Some people make a decision, and then spend tons of time waffling back and forth on whether they did the right thing. You are definitely, absolutely not one of those people. Once you put your mind to something, you’re all in. After all, you’re a Taurus.

Of course, there are plenty of other elements in the astrological world beyond your Sun sign that make you who you are, like your natal and progressed charts, your Moon sign, and your Saturn return. But being an astrological bull (who, btw, won’t take any bull) has a big say in making up your personality.

Taurus season runs from April 20 through May 20, and people born during this period are also classed as being an Earth sign, and they're one of the four fixed signs.

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Given that you’ve been a Taurus your entire life, you probably have a pretty solid idea of what it means to be on Team Bull from reading your monthly horoscope and, ya know, being you, buuuut there’s still some overall information that’s super specific to your sign all Tauruses should know. These are the five major traits of being a Taurus, plus how it can impact your life, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta.

1. You're kinda-totally stubborn.

Breaking news: You like things the way you like them. (Shocker, I know...) While being stubborn might come with a negative connotation, if everything’s going great, WTH would you shake things up? That's why you won’t make a move until you’re ready. But once you do decide on something, it’s on.

Watch this to learn more about what every person's zodiac sign says about them:

preview for What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You

2. You enjoy the finer things in life.

It’s basically your superpower to be able to walk into a store and pick out the most expensive item there. You can spot quality a mile away, and you want nothing to do with cheap knockoffs.

3. You’re a super generous partner.

When you’re in a relationship, you don’t hold back on the gifts. A nice watch, new shoes, a swanky bottle of wine—you love showering your S.O. with the good stuff. (See, that superpower comes in handy...)

4. Your primary love language is likely 'physical touch.'

Tauruses are super sensual, and you need a partner who can keep up with you in (and out) of bed. If they’re not into near-constant hugging, kissing, or physical contact of any kind, they’re just not right for you. You also love touching things and being touched, and you’re all about a good massage.

5. You're quick to claim stuff.

Those cute shoes you and your BFF spotted at the same time? Dibs! That last piece of cheesecake in the fridge? It’s as good as yours. When you want something, you don’t stop until you get it. Just consider it your classic Taurus determination at work.

Taurus natural element sign

Like Capricorns and Virgos, Taureans are earth signs, meaning they’re super smart, goal-oriented, and grounded in reality. Each Earth sign is a little different—Taurus is known for being stubborn and even rebellious, Virgo for being fussy and having a high attention to detail, and Capricorn is the zodiac’s leader and resident intellectual—but all three share an undeniable sense of ambition, focus, and maturity.

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From: Women's Health US
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Korin Miller
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.