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Have you ever experienced black poo? If you've ever had a somewhat erratic diet (hello, Glasto 2017), taken iron supplements (bye bye, anaemia) or sunk one too many tequilas on a night out (whoops), then chances are you have.

While most of the time a darker coloured stool isn't something to fret over, it's worth getting clued up on. That's because there are a handful of more serious illnesses that could be at play.

If you are concerned about your health, in any way, always seek the advice of a health care professional.

Excrement that loos like tar can be a warning sign of bowel cancer, for example (in this instance, it occurs as a result of blood turning dark further up in your colon, and giving your poo a different shade.)

Keep reading for our all-you-need-to-know on black poo – plus how to know when you really should be going to see your GP.

Black Poo: 5 things that could be going on, here

1. You're taking iron supplements

    Or anything else that’s rich in iron, for that matter. So, yes, that second serving of Nigella’s Chocolate Guinness Cake could be the culprit.

    ‘Black poo is most commonly caused by the presence of iron in the gut,’ says Dr Kevin Barrett, Chair of the Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology.

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    ‘This either comes from taking iron supplements (in which case this is nothing to be alarmed about and is not a reason to stop taking them) or because blood has been released in the upper part of the bowel, and these red blood cells have then been broken down by the digestive process and the iron contained in them, released into the bowel.’

    More on that, later.

    2. You're going hard on the beetroot

    That’s right – your healthy lifestyle could be impacting the colour of your poo. Foods such as beetroot, liquorice, prunes, iron-rich meats (particularly, black pudding and beef), and even blueberries can all turn your poo from the ideal brown to darker shades of black.

    ‘Some foods pass through the gut in a relatively unchanged manner,’ says Dr Barrett. ‘If you haven't been eating any of these foods and you have black poo, then it is worth seeing a healthcare professional, as there may be a more sinister cause.’

    3. You're taking pain medication

    Been battling period cramps or migraine pain with the help of ibuprofen?

    ‘Excessive use of anti-inflammatories such as aspirin, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, diclofenac, or naproxen can cause irritation of the lining of the bowels, which, in turn, can trigger bleeding,’ says Dr Barrett. ‘This is not a good sign, and you should see a healthcare professional if this is happening.’

    4. You've been hitting those sunny evening beers

    A little FYI: when it comes to your poop, alcohol can have the same impact on it as pain medication. So, if your summer sundowners have been featuring a glass or more of vino and you’ve been experiencing black poo, it’s time to reconsider your drinking habits.

    Similarly, if you’ve been relying on charcoal supplements and bismuth (found in some indigestion remedies) to keep up with food-filled Bank Holiday socials, note that these can also cause black poo.

    5. You've got a pre-existing condition

    ‘Bleeding from a stomach ulcer, cancer of the oesophagus, stomach or bowel can cause black stools,’ says Dr Barrett. ‘Plus, people who have liver failure can develop varicose veins in their guts that can bleed.’

    Equally, conditions including ulcerative colitis and colon polyps can also cause black poo. Which means? When it comes to black poo, although the culprits are, more than not, nothing to worry about, there are serious causes that need to be ruled out.

    ‘If enough blood is lost, then anaemia can occur,’ says Dr Barrett. ‘This can cause pale skin, tiredness, shortness of breath or ankle swelling. Stomach pains can sometimes happen. And, if the bleeding is dramatic, this could lead to collapse.’

    When should I be concerned about black poo?

    As already mentioned, most of the causes of black poo are nothing to worry about. In fact, if you’re in your 20s or 30s, according to Dr Barrett, having black poo might even be fairly common.

    ‘This would be due to anti-inflammatory use and short-term excess alcohol consumption,’ he says. ‘The cancers related to black poo, on the other hand, are less common in this age group.’

    However, if you are experiencing black poo with other symptoms – particularly, Dr Barrett says, if you are feeling short of breath or more tired than usual; if there isn't an obvious cause for your black poo (as in you’ve tried cutting out the ‘black poo foods’ mentioned above, and reduced your alcohol intake) or it keeps happening, then it’s time to check in with your GP. Even more so if it’s been more than a couple of weeks.

    According to Bowel Cancer UK, colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK – and the second biggest cancer killer – with more than 2,500 new cases diagnosed each year in people under the age of 50, alone. But, if diagnosed in the earliest stage, your chances of survival are very high.

    It's always best to check, so if you are at all worried, speak to your doctor.

    Headshot of Emma Pritchard
    Emma Pritchard
    Contributing Health Editor
    Emma interviews the world’s leading sportswomen, top health experts, and women who have turned their lives around through fitness – women like you. You'll often find her scoping out an inspiring story and training to teach Pilates – sometimes at the same time; who doesn’t love a challenge?