The latest from the COVID-19 coalface? The government has advised that the public work from home where possible, avoid the crowds of pubs, clubs and theatres and is set to ask people with underlying health conditions, who are pregnant or who are over 70 to go into self-isolation for at least 12 weeks.

The upshot? It's highly likely that you are going to be dealing with a pretty long time of trying to keep yourself happy and healthy, from within your own (/rented) four walls. And, if you are in the one in six people in the UK who experience common mental health issues such as anxiety or depression in any given week, then this may be an especially trying time for you.

If you need help with your mental health during this time, call the Mind infoline: 0300 123 3393

Now, there are some key technical differences to note. If you have shown symptoms of COVID-19 – which include a dry cough, a temperature, a runny nose, a sore throat – you will be asked to self-isolate for a minimum of seven days, or 14, if you live with other people (they will need to self-isolate for this time frame, too.) This means no leaving the house for anything, even to collect food or go for a walk.

Don't have symptoms and don't live with someone who does? Then your ask is social distancing. This involves working from home (if that's a possibility for you), avoiding meeting up with friends and family in gatherings and not going to places like the cinema.

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Though things are seeming pretty scary right now, it’s important to try not to stress out — despite the physical, logistical and financial worries that have arisen due to the pandemic. Instead acknowledge the peculiarity of the self-isolation situation and try to make it as pleasant as possible for yourself, focusing on supporting one another from afar — especially vulnerable folk.

'Everyone needs three things in life to thrive; a sense of control, community or contact with others, and to feel effective or productive', says psychologist Sue Firth. 'The best thing to do is realise your world might have to revolve indoors at the moment, but doesn't have to come to a halt.'

As ever, if you feel that you need help with your mental health, contact your GP or your mental health professional.

How to stay mentally well in self-isolation

1. Do at-home workouts

Though some may initially relish the excuse not to move, a lot of people rely on physical exercise to keep themselves mentally healthy so the prospect of being house-bound and gym-banned may cause intense stress.

A big fitness trend this year, at-home workouts are the answer. Apps and websites like Fiit offer classes, while some studios are choosing to move theirs online for the time being.

Louise Jackson, founder of yoga studio Pause in east London says: ‘We know some of our members have already started self-isolating, while others felt nervous about coming to the studio, so we decided it was best to try and serve our community as best we can by offering Yoga, Pilates, Barre and meditation classes online’.

If you don’t have the equipment, get it delivered.

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Don’t over-exert yourself though. A big part of self-isolating involves looking after yourself so, if you’re showing symptoms, keep workouts low-impact.

'Doing something you enjoy is critical to your mental health', says Firth. 'Dance routines, weight training, yoga, pilates and meditation are all available to do at home, so try and designate time to do these daily — especially if you are feeling anxious.'

2. Set some structure

It’s a key part of working from home, so it’s even more important when staying there 24/7. Continuing getting up at a set time, getting showered and dressed, then factoring in meals, exercise and work can make a big difference.

Firth says: 'Use designated periods of time to work, access your emails and be productive, but stop for lunch just as you would normally.' Download time management apps, such as Timebloc, to keep you in the zone.

3. Know that variety is the spice of self-isolation

Though having to spend all your days indoors limits your range of activities, be conscious to mix things up — particularly factoring in time off-screen as it can be the basis of work, communication and checking in on the news.

Instead, read a book, do some crafting like painting or drawing, and don't forget mental stimulation like sudoku and crosswords, or download a language learning app, like Duolingo. If you've always wanted a creative project, now is the time to do it.

4. Talk lots

Whether you’re sharing your space with others or you’re self-isolating solo, communication is key. It can mean discussing potential issues with those you live with or continuing your connection to the outside world. Though it's recommended you don't spend time together, share spaces or use the same towels, you can speak through doors to check in on each other.

Firth recommends: 'staying in touch with people but, if they don't live close, let a few neighbours know you're self-isolating and ask for help if you feel you need it. Try to remember: this is not forever'.

Be conscious particularly of friends, family members and colleagues who you think may suffer from mental health issues as they may be reluctant to reach out, but will need support like, if not more than, everyone else.

It might feel weird, but setting up group video calls (using FaceTime or Zoom) and chatting together can leave you feeling much better than before you logged on.

5. Keep news-trawling to a minimum

Of course it’s important to stay abreast of what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean trawling news sites for any updates or scare stories.

'Regular contact with news stories may have the ability to scare you, so restrict these in order to stay informed', says Firth. 'Remember, facts not fear'.

Time-management techniques like Pomodoro (working intensely on one thing for 25 minutes, before taking a short break) can help you divide your days effectively and can also be done with others, so you check in during the allotted breaks.

6. If you don't have symptoms, take a walk

Obviously, if you have symptoms, or live with someone who does, then you need to stay firmly inside your place. If you are in the social distancing camp? Then break your day up with pre-work walks in open spaces like parks.

7. Use the resources at hand

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is a reliable source of Covid-19 updates, so it can help you find facts without additional freak-out-worthy angles. It's worth reading stories from those who've had it, rather than threads of those who are nervous.

For those who have anxiety or depression, 'this is especially tricky', says Firth. 'You need facts and reassurance, but we simply don't know enough about all stages.' Again, speaking to your loved ones or a mental health professional is important.

8. If you take medication, ensure you have supplies or access to supplies

If you do take medication for a mental health condition, then access to supplies is paramount. 'Try to ensure that you have sufficient medication before you go in to isolation, if this is required,' Firth advises. Again, speak to you GP, over the phone, about this. And do not feel guilt about asking for NHS help during the epidemic – this remains incredibly important.

9. If you have talking therapy, see if you can have this remotely

Do you receive some form of talking therapy, ask if you can still receive this over the phone or via a video call. Do try and keep as much normality in place as possible.

It's currently recommended to get help for coronavirus if you begin to feel unwell, with a cough or difficulty breathing, but even with mild symptoms such as headache, low grade fever (37.3 C or above) and slight runny nose. Call 111, but you may be advised to self-isolate for 14 days rather than go to hospital.

The information in this story is accurate as of the publication date. While we are attempting to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, the situation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic continues to develop rapidly, so it's possible that some information and recommendations may have changed since publishing. For any concerns and latest advice, visit the World Health Organisation. If you're in the UK, the National Health Service can also provide useful information and support, while US users can contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Headshot of Rebecca Gillam
Rebecca Gillam

Bex is a wellbeing writer, brand consultant and qualified yoga and meditation teacher who likes baths, crystals, running with her pup Gustav and making unboring vegan-ish food.