The body confidence movement has blossomed in recent years - and so have related topics been de-stigmatised, like post-pregnancy bladder leaks, menopausal hot flushes and bloating that affects us all. However, while growing acceptance of the latter is certainly a positive (no one should be having to 'suck in' after a delicious lunch, thank you very much), some experts believe it's been taken too far - and to the point where our health is at risk.

Indeed, a cursory scroll of Instagram or TikTok might now leave you thinking that bloating, defined as when your belly feels full and uncomfortable, is nothing to worry about at all - with influencers sharing mesmerising dinnertime 'before' and 'afters' of their usually taut tummies. However, in some situations it is actually a warning sign from our body that something isn't quite right.

'I think the normalisation of bloating on social media means that many people aren't seeking help and then getting the right diagnosis,' says Marilia Chamon, registered nutritionist and founder of Gutfulness Nutrition, with particular reference to the #HotGirlsHaveIBS trend that's currently doing the rounds. 'I often hear this from clients in my private practice - they say that for years they accepted their symptoms as they were based on the fact that they thought they should just "deal with it".'

But, while it's right that bloating isn't demonised, are we perhaps taking it too far the other way? Chamon notes: 'It may be common but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is normal, and you definitely shouldn’t deal with unpleasant symptoms.' She worries that people consequently aren't getting the correct help for serious health conditions. Here's how to tell if your stomach troubles aren't just surface level...

Why should you not ignore bloating?

Many good reasons. 'Bloating can be a sign of coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroparesis and even colorectal cancer,' warns Chamon. Misdiagnosing it as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - which has bloating as one of its symptoms - may mean you don't get the right support.

Indeed, there has been research on this very issue. 'In the findings, they concluded that treatable gastrointestinal conditions were found in a proportion of individuals with

IBS-like symptoms,' explains Chamon. What's more, bloating might also be down to potentially quite serious conditions like bile acid diarrhoea, lactose malabsorption, fructose malabsorption, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, microscopic colitis and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Which is rather a lot to digest...

nutritionist warns normalising bloating could miss ibs diagnosis
Milos Dimic//Getty Images

How can you tell if bloating is normal?

Because some of the time it is. 'It is important to understand that a bit of bloating is part of digestion,' explains Chamon. 'That means the trillions of bacteria that live inside your gut are doing their job of breaking down dietary fibre. If you occasionally get bloated, particularly after a high-fibre or big meal, that is normal. Or if you ate in a hurry and didn’t chew your food properly.'

But if your bloating is happening outside of this, then it warrants greater attention, suggests Chamon. 'If it is chronic, regardless of what and how you eat - and impacts your quality of life - then it should be investigated further,' she advises. 'You should also pay attention to stool frequency and appearance, together with abdominal pain. Other red flags include blood in stools or unintentional weight loss.'

If you're concerned, ask your GP for help - and a nutritionist or dietitian will also be able to guide you. Because as well as loving your body, you also need to look after it too...

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Lauren Clark

Lauren is a lifestyle journalist with digital and magazine experience. Find her covering all aspects of wellness - from fitness, nutrition and mental health, to beauty and travel. Morning HIIT, a lunchtime oat latte and evenings ensconced in a hyaluronic acid-infused sheet mask are her own personal feel-good pillars.