If you're in possession of a gut, then you've likely needed to know natural remedies for constipation at some point in time. (Straight up: one in 10 of us in the UK has a bowel problem, with one in seven thought to be handling constipation at any one time.)

To prove it to you, and save you from "pain-on-passing" tears in the toilet, we’ve asked nutritional experts for their natural hacks on how to beat constipation, fast – and prevent it in the first place.

But, before we reveal all, as with any health condition, it’s always useful to understand what causes constipation in the first place.

What causes constipation?

Over to Doctor4U GP, Dr Diana Gall:

'Constipation is characterised by hard stools that can be painful to pass. This happens when food moves too slowly through the digestive system, meaning that your poo is dry by the time it reaches the colon.

'It is normally harmless, despite being uncomfortable and irritating. Constipation is usually a result of diet and lifestyle factors. For example, inactivity, not drinking enough water, and a low-fibre diet are some of the leading causes of constipation.

'However, it can also be caused by some common medicines such as antidepressants, opiates and blood pressure tablets, and even stress or anxiety can have an effect on your gut.'

Ready to ease your load? Read on for 21 natural remedies for constipation.

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What helps constipation, fast? 21 natural remedies

1/ Fibre supplements

'If you need some extra help meeting the recommended 30g of fibre a day (which research shows most Brits aren’t meeting), you could consider using fibre supplements such as psyllium husk, which help bulk out your stools and absorb water, making them softer and easier to pass.

Just Natural Psyllium Husk (200g)

Just Natural Psyllium Husk (200g)
£5 at Planet Organic

'Bulk-forming fibre supplements such as psyllium are preferable to stimulant laxatives (which cannot be used long-term), as they most closely mimic the natural mechanisms that promote bowel movements.' Hannah Braye, nutritional therapist for Lepicol

2/ Exercise

'Constipation is often exacerbated by low physical activity and a sedentary life-style. With many people having desk-jobs, this is a common problem.

'Exercising for 20 minutes (try these kettlebell exercises) a day may help stimulate peristalsis [muscle contractions associated with digestion].

Even just going for a brisk walk on your lunch-break, getting off the bus a couple of stops early and walking the rest of the way home, or doing some yoga stretches may help get things moving and also has other added health benefits.

'If increasing your physical activity remember to stay well hydrated, as this will help to soften the stools, making them easier to pass.' Natalie Lamb, nutritional therapist for Bio-Kult

3/ Other supplements

'If your constipation is chronic, or not easing with some simple dietary changes, and your GP has ruled out anything concerning, then a visit a nutritional therapist who can test your stools and devise an appropriate gut-health boosting supplement plan.

Wild Nutrition Digestive Enzyme (90 caps)

Wild Nutrition Digestive Enzyme (90 caps)

'There are different antimicrobials and probiotics to support your microbiome, digestive enzymes to support food breakdown and certain minerals to support stool motility that can be tailored, by an expert, to meet your body’s specific needs.' Laura Southern, nutritional therapist

Which foods make you poo?

4/ Kiwis

'Research shows that kiwi fruit might help your toilet troubles – although the science isn’t clear. It is thought that the fibre in kiwi fruit holds onto water, easing constipation.

'The fruit also contains a digestive enzyme that speeds up the digestive process. Go for green rather than gold kiwis, and snack on two a day for the best effect – try adding slices to yoghurt or cereal.' Kym Lang, founder of Pip Nutrition

5/ Chia seeds

'Add a tablespoon of these to your diet, decreasing or increasing (up to two tablespoons), depending on your digestive symptoms. Chia seeds need to be consumed with lots of liquid, and soaking them for as little as five minutes, but as long as overnight, is helpful.

Hodmedod British Grown Chia Seed (200g)

Hodmedod British Grown Chia Seed (200g)

'I suggest adding them to cooked porridge or overnight oats or making chia pudding.' Laura Southern, nutritional therapist.

6/ Papaya

'Papaya supports optimal bowel function due to being naturally rich in digestive enzymes. It also has soothing effects on the stomach and digestive tract.

'It’s a good fruit to eat after a meal or include it in a daily smoothie.' Emily Harris, registered naturopath

7/ Oats

'Many of us turn to fibre to improve constipation, loading up on bran, brown rice and multigrain bread – but it can be too much of a good thing.

'You do need fibre to stay regular and keep your bowel healthy, but a high intake of insoluble fibre can make constipation worse.

health Rude Health 5 Grain 5 Seed Porridge (500g)

Rude Health 5 Grain 5 Seed Porridge (500g)

Soluble fibre, on the other hand, dissolves in water and forms a thick gel in the gut, softening stools. Oats are rich in soluble fibre, so try overnight oats for breakfast; and roast some root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips and celeriac to have at dinner.' Lang.

8/ Beans

'Adding fibre-rich tins of beans (such as cannellini, haricot or kidney) to salads and soups or dishes such as cottage or shepherd’s pie and lasagna will bulk your stools, which, in turn, applies pressure to the walls of the gut, stimulating peristalsis.' Braye

Eat the stalks, leaves, tops and skins of fruit and vegetables for maximum fibre load

9/ Apples

'Consume one stewed apple a day. Stewed apples (cooked with a little water, until soft) are very supportive for gut motility and reducing inflammation. You can eat on them on their own, or stirred through chia pudding or cooked oats.' Southern

10/ Flaxseed

'I recommend trying flaxseed (also known as linseed) when you have chronic constipation. Choose the ground version, as it’s gentler on the tummy than the whole seeds.

Prewett's Organic Ground Flaxseed (175g)

Prewett's Organic Ground Flaxseed (175g)

'Start with one teaspoon a day and build up to a tablespoon. This gel-forming soluble fibre can take a while to work, so stick with it for a few months and make sure you drink an extra glass of water each day to help the process along.' Lang

11/ Onions and garlic

'Increase your intake of prebiotic fibres from foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, slightly under-ripe bananas, Jerusalem artichokes and asparagus as prebiotics help to feed beneficial species of bacteria in the gut.' Braye

12/ Edamame beans

'Get lunch from healthy Asian-inspired food chain itsu, particularly the dishes containing Edamame beans.

These are high in fibre to support friendly bacteria and soften stools, both of which support regular bowel movement.' Martina Della Vedova, nutritionist for Natures Plus

13/ Dark chocolate

'Magnesium is an essential mineral in the body, playing a key role in hundreds of bodily functions and it can be very beneficial in relieving constipation.

Magnesium-rich food sources include leafy greens (such as spinach and kale), pumpkin seeds, almonds, avocado, kefir, and dark chocolate (at least 85% cacao).

Viridian High Potency Magnesium Veg Caps (120 caps)

Viridian High Potency Magnesium Veg Caps (120 caps)

'Supplementation can also be very beneficial.' Henrietta Norton, Harley Street nutritionist and Wild Nutrition founder

What herbs are good for bowel movements?

14/ Dandelion

    'Bitter tasting herbs such as dandelion root increase the production and flow of bile, which is a natural laxative. Take care, however, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.' Hannah Charman, medical herbalist.

    15/ Chamomile

    'Chamomile is a wonderful herb for the digestive tract because it helps to calm and soothe the nervous system – we need to be relaxed to be able to ‘go’.

    Chamomile flowers can used infused in water or milk to make an herbal beverage. Use one teaspoon of dried, or two teaspoons of fresh, flowers per mug.' Harris

    16/ Lemon balm

    'Herbs like Lemon balm work on the gut-brain axis, so are great for when constipation is linked to stress and anxiety.' Charman

    What can Prevent Constipation in the First Place?

    17/ Your toilet position

    'Squatting has been the natural pooing position for human since time began. The modern toilet positioning overrides our natural anatomical position.

    There is a natural kink in the colon as it reaches the anus and there is a little muscle that circles the colon like a lasso.

    Squatting relaxes this muscle and allows the colon to straighten and the stool becomes easier to release. Putting your feet on a small stool so that your knees are above your hips will help optimise this position.' Harris

    18/ Your gut health

    'Look after your gut bacteria. Studies have shown there to be an imbalance of the intestinal microflora of those with constipation, compared to those without. Live bacteria supplements have been shown to be of some benefit in clinical trials.

    'Alternatively, build fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, live yoghurt, kefir, kombucha and pickled vegetables into your diet on a daily basis to support a healthy microbial balance.' Lamb

    protexin Bio-Kult Capsules - 30

    Bio-Kult Capsules - 30

    19/ Your daily water intake

    'Maintaining fluid intake is important to keep stools soft and easy to pass. Aim to drink around two litres of water a day (more if exercising).

    An easy way to tell if you are drinking enough is the colour of your urine, which should be a light straw colour.

    'Flavouring water with fruits such as sliced lemon, lime or orange, or herbs, including mint or basil, can make it more interesting to drink. Herbal teas can also be counted towards your water intake.' Braye

    20/ Your eating personality

    'Make time to chew, slow down and relax. When we eat in a stressed state our digestion can slow, we often do not chew properly, and we rush our food.

    'This can lead to large particles of food being swallowed, and the body not being in the right 'state' for digestion, which can impact on stool motility and lead to constipation.

    Try to switch off from the outside world when eating – remove your phone or screen from the table, for example – and chew thoroughly; there are no teeth in your tummy.' Southern

    21/ Your stress load

    'Many constipation sufferers see a worsening of digestive symptoms when they are unhealthily stressed.

    This is perhaps no surprise given that stress essentially shuts down the digestive system, instead re-directing energy to systems and organs of the body that are useful in fighting or fleeing from a perceived threat.

    'Whilst it can be difficult to do, prioritise your mental health by taking steps each day to reduce stress.

    This could be getting away from your desk at lunch to take a walk, engaging in other gentle to moderate physical activity (which will in itself help with constipation), downloading a mindfulness meditation app (like Headspace) onto your phone, taking a bath and getting to bed early or seeking professional support such as from a cognitive behavioural therapist, to help you better deal with emotions.' Braye

    When is it time to go to the doctor about constipation?

    'If, after taking the above steps, you do not see an improvement in your symptoms, then it’s a good idea to speak to a healthcare practitioner or nutritional therapist to investigate any other underlying causes further.

    'For example, low thyroid function, certain medications, hidden food intolerances, low stomach acid and digestive enzyme production or an over-growth of methane-producing bacteria in the small intestine (SIBO) can all contribute to constipation,' says Lamb.

    Time to go.

    Now that you're clued up on natural remedies for constipation, find out what happens in 24 hours in an IBS flare-up.

    Headshot of Emma Pritchard
    Emma Pritchard
    Contributing Health Editor
    Emma interviews the world’s leading sportswomen, top health experts, and women who have turned their lives around through fitness – women like you. You'll often find her scoping out an inspiring story and training to teach Pilates – sometimes at the same time; who doesn’t love a challenge?