Feeling tired, can't shake off that cold? If you're constantly feeling a little under the weather, it could be down to a vitamin D deficiency.

But what is vitamin D and why do we need it? Vitamin D helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in our body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. We get most of our vitamin D through sunlight (which is why deficiencies are common in winter), however you can also get some vitamin D through food.

Is Vitamin D Deficiency serious?

It can be. Unlike other vitamins, Vit D behaves more like a hormone in your body – low levels wreak havoc on many internal systems.

You might notice this as feeling constantly tired, or even depressed. In review studies, researchers linked Vitamin D deficiency to poor mental health. Plus, new research in Journal of Affective Disorders highlights how women are more at risk of SAD than men.

Other known symptoms of low Vitamin D levels are thinning hair, lower back and muscle pain.

DLux 4000 Vitamin D Oral Spray

DLux 4000 Vitamin D Oral Spray
£8 at betteryou.com

How much Vitamin D do you need?

When it comes to Vitamin D, there are five different types; but it’s Vitamin D3 that’s key.

'Aim for 10mcg of Vitamin D every day,' says nutritionist Rob Hobson. FYI, the average diet only manages 3mcg. 'And consume no more than 100mcg.'

Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and those who spend little time outside also have a greater risk of Vitamin D deficiency.

Why are some people more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D than others?

People from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D – research has shown that darker skin synthesises Vitamin D from sunlight less efficiently. This is exacerbated in the UK as there is less sunlight than warmer countries.

Those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to have lower levels of Vitamin D. According to the NHS website, it's thought that the vitamin could get 'trapped' in excess fat tissue, leaving less of it to circulate in the blood.

What are the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?

1/ Compromised immunity

      If you’re always feeling run down, with colds and flu then you might need to think about upping your Vitamin D intake. The vitamin is crucial to having a strong immune system due to its role interacting with infection-fighting cells.

      Research in the British Medical Journal has found a link between a deficiency in Vitamin D and respiratory tract infections, so don’t just blame your hectic lifestyle for always feeling run down.

      People from Black, Asian + minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to be Vitamin D deficient

      2/ Being tired all the time

      It’s easy to overlook feeling tired as a symptom of something more serious when you’re always on the go.

      But research from The University of Newcastle shows a link with low levels of Vitamin D and lack of energy. Although, admittedly, those late-night Netflix marathons probably don't help either.

      3/ Bone pain

      Achy bones might be a sign of insufficient vitamin D levels in the blood. It helps your body absorb calcium and so a lack of the vitamin may cause discomfort in everyday movements.

      4/ Muscle pain

      If your DOMs is seemingly never-ending then it might be a sign of a lack of Vitamin D.

      Whilst the cause of muscle pain can be hard to pinpoint, especially after leg day, one study found that 71% of people with chronic pain were found to be deficient of the vitamin.

      What happens when you're Vitamin D deficient?

      Where to start? Not only is Vitamin D essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body – hello healthy bones and teeth – but it also helps to maintain muscle strength.

      The University of Birmingham found that those with higher levels of Vitamin D had stronger, healthier muscles, and were less likely to carry excess body fat.

      Vitamin D is also important for its role in boosting the immune system and fighting recurring infections such as bacterial vaginosis; preventing depression – a Vitamin D deficiency can increase your risk of the experiencing the condition by a third – and type 2 diabetes; and helping with the likes of asthma, MS and breast cancer.

      So, why is it then that as many as 40% of you are low in the vitamin and heading for a potential vitamin D deficiency? It’s time to dose up.

      How can you boost your Vitamin D levels?

      'Vitamin D is often nicknamed as the 'sunshine vitamin' because the greatest source of Vitamin D comes from the sun,' says Hobson.

      In the UK, it's likely that your intake of the 'sunshine vitamin' is likely already insufficient, thanks to living on a warmth-challenged island (according to national surveys, one in five people in the UK have low Vitamin D levels).

      While the main source of Vitamin D is sunlight, there *are* other ways to get it. 'In theory, it is possible to get more than enough Vitamin D from your diet,' Hobson says.

      Think oily fish, eggs, fortified foods (such as breakfast cereals and margarine spreads) and mushrooms. 'You can increase the Vitamin D content of your mushrooms by storing them on a sunny window sill,' Hobson says.

      'Their Vitamin D content is naturally enhanced in UV light. A study by the Penn State University found than when white mushrooms are exposed to UV light, they go from containing no Vitamin D to an incredible 824% of the RDA.' Magic.

      However, 'In reality, your choice of Vitamin D foods is very limited. At most, it’s likely that you may be able to get up to 20% of your Vitamin D intake from food. The rest needs to come from sunlight – and Vitamin D supplements', he says.

      12 Vitamin D foods to up your game

      • Raw herrings (140g) – Vitamin D count: 26mcg
      • Raw sardines (140g) – Vitamin D count: 15.4mcg
      • Raw trout (140g) - Vitamin D count: 14.8g
      • Pilchards canned in tomato source (1 can) - Vitamin D count: 14mcg
      • Raw kippers (140g) - Vitamin D count: 11.2mcg
      • Raw tuna (140g) – Vitamin D count: 10.8mcg
      • Raw salmon (140g) – Vitamin D count: 8.4mcg
      • Canned salmon (1/2 can) – Vitamin D count: 8mcg
      • Mushrooms (100g) – Vitamin D count: 5mcg
      • Two boiled eggs – Vitamin D count: 1.8mcg
      • Bran Flakes (30g) – Vitamin D count: 1.3mcg
      • Flora spread (15g) – Vitamin D count: 0.75mcg

      What are the best Vitamin D supplements?

      Given the difficulties in meeting – let alone beating – the recommended guidelines for Vitamin D in the UK, this is one vitamin that it is worth supplementing.

      And even more so during the autumn and winter months when the sun is weaker and less readily available. 'The best benchmark,' says Hobson, ‘is to start taking a Vitamin D supplement when the clocks go back in the winter, and to stop when they go forward in the spring.'

      3000iu Liposomal Vitamin D3 + K2 Liquid Sachets
      Zooki 3000iu Liposomal Vitamin D3 + K2 Liquid Sachets
      £25 at Amazon
      Credit: Zooki
      Heights Vitals+
      Credit: Heights
      Vegan Vitamin D Gummies
      Vitabiotics Ultra Vegan Vitamin D Gummies
      Now 19% Off
      Credit: Vitabiotics
      Dlux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray
      BetterYou Dlux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray
      Effervescent Vitamin D
      Effervescent Vitamin D
      Holland & Barrett Vitamin D3 250 Tablets 10ug
      Holland & Barrett Vitamin D3 250 Tablets 10ug
      Vitamin D 400 I.U. 10ug Liquid 60ml
      Holland and Barrett Vitamin D 400 I.U. 10ug Liquid 60ml
      Credit: Holland & Barrett
      Vegetarian Vitamin D3 4000 iu
      Nutrition Geeks Vegetarian Vitamin D3 4000 iu
      Credit: Nutrition Geeks

      Your Vitamin D-rich diet

      Try Hobson’s one-day meal plan of Vitamin D foods to give your system a boost of sunshine.


      Two scrambled eggs on toast, spread with margarine spread
      Vitamin D count: 2.6mcg


      Vegetable stir fry, including 100g mushrooms
      Vitamin D count: 5mg


      Grilled trout with mixed vegetables and potatoes
      Vitamin D count: 14.8mcg


      Two children’s Petits Filous yoghurts
      Vitamin D count: 2.6mcg

      Berry smoothie made with 250ml of fortified soya milk
      Vitamin D count: 1.8mcg

      Two boiled eggs sprinkled with celery salt or smoked paprika
      Vitamin D count: 1.8mcg