said, the idea that you can do this from home and send your sample off in the post is amazing. Results were very swift but sadly fairly inconclusive.

I was told I had raised testosterone levels but that this would need to be tested again as hormones fluctuate a lot during your cycle. To me, this was quite underwhelming. I also have no desire to prick my finger again…

My sister has PCOS, a sign of which is raised testosterone. However, my periods are very regular and I’ve never suffered with acne so I don’t consider it to be a likely issue for me.

However, the test didn’t give me much by way of explanation of what this raised level may mean.

These are symptoms I personally know about. Equally, I experience migraine with my cycle and have been told by my GP this is a result of hormone fluctuations. I expected to learn something more about this from the test but sadly didn’t.

Victoria Joy, 33, deputy editor

Food, Eating, Meal, Dish, Comfort food, Cuisine, Brunch, Lunch, À la carte food, Dinner,

My test came back as 'normal' with the exception of being told that 'Your SHBG is raised... levels can fluctuate during the month so please repeat next month and if it is still high see your GP.'

This would entail buying another next month, and if that comes back the same, going to see my GP – which isn’t really actionable advice at all.

Meanwhile, the three ‘recommendations’ I was given were all based on other information I gave, not on the testing, and point me to do other tests, for example:

'You have a family history of heart disease which puts you at greater risk of developing this. High levels of inflammation in the body is one of the best indicators of heart disease. Measure your inflammation with this test.'

It's good to have some reassurance that I'm not dealing with any major hormonal problems, but, overall, I don't really feel like I got any advice that I can use to inform my lifestyle.

Hormone tests: whacky or worth it?

If you're hoping that one pin-prick will solve, or at least identify all your bodily woes, then sadly a hormone test by post isn't going to do that. Your body is complicated and these tests only provide a snapshot of what was going on that day - they can't read the past or the future.

However, knowledge is power and if you want to better begin to understand your body while you wait the two-weeks for a GP appointment then these could be a first point of call for you.

Let us know.

Headshot of Claudia Canavan
Claudia Canavan
Health + Wellness Director

Claudia is Health + Wellness Director at Women's Health and Men's Health. She commissions, edits and writes about topics including the happiness potential of less conventional relationships, what the latest wave of psychedelic research means for women and how to thrive through each stage of your life. She regularly hosts and participates in panel talks about how we live now and is frequently asked to provide expert comment for national radio.