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If you're that person *everyone* gravitates toward when they need some support, whether to talk stuff out or just for a hug, well, it's probably because you're a Cancer. And sure, your Sun sign doesn’t completely spell out your astrological personality, but it does have a lot to do with the way you think and act, along with other important elements like your natal and progressed charts, your Moon sign, and your Saturn return.

But for now, just know this: Cancer season typically runs from June 21 through July 22, which means the personality traits most strongly associated with your sign will shine extra bright during those dates. What are those traits, exactly?

'Being a Cancer means being emotional, creative, intuitive, and very attuned to the rhythms of the moon,' says Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer at Astrology.com and Horoscope.com.

Being ruled by the moon, Cancer signs have very changeable moods and it can be difficult for them to pinpoint their feelings, which means they require lots of self-care in order to maintain their personal comfort, Montúfar notes. Oh, and don't expect them to be totally upfront about those feelings, either—Cancer is associated with the crab for a reason.

Now, if you're a Cancer, you may already have a solid idea of what it means to be your sign, simply from living your life—but you might not be aware of some pretty crucial info about identifying with the crab. (There’s always more to unpack, including the fact that Cancers are cardinal signs, too!)

Ahead, expert astrologers break down everything you've ever wanted to know about being a Cancer, including which signs you're most compatible with.

Cancer sign personality traits

1. You can be a little moody at times.

ICYDK, Cancers can be pretty emotional. They’ll even admit it to you. 'Cancer is the only sign ruled by the moon, which goes through phases and changes signs more than any other planet,' explains Montúfar. 'This means that they constantly need to adjust to what Mama Luna is doing at any given time.' In short, it can be hard for Cancers to be rational when their feelings are in flux.

'The mind does not have access to the power of the emotions and therefore it mistrusts them,' says certified astrologer Linda Joyce. This Cancer tendency might lead to outbursts or abandonment of rationale if prompted, Joyce explains.

2. You’re super resilient.

'People always call Cancer natives very emotional, which is true, but they often forget that this zodiac sign is incredibly resilient as well,' explains Montúfar. So even if you let your feelings get the best of you sometimes, you’re always going to persevere through any internal turmoil. Translation: You get sh*t done!

Plus, your resilience allows you to go through ideas until you find the 'right' resolution. 'Like its animal sign (the crab) depicts, Cancers walk sideways, which means that they know how to approach complex issues from a completely different perspective,' says Montúfar. Noted!

3. You’re the unifier of the group.

'The gift of Cancer is that it does not understand separateness. All is one,' Joyce says. 'A person with good Cancer energy is someone who can appeal to large groups of people and make them feel that they are connected, that they have something in common.' So yeah, this makes being a Cancer something that’s beneficial for people like politicians, team captains, or managers—all of whom need to bring many people together in order to experience success or a general happy equilibrium.

4. You’re a born nurturer.

You’re happiest when you have something—or someone—to care for, whether it’s a puppy, person, or plant (hey, succulents need love, too!), according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. 'Cancer is the sign representative of the mother, as well as family, roots, and ancestral lineage, so it’s in these natives' nature to want to protect what matters most to them,' adds Montúfar.

In relationships, you’re most likely the one who is always doling out back rubs after a long day or answering late-night emotional support texts, Page explains. You don’t necessarily get back all of the awesomeness you give but, in general, you’re okay with that.

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5. You’re not always upfront about your feelings.

Despite the fact that you dole out comfort to people like it’s candy, it can take a little time to squeeze out how you really, truly feel about someone. 'Cancer is the sign that takes the longest to get to know,' explains Montúfar. 'They do this as a defense mechanism, because when they fall in love, for example, they fall hard and tend to get clingy.'

TL;DR: You’re scared of getting hurt—and fair! Crabs have a hard shell, after all, so you've gotta get comfortable before you come out of it. But once you finally open up, you're all in.

6. You’re sensitive AF.

You have an amazing ability to understand the emotional needs of people, whether they’re in your inner circle or not, Page explains. And, with that, you can respond quickly if you feel like someone needs a mental boost. On the flipside, that also means you’re totally prone to bawling whenever you catch an ASPCA commercial on TV.

You just have a lot of feelings, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it might even benefit you. 'Cancers are big empaths who feel a deep need to take care of people,' says Montúfar. Basically, your willingness and sensitivity toward caring for people won’t go unnoticed by others, and odds are you’ll build a great support network just by being yourself.

7. You like to collect stuff.

Whether it’s your collection of Beyoncé concert tees or your lifelong goal to get every single nail polish colour ever made, collecting items is definitely a Cancer thing. You don’t necessarily care how much this stuff is worth—you just really, really like pulling things together.

The main thing Cancers collect, though? Memories. 'Cancer natives have a lasting memory,' says Montúfar 'They literally remember every experience, person, and detail. These are people who can store a lot of information inside their psyche, which is why they sometimes get so nostalgic about the past.' Apologies for being cheesy, but you like taking in the moment and then afterward, carrying it with you forever.

8. You’re a little reserved.

You’re not shy, per se, but you definitely don’t feel the need to be dancing on top of the bar like you're an extra on Coyote Ugly (no judgment to your Gemini friend who does, of course!). While you’re cool with a big social network, you tend to really focus on the smaller crew you know you can trust, Page explains.

'Cancer natives are also very security-driven because they have high standards when it comes to material things,' Montúfar adds. 'They need to feel safe and sure that they will be able to provide for their family.' So, if a Cancer comes off as reserved, it’s because they’re focused on self-preservation—they need to heavily vet you before they let you into their inner circle of safety and security.

Cancer modality category

In Western astrology, the zodiac signs are broken up into three modalities: cardinal, mutable, and fixed. Modalities discern the signs' shared approach to life plus their behavior. Think: Someone who changes their mind constantly (hello, mutable signs) versus someone who’ll double down even if they realise they’re wrong (er, fixed signs).

Cancer zodiac signs belong to the cardinal modality, along with Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. Western astrology is based on the cardinal points, says Montúfar, which means: The day the sun enters Aries is the spring equinox, and the day the sun enters Cancer is the summer solstice. Same with the latter half of the year: The day the sun enters Libra is the fall equinox, and the day the sun enters Capricorn is the winter solstice. All of this to say, cardinal signs are very important because they literally signal a new season, which translates directly into their character traits.

'Cardinal signs are the zodiac's natural leaders, so you can consider them like the oldest child,' says professional astrologer Lauren Ash, adding that they tend to be assertive and overbearing, 'but it all comes from a place of love.'

'In Cancer's case, they offer the emotional strength and support needed when life inevitably knocks you back or derails plans,' says Ash. The tendency to lead with heart is one of their biggest strengths—emotions drive them toward their goals, Ash adds. 'As a cardinal sign, Cancer understands that true power comes from the bonds you form with others and the relationship you foster with yourself.'

Cancer sign compatibility

When it comes to friendships and relationships, Cancers need to be with someone who can get deep with them. 'A lot of the times what I've seen is that Cancer people give a little bit too much in their relationships because they're so empathetic,' says Montúfar. 'They often need to be reminded that it has to go both ways.'

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Cancers are super compatible with other water signs Scorpio and Pisces, as well as the earth signs Taurus and Virgo. 'Scorpio and Pisces are kind of on the same wavelength when it comes to emotional depth,' says Montúfar. 'They share the element of water and they just feel emotion with intention.' Basically, 'too much, too soon' doesn’t exist between these signs. It makes sense why they get along well with Taurus and Virgo, too. 'Water mixes really well with earth,' Montúfar adds. 'So with those two signs, Cancer just can build something really meaningful.'

On the other hand, Cancers don’t really vibe with the other cardinal signsLibra, Aries, and Capricorn. This is because they all like to take the lead in their relationships. 'They kind of wanna have control of the situation or control of the friendship,' Montúfar says. So when you have two of these signs together…well, it’s not exactly smooth sailing.

Cancer natural element sign

Elements correspond to the zodiac signs' nature and orientation in astrology and are broken up into four groups: fire, water, air, and earth. Think of your sign's element as your general temperament and how you respond to the world.

Cancer is a water sign. Water signs are the emotional intuits of the zodiac: 'They draw their power from empathy, compassion, and self-awareness,' explains Ash. And Cancers, in particular, 'can see beyond the surface of anyone's emotions and peer into the deepest parts of their psyche to see what's really troubling them.'

But don’t let their gentleness fool you—while water signs are perhaps best known for being on the emotional side, 'in the natural world, water is the strongest of the elements,' Montúfar says, meaning they’re super resilient. This quality is actually what gives them the ability to be a strong leader, because they know just how much emotional bandwidth it takes to get the job done. 'Cancers can nurture things back to life even when all hope is lost,' Ash says.

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Cancers in the workplace

In case you haven't gotten the gist by now, Cancers have ample strengths in the workforce. 'A lot of Cancer people are very successful,' Montúfar says. Often found working in positions of management, they’re great at starting projects, taking initiative, connecting to their instincts to hire the best candidates, and leading with empathy. But there’s a reason behind their determination: 'They're very ambitious because they wanna have security, and build a family,' Montúfar explains.

It’s also common to find Cancers working in fields having to do with caretaking, like in hospitals or schools, because these roles align with their nurturing and family-oriented identities.

Around coworkers, Cancers are very caring and empathetic. 'They will play the role of mom or big sister, which is sweet,' Montúfar explains. 'But it can also be a weakness, at times, because they literally feel if you're sad.'

Their moodiness can also make an appearance in the workplace—after all, Cancers are the only sign ruled by the moon. Since 'the moon changes moods every single day many times over throughout the day,' it really affects them, Montúfar says. But they can turn it around quickly once they become aware.

Moreover, as a cardinal sign, they can be a bit overbearing and make decisions quickly based on impulse. What?! They can’t help that they’re so into their work!

Cancer in relationships

When it comes to relationships, love and passion come naturally for Cancers. They’re deeply loyal and over-protective of those they love, explains Ash. Cancers are typically romantic and emotionally mature, but because of their lunar ruler—which changes signs every other day or so—they can also be a tad (er, very) moody. You probably won’t catch this water sign opting for a polyamorous relationship, as they tend to be the jealous type.

Cancers are notorious for wearing their heart on their sleeve, Ash notes. That said, they’re still selective with who they allow near their hearts. 'The crab has a tough exterior shell and razor-sharp claws to fend off those they feel have ulterior motives,' says Ash.

These romantics are extremely sentimental and prefer relationships that are stable and secure. 'They strongly believe in growing with their partner over a lifetime,' Ash adds.

Cancer in the bedroom

If you haven’t gotten the hint that Cancers are the soft, sweet lovers of the zodiac, let me put it this way: They're more likely to leave rose petals leading up to the bedroom than experiment with blindfolds and bondage.

Cancers prefer slow burn foreplay, 'and will ensure their partner is fully pleased before moving on to the main event,' explains Ash. That’s not to say they don’t take charge in the bedroom, though. Their cardinal modality totally manifests between the sheets, according to Ash. They are likely to switch between the dominant and submissive roles depending on what mood they’re in.

Oh, and you won’t have to wonder if a Cancer is sexually satisfied, either—'they’ll whisper words of encouragement in your ear during the climax,' says Ash. But the best part is: 'You'll always get your fair share of aftercare and back rubs once you've both reached a satisfying conclusion,' she says. Is anyone else feeling hot right now?

Meet the Experts: Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer, artist, writer, and the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. She currently serves as the senior astrologer at Astrology.com and Horoscope.com. Linda Joyce is a writer, lecturer, life-coach, and certified astrologer. Donna Page is a certified astrologer based in Atlanta, Georgia. Lauren Ash is a professional astrologer and the senior astrology editor at Parade. She is based in St. Louis, Missouri.

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From: Women's Health US
Headshot of Korin Miller
Korin Miller
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.
Headshot of Addison Aloian
Addison Aloian
Assistant Love & Life Editor

Addison Aloian (she/her) is the assistant love & life editor at Women’s Health. Outside of topics related to lifestyle, relationships, and dating, she also loves covering fitness and style. In her free time, she enjoys lifting weights at the gym, reading mystery and romance novels, watching (and critiquing!) the latest movies that have garnered Oscars buzz, and wandering around the West Village in New York City. In addition to Women's Health, her work has also appeared in Allure, StyleCaster, L'Officiel USA, V Magazine, VMAN, and more.

Headshot of Brittany Beringer
Brittany Beringer
Freelance Writer

Brittany Beringer-Tobing is a freelance writer, mystic, creator, and full-time Aquarius based in San Diego, CA. Her bylines have appeared in POPSUGAR, Bustle, Well+Good, Frenshe, Thought Catalog, and more. She was formerly an astrology writer at Bustle where she covered all things mystical—from lunar forecasts and numerology to manifestation rituals and retrograde dos and don’ts. Outside of writing in the cosmic realm, you can catch Brittany casting spells, listening to true crime, and dancing the night away.