Sometimes there's no better feeling than when you finally get home after a long journey. Exhaling as you hear the click of the front door, kicking off your shoes, whipping off your bra, making an elaborate mocktail, forgetting the stress and strains of the day and relaxing in your own private space is one hell of a happy moment... and it's the same for planets, too.

On April 29, Venus transits into the constellation of Taurus, which is one of the two signs it rules (along with Libra). It's the first time Venus has passed through the constellation of Taurus during Taurus season in full since 2016, so understandably, astrology fans are very excited about the energy of the next few weeks.

Astrologer Kirsty Gallagher told Women's Health that it's prime time for people to slow down, love themselves, assess their boundaries, and make self-care a daily non-negotiable. And this is the best time of year to make self-care ultra luxurious. Don't just run a bath, fill it full of essential oils and rose petals, and maybe sip on a glass of fizz as you lose yourself in a good book.

She explained: 'As Venus moves into Taurus, this is a beautiful time to establish very deep self care practices. So I'd really ask you at the start of this week, to put something in place every day that helps you to care for yourself, nourish yourself, nurture yourself. And most of all, to put yourself first to let yourself know that you are important that you are as worthy of your love, care, and attention as everybody else around you is. This simple act in itself helps us to establish a sense of deep trust in ourselves and knowing that we're worthy, knowing that we're worthy and deserving of our own love, care and attention.'

The Goddess Path: 13 Steps to Becoming Your Most Intuitive, Authentic and Powerful Self

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Kirsty also added that now is a great time to assess some of the goals you had in mind at the start of the year - or what you meditated on at the Spring Equinox in March - to see if you're heading in the right direction, or if you have decided to focus on something else.

Are you living in alignment with your goals?

'[Self-care] helps us to know that we're worthy and deserving of those bigger hopes and dreams as we aim to move towards them...[and how they] align with your values. Really look at what your values are, it may be that over the past few weeks, months, the beginning of this year, you've really, really changed. This could be a time to look at what are my values now? What do I stand for? What do I want to live by, and ensuring that you're really living by your values and standing by your truth and what is really alive for you right now.'

Be stubborn! Set boundaries!

Just as Geminis are reputed for being two-faced, Libras indecisive, Scorpios mysterious and Capricorns bossy, Taureans are usually summed up with one word: Stubborn.

And, Kirsty adds, this is actually a great energy to be tapping into to help you protect your space and energy, and stay focused on what matters to you. 'This is such a beautiful time to begin to put yourself first a little bit more, there can be a little bit of stubbornness around Taurus. It's a really good stubborn energy that's going to make you go "Oh, actually, no, I don't want to do that. I don't want to keep saying yes to that anymore. This isn't right for me anymore".

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'So you might find almost a sense of wanting to sort of dig your heels in a little bit around things in your life that haven't been working for you. If you notice yourself feeling a bit stubborn around anything go deeper into that. It's a really beautiful indication for you of where you've been giving too much of yourself away, and where you've been doing things that perhaps aren't in alignment with you. So establish very deep self care for the next few weeks, and see where you're noticing changes.'

How to harness the energy of Venus in Taurus 2024

Kirsty has recently released a new book, The Goddess Path: 13 Steps to Becoming Your Most Intuitive, Authentic and Powerful Self. Below is an exercise from chapter 3 in the book, Reclaim Your Self Worth, to help you feel comfortable with yourself and establish your inner boundaries, and wants.

Stand in Your Self-Worth

Start to stand tall and take up the space you deserve in the world.At the beginning of each day, right before you walk into a room or in moments when you are doubting yourself and your worth, stand tall.

Plant your feet on the earth, lengthen through the crown of your head, draw your shoulders back and down, hold your head up high, open your heart wide and feel your inner Goddess filling your entire being.


  • ‘I am worthy and deserving of all that I desire.’
  • ‘I am enough, just as I am.’
  • ‘I love and approve of myself.’
  • ‘I deserve happiness (or love, abundance, joy or anything else).’
  • ‘I am at peace with my past.’
  • ‘I am my own best friend.’
  • ‘I am unique; there is no one else like me.’
  • ‘I am a Goddess.’

    Does Venus transit Taurus every year?

    Yes it does, but not always during Taurus season. In 2023 it transited the constellation of Taurus during Pisces season, from March 16 - April 11. In 2022, its route happened in Gemini season, from May 28 - June 23.

    In 2021, it was in Taurus for a short part of its celestial journey, passing through from April 14 - May 9. And in 2020 it was travelling through during Pisces season again, from March 5 until April 3.

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    Emma Gritt
    Multiplatform Director

    Emma Gritt is the Multiplatform Director of Women's Health UK. 

    I am passionate about all things "woo", beauty gadgets and treatments; cooking; travel; spa visits; gardening; lusting over homeware; animals and nature. I'm also a huge bookworm, and always have at least two books on the go!  

    When I'm not working, I enjoy playing tennis, swimming, cycling, pilates, and looking for new treasures to sell in my antiques cabinet. 

    Prior to joining WH in 2022, I worked as a digital journalist and senior editor at national newspapers, radio stations and at international content agencies.