Tara from Cardiff asks: 'Is it actually possible to speed up my metabolism?'

women's health collective

We all have that one friend who’s able to plough through stuffed-crust pizzas and wash them down with an extra-thick chocolate milkshake once a week while maintaining her willowy physique. She just has a fast metabolism, right?

But here’s the thing: like the cloud and the gender pay gap, metabolism is one of those things that you know exists, but don’t totally understand. Your friends, colleagues and potentially random shop assistants have told you that a fast one is good and a slow one less so, while there’s constant talk around how to give it a boost or rev it up in pursuit of a leaner figure.

Is it possible my metabolism is slow?

Saying someone has a ‘fast’ or ‘slow’ metabolism is a bit of a myth, according to Rick Miller, principal independent dietitian at King Edward VII’s Hospital, London. ‘Unless you have an overactive or underactive thyroid, Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR, is quite consistent between people with similar muscle mass.’

What determines your metabolism, then?

What determines whether you’ll burn off more than you store in terms of the food you eat is mostly down to daily activity levels, he says – and that’s not just how many HIIT workouts you do.

‘A lot of people who are naturally quite slim are active all the time – constantly moving and fidgeting – this lack of sedentary behaviour helps to increase the energy burn,’ Miller argues.

This is referred to as non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), and it includes anything from walking to work and gardening to typing and fidgeting. While BMR is quite fixed between people of similar builds, NEAT can vary by as much as 2,000 calories a day in people of similar sizes, according to a 2018 study in Endotext.

It accounts for between 6% and 10% of total daily energy expenditure in individuals with a mainly sedentary lifestyle, and up to 50% in highly active subjects (you know, fidgety gardeners).

While exercise itself burns calories, it’s the results – building muscle – that really make a difference metabolism-wise.

So boosting my metabolism is possible?

Well, in a manner of speaking. ‘The amount of muscle mass you have is the biggest factor determining your BMR,’ says Professor Grant Brinkworth, principal research scientist at CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency.

‘And because BMR contributes the greatest proportion of TDEE [total daily energy expenditure], adopting strategies that improve it will have the biggest impact on increasing energy metabolism.’

Bottom line: your body has to work harder to maintain muscle tissue when you’re at rest than it does fat tissue. You naturally begin to lose muscle mass past 30, but you can prevent and even reverse some of that loss by doing regular resistance workouts and eating enough protein.

All movement will hike your metabolism by varying degrees, but high-intensity interval training has a special advantage in that it keeps it elevated for up to 48 hours after a sweat session.

If you do a really intense workout where your heart rate is between 85% and 90% of its maximum, your body has to work hard to replenish glycogen and rebuild muscle proteins damaged during exercise to return your body to its resting state.

This is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and, thankfully, it’s not restricted to fast-and-furious HIIT. ‘Weights workouts produce a good EPOC effect, especially if you do them for 45 minutes to an hour,’ explains exercise physiologist Drew Harrisberg.

‘Of course, it’s worth noting that building muscle requires more fuel in the first place,’ adds Miller. ‘This is part of the reason why, if you under-eat in terms of overall calories for the day, you won’t build muscle anywhere near as fast as if you fuel properly for your training, even if genetics are on your side.’

The stuff you eat provides energy, but digesting it requires energy, too, which is known as the thermic effect of food. Protein has a double metabolic effect in that it builds muscle and gives your digestion a workout.

‘Compared with fat and carbohydrates, protein requires more energy to digest and absorb and therefore increases the overall thermic effect of food,’ notes Professor Brinkworth. He reveals that emerging research suggests that at least 25g of high-quality protein in each meal can help build muscle mass, so that could be a good figure to aim for.

‘This amount could promote a higher level of energy expenditure from increased metabolism, both at rest and while you’re eating,’ he says.

Is there anything that might 'slow down' my metabolism?

Yep – undereating. ‘Your body interprets a lack of food as starvation and so, in response, it slows the metabolism, which means you burn fewer calories over time,’ says Dr Cleo. ‘Just by reducing how much you eat, you can decrease your metabolism by up to 10%.’

It’s why crash diets can leave you feeling lethargic – your body slows its processes to preserve fuel. ‘You feel more tired, your breathing is slower, you just don’t feel motivated to get up and move.’

If you’re trying to lose weight, prevent your metabolism from nosediving by reducing your calorie consumption in a healthy and moderate way, advises Dr Cleo. Weight-loss lore tells us that eating several small meals across the day beats three square ones, as it keeps your metabolism revving.

In fact, it doesn’t matter either way – what does matter is the amount of food. ‘If you’re eating three bigger meals a day, your metabolism will significantly increase three times,’ adds Dr Cleo.

‘If you’re having six small meals, it’ll increase slightly six times.’ If grazing works for you, keep it consistent. ‘Your body likes a predictable rhythm.’ Noted.

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Headshot of Kirsti Buick
Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.