A recent British Psychological Society report concluded obesity 'is not simply down to an individual's lack of willpower'.

Citing the rise in obesity rates, 18% in England between 2005 and 2017, the psychologists observed those with 'a high genetic risk of developing obesity and whose lives are also shaped by work, school and social environments that promote overeating and inactivity' are most likely to fall into the category.

They cite the 'high levels of stress, including major life challenges and trauma', as well as 'few opportunities and incentives for physical activity and options for accessing affordable healthy food are limited'.

So, if you're currently not within a healthy body fat range then don't beat yourself up. It could be down to causes out of your control. But do know, there are affordable healthy habits and options available when you know where to look.

Need Free Workout Opportunities?

The NHS recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio activity every week and, the good news is, it doesn't require a pricey gym membership or signing your life's savings into a swanky class scheme.

If you've got access to a phone, these iPhone apps can be handy pocket PTs, providing workouts, food plans and health tips.

If not, then try and find a screen to stream these cardio home workouts (which don't need any equipment, but a yoga mat could be handy!) or home workouts on, which will raise your heart rate from the comfort of your sitting room.

domyos Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat
£3 at Decathlon

No access to devices, apart from the computers in the library? No problem. Print out these cardio exercises or write down your favourites.

Or, if that sounds like a faff and you have a pair of trainers, just get running.

A good combo would be 20 minutes of cardio exercises two-three times a week and then a few jogs alongside.

But, What If You Struggle to Self-motivate?

There are free gym pass trials that, if you're savvy about, can get you a hefty amount of free fitness.

Though it's probably a little too much hass to do them all the time, requiring fake moustaches and aliases, it can be a great kickstarting motivation to get your new fitness habit on track — which is thought to take around 66 days, according to a study.

There's also a free app called Noom that focuses not just on numbers, but the psychology behind our behaviours which helps us notice our bad habits and overcome them.

And, What Is Cheap Healthy Food?

There's that time-old adage; you can't out-run a bad diet. But food shopping on an affordable budget doesn't have to mean unhealthy anymore.

Whatever your local supermarket, we've got nutritionist-approved buys for you. Here's healthy Sainsbury's food, healthy Asda food, healthy Aldi food and even the six best supermarket buys.

Spoiler alert: There's a lot of fruit and vegetables (which can be bought frozen, especially broccoli, peas, cauliflower, carrots and berries which stay fresh for far longer and taste the same when thrown into cooked dishes), frozen fish, high protein grains and pulses.

Everyone has to start somewhere and, if you're not feeling comfortable or healthy in your body, you can make a change. Just make it a long-lasting one.

Headshot of Rebecca Gillam
Rebecca Gillam

Bex is a wellbeing writer, brand consultant and qualified yoga and meditation teacher who likes baths, crystals, running with her pup Gustav and making unboring vegan-ish food.