If the first thing you do each morning is check your horoscope and you spend more time perusing the scarily accurate Pattern app than you do Instagram, you might think you know everything you need to know about astrology. Granted, you probably know your Sun sign, your Moon sign, and, if you’re really dedicated, your rising sign...but do you know if you're a fixed, cardinal, or mutable sign?

Pause—my whatta sign? Here's the astrolo-tea (get it?): The 12 signs of the zodiac are split into three modality groups, each with its own set of characteristics. Depending on your Sun sign, you're either a cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn), a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), or a mutable sign (Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini).

Overall, if you're a mutable sign—which is to say, mutability is the prominent modality in your chart—that means 'you’re very flexible, very go with the flow,' says professional astrologer Liz Simmons. In other words, you don’t take life too seriously and can easily adapt to unexpected changes.

'These people tend to be very quick to change or, if things come up last minute, they’re okay with it,' Simmons explains. 'They just roll with the punches, which is really nice, especially at work.'

Meet the Experts:
Liz Simmons is a professional astrologer, tarot reader, and contributor to Astrology.com based in Salem, Massachusetts.

Lesley Hale is an astrologer for Keen.com.

Linda Joyce is a professional astrologer and author of The Day You Were Born: A Journey to Wholeness Through Astrology and Numerology.

Clearly, mutable signs are the chill friend of the zodiac. So, how can you tell if you're one of these sign, and what does that mean for your life? Ahead, expert astrologers explain everything you need to know about mutable signs, from personality traits to compatibility and more.

Okay, so what is a mutable sign, exactly?

The 12 signs of the zodiac are divided into three different modalities, with mutables being last, says Lesley Hale, an astrologer for Keen.com. Each represents a certain stage of development and corresponds with the four seasons. In the simplest terms, cardinal signs start each season, mutable signs end every season, and fixed signs are smack dab in the middle of the season, Hale explains.

The modalities also represent different stages of development, says Linda Joyce, professional astrologer and author of The Day You Were Born: A Journey to Wholeness Through Astrology and Numerology. The four elements of the zodiac—fire, air, earth, and water—get divided three times, meaning one sign of each falls into the category of cardinal, fixed, or mutable. (For example, earth sign Virgo, fire sign Sagittarius, water sign Pisces, and air sign Gemini are all mutable signs.)

Btw, when it comes to timing, here's what your birth month says about your personality:

preview for How the Month You Were Born Affects Your Personality, According to Science

Besides straight-up timing, each sign differs in what they bring to the table, er, universe. Cardinal signs kick off the start of every season and represent new beginnings and fresh starts. 'You have a strong inner world,' Joyce notes.

The fixed signs pick up in the middle of every season and stabilise things, she adds. 'They set solid goals; they are builders who create a foundation. They pick up the ball and start to make it happen,' Joyce says.

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It dictates how you express and respond to anger and frustration in your life.

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Lastly (no pun intended), mutables are all about endings. 'They learn the hard lessons taught to them by spring, summer, winter, and autumn,' Joyce says. 'All good things come to an end, and mutables are geared toward change.' (Basically, Semisonic's 'Closing Time' is the soundtrack to their life.)

What are the four mutable signs?

The four mutable signs are Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini. And while they all share common characteristics, they are also unique in their own right. Ahead, the experts explain each mutable sign’s characteristics.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Geminis, like their fellow mutable signs, are down to try anything once. Nine times out of 10, a Gemini is in on whatever dare you have to offer. Geminis can’t stand being bored, so they're quick to embrace change. 'They are usually highly intelligent people who are easily adaptable and outgoing,' says Hale.

If you have a friend who’s always down to party hop and has no issue chatting up strangers, they’re most likely a Gemini.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgos are born during one of the saddest transition times of the year (I love autumn leaves and PSLs as much as the next gal, but not so much dragging my Tommy Bahama cooler back into the apartment), which kind of explains...a lot.

There’s a major energy shift during this time—from play to work—that’s typical of focused, dedicated, workaholic Virgos. When it’s Virgo Szn, it’s time to make positive changes in the areas of health and work because 'Virgos utilise skills and ideas to benefit the world,' says Hale.

It’s no wonder that some of the hardest working and influential women in entertainment (ahem, Queen Bee and Zendaya) are Virgos.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarians are honest—to the point of being brutal—at times. And while their comments might sting, this quality is important for igniting change.

Like other mutables, this sign is usually about 10 steps ahead of everyone else. Whether it’s planning their next trip or taking that (well-calculated) risk, Sags are all about forward momentum. 'If I were to come up with a slogan for Sagittarius, it would be ‘life is an adventure,’' says Hale.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Being a water sign, Pisces is the most emotional of the mutables. They are concerned with subtle emotions and have a sixth sense when it comes to other people, explains Hale.

As the final and oldest sign in astrology, Pisces rules over the spirit realm, says Simmons. It’s no wonder then why they’re considered the psychics of the Zodiac as they encapsulate the wisdom of all the other signs.

Overall, Pisces is an artistic healer that can shine important insight necessary for change on their own life and the lives of others.

What are some common mutable sign personality traits?

1. You’re very sociable.

Mutable signs are known for being the life of the party, and there’s no sign that embodies that trait more than Gemini.

Gemini is very socially flexible, says Simmons. 'It’s an air sign, so Gemini really enjoys the liveliness of banter, the liveliness of connection, as well as just the shallowness of talking to someone they barely know,' she adds. Because Gemini is so flexible in public settings, they’re sort of a chameleon—blending into different crowds, Simmons adds. Whether in the workplace or at home, a Gemini is always super high energy and up for quick gossip sesh.

Similar to Gemini, mutable fire sign Sagittarius is also very lively. Let’s just say that when Gemini and Sagittarius join forces at a social gathering, they can transform any event from drab to fab. Sagittarius brings a lot of light, spontaneity, and enthusiasm to any space they’re in, says Simmons.

And while Pisces may not always be as high energy as Gemini and Sagittarius, they are very open to conversation and connection with anyone who approaches them, says Simmons. As an empath, they 'give quite a lot and can really extend themselves as a healer as well as someone who’s very therapeutic,' she explains. Pisces is the type of person to sit you down for a one-on-one if you’re feeling overwhelmed at the function or just need to vent for a sec.

2. You’re a little fickle.

While essential to keeping the Zodiac flowing, mutable signs can have some, let’s just say...less than desirable qualities, too.

For one, they can be quite fickle. For focused earth sign Virgo, this fickleness shows up in their perfectionism, says Simmons. Virgo may be so perfectionistic to the point where they procrastinate a task if they feel they can’t get it right the first time, she adds. If Virgos get too in their heads about a personal or work project, they may even drop it altogether, which can be frustrating for those on their team.

For Sagittarians, because they are so forward-thinking, they may face issues with commitment. They might embark on a new project or adventure, but drop it as soon as something more exciting comes along. In other words, they sometimes never finish what they start—it’s not out of malice, it’s just their nature. 'Sagittarius really does go wherever adventure is,' says Simmons.

3. You can be a bit flaky.

In the same vein, mutable signs can be rather flaky as a result of their fickleness.

Because Geminis are such chameleons when it comes to social settings, it can be a challenge to get to know the real them, says Simmons. They’re always trying to adapt to social situations and meet people where they’re at, which means they rarely reveal their true selves. This can be frustrating for other signs if they want to get to know Gemini on a deeper level.

And while Pisces’ deep emotional world and capacity for empathy is a great strength, it can also be a weakness. Because Pisces rules over the 12th House in astrology, also known as the hidden house, if this sign is not feeling something, they tend to retreat into their safe space, says Simmons.

For example, if Pisces is feeling things a bit too deeply or is too emotional, they might walk away from a situation, Simmons adds. And because this mutable water sign often gives so much of themselves, it can come as quite a shock to their loved ones when they withdraw. 'A lot of people in Pisces’ life may have this very deep relationship one moment and then not be able to get a hold of Pisces the next,' she explains. For Pisces, their ability to pull back emotionally may be challenging for their close relationships because others might not understand why they’re doing so.

4. You’re super flexible.

The word 'mutable' comes from a Latin phrase meaning 'liable to change.' In other words, these are the most flexible signs of the Zodiac (hot yoga, anyone?).

For Geminis, this quality pops up in their fun personalities and their ability to morph themselves to fit into any crowd. 'Gemini can wear a lot of hats, and really show off a lot of personalities,' says Simmons. They’re like a whirlwind, pulling everything and everyone into their orbit, she adds.

world of woo womens health

Virgo, as a mutable earth sign, is kind of like clay: 'It’s flexible, but still sturdy,' says Simmons. While Virgos tend to be very grounded, they’re not unmovable (ahem, unlike fixed signs). This sign is open to adjusting in order to perfect or improve something. They’re really good at seeing what the problem is or areas of growth and finding a solution, says Simmons.

As for mutable fire sign Sagittarius, they are like a wildfire, Simmons says. They’re ever-expanding and always chasing their next goal. 'Sagittarius will move mountains in an effort to reach that horizon,' she adds.

Lastly, intuitive water sign Pisces is like a full tank—covering everything all at once and having the capacity to hold space for others and saturate the emotional landscape, says Simmons. Pisces is incredibly empathetic and open to all perspectives and people, making them great healers and spiritual advisors.

Overall, mutable signs are like chameleons, says Hale. 'They are always changing. They can be one thing today and another thing tomorrow.' Kinda exciting, no?

5. You can be moody and unpredictable.

Another hard point for mutable signs (ahem, Pisces, in particular) is that they can be very moody and unpredictable.

This trait likely has something to do with these signs getting so absorbed in what’s going on for everyone around them, that they can lose themselves in the process. It’s important for mutables to focus on their own growth before they try to help others, Joyce says. 'Sometimes, they need to focus on their own reality,' she adds.

How does being a mutable sign impact your life?

Whether in work, love, or family life, mutable signs go with the flow and can adapt to any situation.

In the workplace, mutables excel in positions where they can problem solve quite a bit, says Simmons. These signs do really well in team roles or middle management as they can see where adjustments are needed and what can be changed along the way, she adds. They’re able to rise to any challenge and face it head on with a very flexible mindset. But despite those problem-solving abilities, mutable signs are also most likely to leave a job if they don’t feel strongly about it, Simmons says.

This adaptability also translates to relationships. 'Mutable signs in love are very changeable,' says Simmons, which can either be a benefit to the relationship or a major setback. 'Where changeability works at work, [it does] not so much for love because mutable signs can be very fickle,' Simmons adds.

As a result, mutables often have slightly chaotic love lives. They might like someone one moment, and not so much the next. In other words, they may struggle with commitment. 'They’re not very self-assured or set in stone with their feelings, which can cause a lot of churn and burn in their love life,' Simmons explains. This is not to say that mutable signs can’t be in committed relationships; they might just have to work a bit harder not to fall into the temptation of searching for greener grass.

In terms of family life, that flexibility can be a huge benefit when it comes to navigating daily parental responsibilities. Mutable parents respond really well to the challenges and surprises of raising a family, says Simmons. They can easily adjust to a child’s schedule and aren’t really frazzled by last-minute changes or emergencies.

Nevertheless, because a mutable parent tends to go with the flow, they may not always be the most dependable. The child of a mutable parent may soon realise they can't always rely on them because they have so much going on and really like to go wherever the day takes them, Simmons says. That doesn't mean a mutable parent will forget to pick their kid up from school, but they may run a few minutes behind simply because they didn’t realise the time.

On the flipside, if a parent has a mutable kid, they must be prepared for the child’s never-ending curiosity and be open to indulging their whims, says Simmons. They may pick up a million different hobbies at once or change their curiosities often. With a mutable child, don’t be surprised if one month they’re really into soccer and the next, they want to try volleyball.

TL;DR: In all aspects of life, mutables are flexible. This flexibility may be great for experiencing all that life has to offer, but it can pose potential problems if these signs miss opportunities to stabilise and commit because they already see something else around the corner, says Simmons.

Which modality is most compatible with mutable signs?

Because mutable signs are so changeable, they’re best paired with the fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius—who are the complete opposite.

Fixed signs are very set in their ways, so they can provide the stability that mutable signs may lack, says Simmons. When a mutable sign is juggling a jam-packed schedule, a fixed sign can offer them a level of security, she adds. A fixed sign can also keep a mutable sign on track as, unlike these flowy beings, they’re able to commit to something and get the job done. 'The fixed sign can be the reality check that the mutable sign needs to take it one day at a time,' says Simmons.

But a cardinal sign is also not a bad match for a mutable sign. As cardinal signs represent new beginnings, they can offer mutable signs the ability to really expand on their curiosities and fully launch a creative project, says Simmons. A cardinal sign offers a mutable sign the ability to take charge of a goal, aspiration, or intention. 'Whatever the mutable sign wants to do, the cardinal sign can provide that boost of ambition and action behind that desire,' she adds.

Unfortunately, mutable signs may not play well with their own modality. 'While a mutable sign can offer the open-mindedness that another mutable sign may want or need, I think it’s almost too open to the point where not a lot will get done in the process,' Simmons explains. Basically, although two mutables may feel the most comfortable together, this pairing may exhibit a lack of accountability. In a romantic relationship, for example, a mutable couple may find that they’re not really progressing in the relationship or reaching certain milestones as fast as they’d like.

Ultimately, a mutable sign does need either a fixed sign to help them remain on course for what they wish to do, or a cardinal sign to help them take charge of their goals and kickstart new projects. In the case of modalities, opposites do attract.

From: Women's Health US
Jacqueline Tempera

Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at jackietempera.com

Headshot of Naydeline Mejia
Naydeline Mejia
Assistant Editor

Naydeline Mejia is an assistant editor at Women’s Health, where she covers sex, relationships, and lifestyle for WomensHealthMag.com and the print magazine. She is a proud graduate of Baruch College and has more than two years of experience writing and editing lifestyle content. When she’s not writing, you can find her thrift-shopping, binge-watching whatever reality dating show is trending at the moment, and spending countless hours scrolling through Pinterest.