It’s the fruit that’s changed the way we eat forever. Brunch-time eggs on toast. Your midday chicken sarnie. Dinner chilli. Hell, even those treat-yourself chocolate brownies. Since, taking supermarkets by storm, all mealtimes now feel naked without the beloved avocado.

No surprises then, that avocado sales continue to rise. Last year, according to the World Avocado Organization (yes, you read that right), sales grew by 26% in the UK alone, while more than 600 million kg were consumed across Europe.

And, to ensure avocado growers can keep up with this demand and save us from a repeat of the 2016’s ‘avocadopocalypse’ – after all, we’re not all Oprah and can afford to have our own private avocado orchard – researchers at the University of Queensland are using stem cell science to speed up avocado tree growth.

So why this love affair with the avocado? Is it really all it’s hyped up to be? And are the nutritional benefits really worth the calories?

In the latest instalment of our calorie-crunching series, we ask registered nutritionist Claire Baseley how many calories are in an avocado – plus it’s many other forms – and whether you really should be splashing out on it or putting your pennies towards a pair of Saucony’s ‘Avocado Toast’ running trainers.

How Many Calories in an Avocado?

Ie is it really okay to eat a whole avocado in one sitting?

‘A Hass avocado contains 191 calories and 19.7g fat per 100g,’ says Baseley. ‘While a Fuerte avocado has 198 calories and 19.3g fat. Note that a whole large avocado, minus the skin and stone, weighs about 195g so a serving would be half this. A medium avo is 145g.’

So, googling ‘how to stop avocado going brown’ is totally legit – and wise – then if you're trying to count your macros and see healthy body results.

(FYI: try brushing the flesh with lemon juice or olive oil, or storing the avo-half in a container, with chopped red onion to save half for later).

And how about how many calories are in avocado in its various other forms?

Taking your average serving and recipe this is how it stacks up:

Guacamole (per 2 tbsp) = 97 calories

Avocado smoothie (per glass) = 371 calories

Fravocado ice cream (per 100g) = 166 calories

Avo-toast (per serving) = 387 calories

What are the Health Benefits of an Avocado?

They contain more potassium than bananas, they can lower cholesterol and they can even help you lose weight. There are so many health gains to be had from eating avocado, we asked Baseley for her top picks

1. Avocados contain *healthy* fats

‘The majority of the fats found in avocado are monounsaturated fats,’ says Baseley. ‘Diets that replace saturated fats with unsaturated ones are said to be more heart healthy so try swapping your cheese spread for avocado, to help eat healthier fats.’

2. Avocados are rich in vitamin E

‘They have 3.2mg per 100g (we need around 12mg per day). Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant in helping to protect cells from “oxidative stress”. We all produce free radicals, which are reactive compounds that can damage DNA, as part of our metabolism – and even during exercise. Vitamin E is a fantastic antioxidant to have at the ready to fight these.’

3. Avocados can help prevent fatigue

‘Avocados contain vitamin B6, which has many functions in the body, helping to reduce tiredness and fatigue, taking part in many metabolic reactions that release energy and metabolise protein and carbohydrate, and supporting normal immune function. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in supporting the activity of hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone. Note that 100g avocado contains 0.38g vitamin B6 with the reference intake being 1.4g per day.’

4. Avocados are full of fibre

‘Avocados also provide useful amounts of fibre which is helpful as very few people eat enough fibre. This can help to keep you “regular” and prevent hunger pangs.’ Plus, about 25% of the fibre in an avocado is soluble – great for feeding your gut’s ‘good’ bacteria.

5. Avocado pips have anti-inflammatory properties

According to research from the Pennsylvania State University, compounds in the seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that may help treat cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

If Avocados are so Good for you, Why all the Worry about Fat?

Avocados are one of the fattiest plant foods on the planet. Fact.

Around 77% of their calories come from fat. Also, fact.

And eating too much fat can lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Unfortunate fact.

But, as any well-read WH-reader will know, the fats in avocados aren’t just any fats. They’re good fats.

Science lesson, interlude… There are four types of fats: saturated, monosaturated, trans-fats and polyunsaturated fats. According to the British Heart Foundation, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are the fats with benefits – think helping to maintain a healthy cholesterol and providing the body with essential fatty acids. They’re the ones you find in things like avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds.

The others – saturated fats and trans-fats are found in fast foods, hard cheeses, butter, biscuits and cake, and it’s these that are associated with the health issues mentioned above.

‘The average avocado has 19.5g fat, made up of 12.1g monounsaturated fat, 4.1g saturated fat, and 2.2g polyunsaturated fat,’ says Baseley. ‘Under the traffic light scheme, an avocado would be classed as a red for total fat and amber for saturated fat.’

What to believe?

‘Avocados contain healthier fats (see above),’ says Baseley. ‘However, it is important to recognise that they are still a high fat food and it’s best to eat them in appropriate portion sizes and as part of a varied and balanced diet.’

What’s the Best Way to Eat an Avocado?

‘My favourite way to eat avocado has to be smashed avocado on seeded toast or sourdough, with a little salt and chilli plus two poached or scrambled eggs and some wilted spinach,’ says Baseley. ‘There is carbs, protein, fat, fibre and vitamins as well as two of my five a day in there, so it’s a really balanced meal.’

Headshot of Emma Pritchard
Emma Pritchard
Contributing Health Editor
Emma interviews the world’s leading sportswomen, top health experts, and women who have turned their lives around through fitness – women like you. You'll often find her scoping out an inspiring story and training to teach Pilates – sometimes at the same time; who doesn’t love a challenge?