Standing desks aren’t anything new. In fact, workspaces designed for you to stand tall at, rather than hunch over from a swivel chair, have been around for nearly a decade. But, now that you spend eight hours a day feeling the strain of hunching over a laptop at your kitchen table, the posture-adjusting properties of these solutions have got you intrigued – right?

If so, I feel you. After my umpteenth moan about my home working setup, I took the plunge and ordered a make known as a Varidesk. (Yes, I am aware that being a Women's Health editor with a standing desk is a hideous cliché, much like a love of Lululemon leggings and expensive water bottles. But stick with me, here.)

OK, what actually is a standing desk?

It’s nothing more complicated than its name suggests a desk that allows you to work while standing up. They were designed to help with productivity, energy – and possibly even longevity.

Standing up all day sounds tiring?

Not all standing desks require you to spend the full working day on your feet.

Some desks are on hydraulics; you simply press a button and increase the height of the desk to take it from sitting level to standing. Or, you can get standing desk converters. These sit on top of your normal desk to turn it into a sit-stand workstation at less cost than a whole desk replacement.

Right now, I’m using the desk converter to turn my kitchen table or bedroom chest of drawers into a workspace. Needs must.

best standing desks
best standing desks

Sure. But why would you want to stand up all day?

I first jumped on the standing desk bandwagon when I joined the WH squad.

Back then, HR only issued a standing desk if you had a health reason to warrant it. I didn’t. So when my teammates exited the building and curiosity got the better of me, I’d slip into their standing grave. It only took a couple of times of desk hopping for me to understand the hype. Sitting down for most of the day is not a good thing.

What are the benefits of standing desks?

1. Improved mood

One study found that standing desks can lower feelings of stress and fatigue while improving mood and energy levels. I agree. It’s hard to feel stressed when standing as it’s impossible to not move your feet to Savage by Megan Thee Stallion. Your workspace becomes your dance floor. Fact.

2. Reduced back pain

Creaky necks and sore backs are a common office woe. Even among gym tribes with faultless mobility routines. Humans just weren’t designed to sit in front of a computer all day.

For years, I couldn’t shake (or stretch away) my sore right shoulder. Not even a vicious looking foam roller nixed the niggles. But after a stint at the standing desk, I noticed my shoulder ached less. I requested a desk setup review and a month later, I was standing around 50% of the day and moaning about my pains 99% less. The solve? Better posture while typing as I was no longer over-reaching for the mouse or slumping in my chair.

I’m not the only one to notice an improvement in long term-pain. This research found that using a standing desk reduced upper back and neck pain in those in the study by 54% after just 4 weeks

3. Increased wellbeing

Hands up who’s put off getting a drink of water or going to the loo until you’ve replied to one more email? I see you. When sitting, it’s easy not to move for hours. The opposite happens when standing; you’re more likely to hop to the kitchen or pop to the toilet. These small tasks no longer feel like a big deal.

4. Calorie burn

While a solid workout regimen will always be the best way to torch cals, standing gives you health credit. According to Varidesk, if you use a standing desk for half of your working day, in hourly sit-stand intervals you’ll burn off an additional 50 calories per hour, or 200 per day. Over a week that is 1,000 calories burnt and if you used it all year you’d burn around 52,000 extra calories, that is the equivalent as running over 18 marathons.

I clocked this extra burn on my fitness tracker - not only did my day stats read higher, but I got in extra steps (getting that 10th glass of H2O) without noticing.

5. Decreased risk of heart disease

Prolonged periods of sitting on your bum are found to increase the risk of heart disease by up to 147%, according to this study.

preview for Best stretches for runners - Neck Lateral Flexors

Interesting. But how does a standing desk work at home?

Like the rest of the country, I was forced to find my feet fast with the new WFH life. Even after just three weeks of typing, editing and replying to emails from the kitchen table my makeshift setup took its toll.

And although my Apple watch shamed reminded me into standing up each hour it wasn’t enough. My aforementioned shoulder ache came back and I started to get lower back pain.

My kitchen table is normal height – but not the correct height for a workspace. According to the NHS, your screen should be at eye level and wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. Mine was not. Plus, our kitchen chairs, as lovely as they are, can not be adjusted. More bad news for posture (knees should be slightly lower than your hips).

VARIDESK VariDesk Pro Plus 36 by Vari – Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter

VariDesk Pro Plus 36 by Vari – Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter
£873 at Amazon

Adding a sit-stand desk into the household has been a game-changer. It transforms where we eat or sleep into a makeshift office and has cut the gripes about sore shoulders.

Plus, as it's not permanent it can be stored under furniture or slipped down the side of a cupboard when not in use.

Right now, I don’t think there is a perfect working setup. That’s unless you’re one of the lucky few with one of those cabin-like garden offices complete with aircon and a Bose soundbar. Not you? No. It’s all about doing what we can with what we’ve got (or order online) in the pursuit of optimal health.

I say, stand up to WFH life.

If you're looking to invest, here's a long term option we tested

Nine months into working from home and life doesn't look like it's going to change fast. In fact, graduating from the kitchen table to a full-time at-home desk seems to be more of a physical necessity by the day. Pinched shoulders, sore lower backs, cricked necks – the list goes on. Digital Fitness Writer Morgan Fargo tried one of the most specced out on the market. Enter: the FlexiSpot Dual Motor EQ4 standing desk. Scroll on for her full review.


Originally, I had been told this desk would take 5-minutes to assemble. Let me start by saying that is categorically not true. By the time I had unpacked everything and got my ducks in a row the stopwatch already showed 12 minutes. But, it really doesn't take long. A painless 30 minutes max. Plus, there's only a handful of steps to set it up – perfect for even the Ikea-incompetent amongst us.

standing desk

Once everything was in place, I was ready to roll. Plugging in the control panel, I FaceTimed my mum to show her my new motorised workspace. She was impressed. Now to actually use it.


The first day at my new desk and it felt as exciting as the first day of school. Finally, a dedicated area to work, create and operate from. If I wanted to have six copies of Women's Health strewn over it, I could! It was no longer a shared space! I was free!

standing desk

I stood for the first half of that first day. Not least because it was a change from the previous nine months of working from home. The desk moved easily, with exceptionally little noise and speed. In a flash, I could take the level back to sitting. The whole operation was thrilling.

The desk's control panel has seven buttons to move the desk up, down or set custom levels you can set forever, which meant I wouldn't have to faff finding the perfect position every day. The dream? The dream. (Also great if you share the space with another WFH-er and don't want to fight over the right setting.)

Value for money

Currently, the FlexiSpot EQ4 standing desk is on sale for £249.99. But, be warned, that's just for the motorised frame. The desktop will set you back another £130. You can choose from either black, silver or grey for the frame and four different desktops (white, black, maple and mahogany).

EQ4 Dual Motor Standing Desk

EQ4 Dual Motor Standing Desk

So, the big question, is it worth it? One thousand per cent. It's chic, subtle and makes working from home less of an assault on my soon to be wrecked shoulders and back. It's easily adjustable, large enough to feel like a proper workspace and makes the separation between work-life and home-life that much more real. I can't recommend it enough, especially if you've saved precious coins this year not commuting into the office every day.

Get around it people, your neck will thank you.

Still not found the one? Here are three more great options

The desk-converter standing desk

Posturite Opløft Standing Desk Converter

Posturite Opløft Standing Desk Converter

The budget friendly standing desk

ikea Ikea White Birch Standing Desk

 Ikea White Birch Standing Desk

The adjustable standing desk

Tatkraft Vanessa Sturdy Laptop Desk with Mouse Board

Tatkraft Vanessa Sturdy Laptop Desk with Mouse Board

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Headshot of Amy Lane
Amy Lane

Amy Lane was WH Executive Editor, digital.