How much attention have you paid to your gut lately? It might be time to start listening because research suggests that feeling good – in both body and mind – starts from the inside, with our guts holding what scientists have dubbed our ‘second brain’.

This second brain – aka the enteric nervous system (ENS) – is home to more than 100 million nerve cells, which communicate with our ‘main’ brain. But what does that mean, and how can looking after our gut benefit our mental health? We asked registered nutritional therapist and gut health specialist Marilia Chamon, founder of Gutfulness Nutrition, to give us the lowdown.

Gut feelings

‘The gut and the brain are involved in a constant communication pathway called the microbiota-gut-brain axis,’ explains Chamon. ‘For every message the brain sends to the gut, the gut sends nine to the brain, through visceral nerves and the gut microbiota,’ (that’s the microorganisms, like bacteria, living in our digestive tract, FYI).

Not only does the brain play an important role in the way our gut functions, but gut bacteria can interact with our central nervous system, helping to regulate our brain chemistry and the systems associated with things like stress, anxiety and memory. In fact, the microorganisms in our gut actually produce neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, in the brain.

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With studies finding links between gut bacteria deficits and mental health conditions such as depression, as well as lowered immunity (the gut houses around 70% of the body’s immune system), it’s never been more important to take our gut health seriously.

5 mood-enhancing tips for boosting gut health

Embrace variety

Research has found that eating 30 different types of plant foods per week is associated with greater microbial diversity in the gut. It's important to incorporate fermented foods too, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, but can also be as easy as adding yoghurt to your daily diet as a breakfast, on-the-go snack or dessert. Fermented foods contain live cultures which can support the growth of good bacteria in the gut, helping to strengthen the microbiome.

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Get moving

Most of us know that activity boosts our mood, but it’s directly linked to our gut health, too. ‘Research shows regular aerobic exercise like walking, running and cycling can increase the quantity and diversity of beneficial bacteria,’ says Chamon.

Sleep well

‘The body’s biological clock works in synergy with the microbial clock, and studies show that circadian-rhythm disruption can negatively alter gut-bacteria composition,’ Chamon explains. Gut bacteria aside, experts have also found that improved sleep quality results in a more positive outlook, so factor in some early nights pronto.

Say ‘Om’

‘When stressed, the body produces stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which directly impact the functioning of the ENS. Yoga and meditation have both proven to be useful practices to reduce stress.’ Yoga, in particular, has been found to boost levels of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric), a calming neurotransmitter that can improve mood even more than walking.

Monitor meds

Antibiotics reduce the abundance and diversity of our gut bacteria and can trigger symptoms of visceral hypersensitivity (abdominal pain or discomfort),’ says Chamon. ‘That’s not to say we shouldn’t be taking antibiotics, but do so with caution and only when essential.’

    Discover more about taking care of your gut health at

    The Activia yoghurt range is deliciously good for your gut health*. Each pot contains a unique fermented blend of five active strains, packed with billions of live cultures, which give the yogurt its creamy texture. It is also a source of calcium, which can help keep your gut happy*. You can even turn your yogurt into a quick chia pudding, or use it to make pancakes – Activia has lots of tasty recipe inspiration.

    *Activia contains calcium, which contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes. Enjoy as part of a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

    Headshot of Sophie Goddard
    Sophie Goddard
    Features Editor

    I’m Cosmo's Acting Features Editor. I love stripes and lipstick. But please don't talk to me about needles (I'm a fainter).