From her Radio 1 show to her Instagram and blog, Adele Roberts is inspiring hundreds of thousands with her candid, frank and funny insights into life battling stage two bowel cancer.

So powerful is her message that Adele, 43, is now on the cover of Women's Health's June issue. Shot while halfway through her chemotherapy treatment, she works the camera with her ileostomy or stoma bag (who she's nicknamed Audrey, FYI) proudly on display.

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Alongside the super-empowering, technicolour - utterly joyful - photoshoot, Adele opens up in a wide-ranging interview.

'One in two of us will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lives. And I think the more we can actually talk about it, the less negatively affected people will be, mentally, if and when that happens,' Adele shares.

'That’s why it means so much – as someone undergoing cancer treatment and with a visible stoma – to be on the cover of Women’s Health.'

Adele, we are so proud to have you!

Another thing our cover star reveals has helped her through her cancer battle has been others' openness online.

'Following people on social media who were going through treatment and sharing their stories really helped me,' she reveals. 'People who were living their life – truly living with cancer.'

'And that wasn’t something I’d really seen before my diagnosis. On TV, stories often portray the sad side of cancer, which definitely exists,' she says (starkly evident in the recent tragic news that fellow bowel cancer sufferer and BBC broadcaster Deborah James AKA Bowel Babe is now receiving hospice care).

'But I didn’t realise how much I’d still be able to do. I can go running, I can swim, I can still do my show on Radio 1.'

In the interview, Adele also describes the rocky journey she's been on with her body image. Once a keen body-builder in her early twenties, appearing on Big Brother in 2002 ushered in an era of deep body shame. Thanks, in no small part, to the sexist and racist insults directed at her by certain corners of the press at the time.

'There were people saying I walked "like a big gorilla" as I was "big and bulky"; another next to a picture of me said ‘Big Sister’ instead of ‘Big Brother’. I remember thinking: why would someone write that?'

The scars remained, leading to Adele experiencing a period of deep negativity towards her muscular, hard-won shape.

'I tried to destroy it [that version of me]. Subconsciously, I wanted it to go away, so I covered it up with food. I think that’s why I didn’t want to do telly [after Big Brother]. Radio is very intimate and it’s such a privilege to do radio, but one of the big things was that I didn’t have to be in vision.'

Despite fostering a healthier attitude to her body (and healthy habits like running, a return to strength training and eating lots of veg) in the years between then and now, Adele is adamant that she's never been in a more appreciative or loving place with her body than the one she's occupied since her cancer diagnosis.

'Being diagnosed with cancer has meant I’ve learned to appreciate my body; be grateful that it works; be grateful they found the tumour in time to remove it and be grateful [that modern medicine means I can] have a stoma,' Adele shares. 'I feel like I love my body more than ever.'

Seriously inspiring stuff. The June issue of Women's Health on newsstands from Tuesday 24th May - don't miss it.

Headshot of Roisin Dervish-O'Kane
Roisin Dervish-O'Kane

As Women’s Health Senior Editor Roisín reports on healthcare and the booming culture around wellness - and hosts the weekly WH podcast, Going for Goal. Named the PPA’s Writer of the Year in 2018, her journalism entertains readers - and empowers them with the tools to perform - and feel - at their best.