Migraines are truly a beast of their own. They’re unpredictable, extremely incapacitating, painfully agonising, and are accompanied by a host of crummy symptoms like light and noise sensitivity, nausea, visual auras, and extreme fatigue (ugh!). But what does it mean if you have all those migraine-associated symptoms without the actual raging headache? You might be experiencing a migraine aura without headache – also known as a silent migraine.

NHS advice is that you should see a GP if you have frequent or severe migraine symptoms. You should also make an appointment to see a GP if you have frequent migraines (on more than 5 days a month), even if they can be controlled with medicines, as you may benefit from preventative treatment.

'A silent migraine is when someone has the symptoms of a migraine without the head pain,' says Dr Bianca Barcelo, a neurologist and headache specialist with Northwestern Medical Group. 'It’s different from regular migraines because there is no head pain, but [doctors] have recently moved away from the term "silent" because it can send the wrong message that it’s not as bad,' she says. (Instead, many may choose to use their official title of 'migraine aura without headache' because they are still extremely debilitating, she explains.)

A migraine aura without headache can happen at any age, but they are more common in someone who has had previous migraines, says Dr. Barcelo. And while research is unclear on exactly what triggers this unpleasant slew of symptoms, caffeine, alcohol, loud noise, extreme weather, bright or flickering lights, lack of sleep, stress, and skipped meals are common culprits.

Plus, because migraines can be triggered by hormone changes and most of the 4 percent of people who have silent migraines are women, menstrual cycles, menopause, pregnancy, and birth control pills can also affect symptoms, adds Dr. Barcelo.

Okay, but what should you do about a silent migraine? And how are they treated and prevented? The good news is that relief is possible, so here’s everything you need to know, according to a neurologist.

What are the symptoms of a migraine aura without headache?

Symptoms vary by the individual, but they usually develop gradually and slowly, lasting between five to 60 minutes, says Dr. Barcelo. '[The most common symptom is] an aura, which is a recurrent attack that features temporary changes to either your vision, sensation, speech, or language.'

About 99 percent of auras are visual manifestations such as hallucinations, flash scotomas (blind spots), visual distortions, or a sense of a heat wave, but you can also have 'negative visual symptoms' such as dark spots, blurred vision, or even loss of sight, she explains.

Sensory symptoms including tingling or numbness in your limbs (most commonly hands and feet), impaired speech, strange smells or tastes, and trouble hearing can also occur, says Dr. Barcelo. Nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, light or motion sensitivity, sore neck or jaw, and confusion are also possible and frequently experienced with silent migraines, she adds.

How do you treat a silent migraine?

First of all, silent migraines are tough to recognise because the aura symptoms often mimic more serious neurological conditions such as ministroke, stroke, or bleeding in the brain, says Dr. Barcelo.

'Unfortunately, silent migraines are very difficult to diagnose and treat because it’s a little bit of an exclusion to make sure it’s not anything else.' But don’t panic! The only time you should be concerned is if the symptom is something you’ve never experienced before, or it doesn’t go away after an hour.

The NHS states that you should call 999 for an ambulance immediately if you or someone you're with experiences:

  • paralysis or weakness in 1 or both arms or 1 side of the face
  • slurred or garbled speech
  • a sudden agonising headache resulting in a severe pain unlike anything experienced before
  • headache along with a high temperature (fever), stiff neck, mental confusion, seizures, double vision and a rash

That's because these symptoms may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a stroke or meningitis, and should be assessed by a doctor as soon as possible.

However, if you regularly have migraines, have dealt with symptoms such as hallucinations, blind spots, visual distortion or dark spots before, and they are not severe, there are a few things you may be able to try for management and relief.

Although, because most symptoms dissolve within five to 60 minutes, you may not need treatment, says Dr. Barcelo: 'Treatment can be difficult because many medications take longer to work than the actual symptoms [last],' she says. 'You can try ibuprofen, but symptoms will probably be over by the time it kicks in.'

If waiting it out isn’t working for you, ginger ale or tea can help calm nausea, and resting in a quiet, dark room can ease light and/or noise sensitivity, says Dr. Barcelo. You can also try a cold compress over your eyes to reduce or eliminate visual auras.

Can you prevent silent migraines?

Since treatment can be tricky, non-medicated and preventative remedies are often key. 'Migraine brains love consistency,' says Dr. Barcelo. Regular and consistent sleep (aim for seven to nine hours per night), exercise, proper hydration, a balanced diet, and stress reduction, are some of the best preventative measures, she adds.

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day keeps your circadian rhythm steady, eating well-balanced meals helps your body function properly, and staying thoroughly hydrated reduces dehydration, which are all things known to prevent symptoms, she explains.

But if you have constant and frequent symptoms, then it’s time to check in with your GP, and ask for a referral, says Dr. Barcelo. 'Any time that you have symptoms that are interfering with your life and quality of life, then it’s a good time to see a neurologist, especially with all the newer medications we have that are very safe and don’t have many side effects,' she says.

'All migraines are a thief of time and patience, so advocate and make sure you talk with your primary care doctor or a neurologist about your headaches —or lack thereof—so you can live your best life.'

From: Women's Health US
Headshot of Andi Breitowich
Andi Breitowich

Andi Breitowich is a Chicago-based writer and graduate student at Northwestern Medill. She’s a mass consumer of social media and cares about women’s rights, holistic wellness, and non-stigmatizing reproductive care. As a former collegiate pole vaulter, she has a love for all things fitness and is currently obsessed with Peloton Tread workouts and hot yoga.