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  • What are the alleged benefits of probiotic supplements?
  • What's Symprove made of?
  • Symprove review: Week 1
  • Symprove review: Week 2
  • Symprove review: Week 3
  • Symprove review: Week 4
  • Symprove review: the verdict
  • How to pick the right probiotic supplement for you
  • If you don't fancy taking a probiotic supplement, here are 10 probiotic-containing foods to try
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Ever heard of Symprove – the celeb-beloved 'probiotic' that claims to be the most effective and efficient on the market?

Well, if you haven't stumbled across the brand's Instagram, you might have seen the likes of UK famous faces Gemma Atkinson, Ella Mills (aka Deliciously Ella) and broadcaster Lisa Snowdon knocking back the good stuff.

Symprove Daily Essential

Daily Essential
Now 25% Off
£37 at symprove.com
Credit: Symprove

Self-described as 'a unique water-based food supplement to support the gut microbiome,' Symprove is a once-daily probiotic liquid, which is designed to be taken on an empty stomach in order to populate your gut with good bacteria. The aim of all this? Well... this is where it gets murky.

Since late 2019, food manufacturers have hit a rough patch calling their products 'probiotics'. In fact, the Advertising Standards Authority has upheld multiple rulings against brands using the term to advertise their product – largely because it can infer a clear (and unauthorised) health claim.

Due to this, Symprove and their contemporaries are technically food supplements that could promote good gut health through their consumption. The alleged benefits of this are many: from perhaps helping with your mood (it's estimated that 90% of serotonin, the so-called 'happy hormone', is made in your digestive tract), to benefiting those with IBS.

Advertising regulating bodies aside, I was chomping at the bit to try and improve my gut health. As an already regular patron of biome-friendly food supplements, Symprove intrigued me. What could this straw-coloured liquid do for my gut that I wasn't already doing for myself?

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What are the alleged benefits of probiotic supplements?

For the non-gut lingual 'probiotics [not to be confused with prebiotics] are live microbes, including bacteria and yeast, that have shown a health benefit in scientific studies,' says gut health expert Dr Megan Rossi, Registered Dietitian and founder of The Gut Health Clinic. 'They’re typically used in capsule form, although they're similar to the live microbes found in many fermented foods like kefir, kombucha and kimchi,' she explains.

These colonies of bacterial bugs help to digest food and keep your gut flora happy and healthy. However, according to Dr Rossi, the science behind probiotics may be lacking if you don't have a specific health need.

'Generally speaking, if you’re in good health with no specific issues [such as IBS] the evidence for taking a probiotic at this stage is actually pretty weak. There’s certainly no one-size-fits-all and no single probiotic is a "cure". We need to think of probiotics like medications, in the same way, that you wouldn’t take an iron supplement for a vitamin D deficiency.'

It's also true that there are myriad strains of bacteria, and they all do different things. That makes one probiotic unlikely to work for everyone. 'Just like medications, different probiotics do different things and each probiotic can have hundreds of different strains, all with their own capabilities and specific indications.'

Dr Rossi's key advice? Don't feel the need to drop hundreds of pounds on a general probiotic if you don't have a medical need for one. To optimise your gut health: 'It may be best to focus on eating plenty of fibre and plant-based diversity, prioritising your sleep and reducing stress with mindfulness techniques,' she says. Simple advice we love to hear.

What's Symprove made of?

Symprove boasts 10-billion live and activated colony-forming CFUs – basically, it's full of lovely bugs.

  • Water
  • Extract of germinated barley (produced to be gluten-free)
  • Sodium citrate
  • Potassium sorbate
  • Sucralose (in mango and passion fruit flavour only)
  • Vitamin C
  • Natural flavourings (in mango and passion fruit flavour only)

In 2014, independent research from University College London showed that Symprove was able to survive in and colonise the gut without being annihilated by stomach acid. This, above everything else, piqued my interest as a lot of mainstream probiotics sell you a dream as they immediately die upon hitting your stomach lining – if they get there at all, that is. Symprove, on the face of it, seemed set to be a different story.

symprove review, women's health uk
symprove review, women's health uk


Symprove review: Week 1

The box arrives via a delivery driver. If he's wondering what's in the heavy box he doesn't ask, though I wish he would. I would explain that I'm on a 'gut transformation journey' and, if he cared, we could chat about how it was going the next time he delivered a parcel. He doesn't and we say a silent goodbye.

I've primped for the 'Mango and Passionfruit' flavour, because, full disclosure, I've tried Symprove's 'Original' option and, whilst it just scrapes past palatable, I'd prefer to pretend I'm downing a slightly sour mango cocktail instead, thanks.

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On the first sip, I neither like nor dislike it. It just is. There are hints of mango interspersed with a tanginess that isn't necessarily passionfruit but isn't not passionfruit either. I suppose one could say it's passionfruit-adjacent?

Whatever it is, it's a solid 6/10 on the flavour front. I won't pitch it as a new Ben and Jerry's flavour but I also won't be dreading drinking it each morning.

With the same texture of thin, watery squash I gulp down the first 70ml capful and wait an hour and a half to have breakfast. This isn't down to Symprove's recommendations – they actually suggest waiting for just 10-minutes – but being ever the perfectionist, I decided to push it just a little longer. (Also, I forgot to do a big shop and my fridge contained four frozen blueberries and some unnervingly frothy kefir.)

Day two and I wake up excited by the prospect of drinking my probiotic. Up until now, I'd opted for capsule iterations, snarfling down dark green capfuls of bacteria and bug-rich goodness. Filling up my dosage cap feels luxurious as if I'm shooting health and wellness straight into my gut-stream. Again, it tastes. No adjective is needed, it just tastes.

Symprove review: Week 2

The second week of my gut transformation looms and, as of yet, I haven't noticed any huge differences outside of actually feeling hungry when I sit down to have breakfast. Blessed with an appetite that slumbers throughout the early morning to then rage fiercely around 10:30 am, I'm ready for breakfast at 9 or 9:30 am. The shake-up to my routine is thrilling.

By Wednesday – day 10 of my endeavours – I'm noticing significantly less bloating after I eat. Also, is my long-begrudged back-acne disappearing? As of today, there have been no new breakouts, which, in my 25-years is a godsend.

Whether this is down specifically to probiotic use is, of course, unknown without endoscopy and a live-in gastroenterologist – and even then I think the science would be shaky but I'm down for these new developments. Long may they continue.

Liquid, Product, Fluid, Bottle, Plastic bottle, Aqua, Bottle cap, Font, Drinkware, Logo,

Symprove review: Week 3

By the third week of our dalliance, Symprove and I are fast friends. I remember to gulp my capful every morning just before I do my home workout, which is about an hour before I eat.

Like a Pavlovian pup, I look forward to the sour taste, the reward being that I'm nourishing my insides with water-based bacteria to swim and colonise amongst my stomach acid. I've never met my gut but I presume she's happy about it too.

My post-meal bloating hasn't totally disappeared – that I have to make clear. I'm still experiencing the natural puffiness that comes from eating and sitting and eating and sitting as such is the working from home life. But, I am able to tolerate things like sourdough and yoghurt without feeling like a thousand knives are stabbing me from the inside out. This, for little ol' bread loving me, is huge.

symprove review, women's health uk

Symprove review: Week 4

I film my last dose on-camera – recording it for the WH Instagram audience to see me and my final capful of beige-yellow liquid complete our month together. It tastes familiar, comforting – like I'm greeting an old friend who also happens to work part-time feeding the colonies of bacteria harboured in my gut.

The fact I've forgotten to take it at the very beginning of the day on an empty stomach is OK, I justify. I've been exceptionally good for the other 27-days. Surely one (or three) mistimed doses are alright. At the very least, I don't think it's going to completely derail the good work I and my four now-empty bottles of probiotic-rich liquid have accomplished over the past month.

As someone with fairly regular – albeit slow – digestion, I don't experience much change on that front. But it does seem to regulate my hunger and I feel less tired after eating.

Symprove review: the verdict

Taste 6/10

After four weeks I grew accustomed to the sweet, then sour, then sweet taste experience and didn't begrudge knocking it back each morning.

Cost 5/10

Symprove is not cheap – and, realistically with the benefits it claims to have, scientific creds and the fact it's not filled with dodgy filler ingredients – nor do I believe it should be. A 4-week supply will set you back £79 or you can opt for the £39.99 subscription which locks you in for 12 months and saves you 20%.

If you chose the month-long supply like me, it works out at £2.82 per day – the equivalent of about one bus journey. It's a budgetary consideration for sure and there are other more purse-friendly options out there – I would just be careful you're not saving cash at the cost of a probiotic that actually works.

Ease 10/10

Every morning on an empty stomach, one capful and you're done. Easy enough to remember and execute – taking it and then spending 10-mins either brewing a coffee (tea for me please), toasting a bagel (#bagellife) or simmering some oats, the time passes quickly.

Efficacy 8/10

I think if I had completed the recommended 12-weeks Symprove suggests is necessary to see long-term results, I might have plumped for a score of 10/10.

Four weeks in I feel as if we've started something good (there's a definite honeymoon phase vibe) but to see if we have the legs for a committed long term relationship I would have needed longer.

I did feel less bloated, my back acne largely disappeared and my hunger signals were back in full force. Also, I loved feeling like there were superhero bugs digesting my food Pac-man style. Long story short: I rate it. Highly. Onto bottle #5!

How to pick the right probiotic supplement for you

5 billion, 10 billion, 20 billion: the range of probiotic strengths is really quite varied. According to the experts, 5 billion bacteria (also known as colony-forming units – CFUs) are a good option for those trying to improve their gut bacteria and general digestion. To deal with an IBS flare-up or difficult digestion, it's recommended you plump for a higher level of CFUs, more like 20 billion.

As with everything, it's always best to speak with your GP or a registered dietician before starting with a new supplement or lifestyle change.

If you don't fancy taking a probiotic supplement, here are 10 probiotic-containing foods to try

So you'd prefer to glean some good biome-bugs from your diet – fair enough. Loading up your diet with fermented foods and foods that help your gut is just as good an idea as investing in a probiotic supplement. Here are some probiotic foods to consider adding into your diet.

  • Yoghurt
  • Kefir
  • Sourdough
  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha
  • Pickles / pickled food
  • Kimchi
  • Tempeh
  • Some cheeses

Remember, everyone's microbiome is different. If you experience any symptoms that upset your daily routine (tummy troubles or digestion issues), lower the amount or volume you're consuming. A little every day will serve you better than a large dose every so often.


Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.