Whatever the reason behind it, wanting to know how to gain weight can often feel like swimming against a strong tide of weight loss rhetoric. And this goes double for the beginning of a year or when seasons change. However, there's no need to flounder, WH is here with the expert take on gaining weight in the healthiest way possible.

We know gaining weight can be a difficult experience for both your physical and mental health, particularly if you’re aiming to increase your BMI following a traumatic experience or eating disorder. We're here to support you and help you make the best decisions for your body and life.

If you, or anyone you know, is struggling with an eating disorder, contact Beat, the UK-based charity who hope to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.
T: 0808 801 0677
E: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk, under-18s: fyp@beateatingdisorders.org.uk

How does being underweight impact my health?

Firstly, your weight will naturally fluctuate throughout your life. It's perfectly normal and depends on any number of causes: sleep, stress, hormones and health conditions will all play their part. However, being significantly underweight as an adult can have serious consequences on your overall health and wellness.

Generally measured by BMI (Body Mass Index – something you can calculate using the NHS' handy BMI calculator), you should book in to see your doctor or GP if you suspect you may be underweight. A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered to be underweight.

'The main health risks of being underweight are malnutrition and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In severe cases, being malnourished and having vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to electrolyte imbalances which can lead to very serious heart and kidney problems due to disrupted levels of salt in the blood,' explains GP, Dr Jane Leonard.

'It can also cause osteoporosis, infertility (rapid or prolonged weight loss can lead to irregular periods which impairs ovulation), a reduced immune function which increases the risk of bacterial, viral and fungal infections and reduced growth and development in children and teenagers.'

How can I gain weight safely?

Doing things safely is always the name of the game at WH and gaining weight is no different.

'The only way to increase weight is to increase calorie input and reduce calorie output,' says Dr Leonard. 'I would advise anyone wanting to gain weight to speak to their doctor before taking action. This is because a blood test needed to check for any underlying cause such an overactive thyroid and also to look at any of the potential complications of weight loss.'

preview for Billie Eilish Shuts Down Body Shamer Who Criticized Her For Weight Gain!

Can I still exercise if I'm trying to gain weight?

It's a grey area and depending on your reasons for needing or trying to gain weight, the answer may vary. Dr Leonard suggests speaking to your doctor about how to exercise safely to reap the physical and mental health benefits that aren't centred around weight loss.

'Your doctor may refer you to a dietician for a tailored diet to help you gain weight but you should also liaise with your doctor regarding exercise as exercise burns calories which may hinder weight gain. However, there are many essential benefits of exercise that your body needs to maintain your physical and mental health, so it shouldn’t be completely excluded. Your doctor and dietician will advise you how to safely exercise whilst still gaining weight.'

It's safe to say, if you're trying to gain weight safely, this is not a time for HIIT or intense cardio training.

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How should I eat to gain weight?

According to Leading dietitian and Director of CityDietitans Sophie Medlin, the specific foods we eat during weight restoration are less important than the timing of our meals.

'What we need to focus on is limiting as far as possible, the amount of time in which the body will be burning stored nutrients rather than food that we’re putting in,' she explains.

'For example, leaving long gaps between meals or having a long overnight fast will mean that at various different points during the day, your body will be breaking down your muscles for protein and using your glycogen and fat stores for energy, which is what we need to avoid [as it can lead to weight loss].'

'Focus on having some protein and some carbohydrate every 2-3 hours during the day and a snack before bed.' If that sounds daunting, remember meals don't have to be huge.

What foods should I eat to gain weight?

Go for nutrient-dense food and swerve low-cal options, says Medlin.

'It's helpful to make the foods that we eat as nourishing and energy-dense as possible by adding foods like avocado, nut butter, olive oil and cheese and to ensure we avoid diet or low-calorie products. Temporarily switching from higher fibre products to lower fibre can also help us to consume a larger volume of food so try white pasta over brown and white rice and bread – just for a short period.'

Need some more inspo?

  • Good quality meat
  • Oily fish
  • Complex carbs (sweet potatoes, potatoes, wholegrain or white bread, rice and pasta)
  • Seasonal vegetables
  • Olive oil
  • Eggs
  • Tofu
  • Nuts
  • Seeds and seed butter
  • Dark chocolate
  • Berries

How much weight should I gain per week?

This, again, will depend on your body and the plan your doctor has worked out with you, but Dr Leonard has some helpful guidelines:

'Healthy weight gain of 1-2 pounds per week can be expected when reasonably increasing energy intake,' she says. 'It takes an excess of about 2,000 to 2,500 calories per week to support the gain of a pound of lean muscle and about 3,500 calories per week to gain a pound of fat.'

How to look after your mental health while gaining weight

Gaining weight can be a struggle for the mind – especially if you're finding it difficult or in recovery from an eating disorder. Medlin explains exactly how to look after your mental health as you work on gaining weight:

'Many of my patients lose weight unintentionally during a period of illness and one of the most distressing things for them is how much their friends and family praise them for the weight loss when it’s occurred because they’re very unwell. This can make regaining the lost weight seem even more challenging because the message is that the weight loss has been a good thing.

'The best thing we can do is ask our friends and family not to comment on our weight and to unfollow any social media accounts that lead to a comparison between the images we see or that reinforce weight loss over healthy eating. Remember that weight gain is hard and that it takes time and effort every day and to be patient with yourself.

'Working with a registered dietitian is a really good idea as we can support your mental and physical health during your weight restoration.'

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Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.