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These are the best pre-workout meals to maximise your workout

Fuel up for HIIT, running, yoga and more

best pre workout meals woman drinking green smoothie on yoga mat
Oscar Wong//Getty Images

What’s the deal with pre-workout meals? Their importance and influence on performance potential and recovery are often emphasised by those in-the-know, but what actually constitutes an ideal pre-workout meal?

Whether you're a runner, Crossfitter, HIIT-workout lover, yogi bear, or Sunday stroller, you may often find yourself deliberating over what to eat before a workout.

And, you're not alone. We've lost count of the number of times WH staffers have been seen desperately scoffing a banana while tying up the laces on their running shoes, in a bid for energy, but only to moan of a stitch a mere 15 minutes later.

That's because, fun fact: it takes your body at least 60 minutes to digest a snack. Eat in the hour before you move and you'll essentially be exercising on a full stomach, which can lead to issues like hiccups, nausea, cramps, nausea and stitches, according to nutritionist Jenna Hope (@jennahopenutrition).

When should you eat a pre-workout meal?

The NHS advises you to allow around three hours after having a main pre-workout meal before you exercise, and leave at least an hour after your pre-workout snack for best results (and lowest risk of the stitch / nausea double whammy). It advises that a snack that contains low levels of fat, medium levels of protein and higher levels of carbohydrates is ‘a good choice to help you perform during your training and recover afterwards,’ too. Think: a banana and peanut butter, rice cake and jam or a handful of nuts.

Why are pre-workout meals important?

Pre-workout meals, when eaten at an appropriate time and when containing necessary nutrients, can provide fuel to essentially allow you to perform at your best. They can have a huge impact on the way that your body feels during and post-workout and can assist with recovery too.

While everybody is different and this is definitely an area where you've got to figure out what works best for you, having enough energy for your workout is important, Jenna notes. 'Fuelling your workouts is important to ensure you have adequate glycogen levels, which support the demands of your workouts.'

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What about pre-workout supplements?

Whilst pre-workout supplements can help to hype you up before a big session, they aren’t for everyone.

According to registered nutritionist Katherine Kimber. 'Although they may play a role in enhancing the performance of well-trained athletes, for most people, a well-balanced diet – especially one which is timed appropriately – should be enough. At the end of the day, a deficient eating pattern cannot be out trained – or out supplemented.'

Some find that they can stomach pre-workout supplements in drink form more comfortably than they can a pre-workout meal, and they provide a convenient solution for those looking for an energy boost whilst on the go or short on time.

That said, some find the energy-surging caffeine in pre-workout supplements a little overwhelming. So, your best bet is to experiment with pre-workout fuel to find which suits your body best. Start with trialling pre-workout meals.

The best pre-workout meals

Ready for a scroll of what some of London's top coaches, nutritionists and personal trainers eat pre-workout? You betcha. Here's exactly what you need to eat in a pre-workout meal.


Best pre-workout meal to eat before a run

What to eat before a workout: Athletics
Boris Austin

There's no one food suits all when it comes to pre-run fuel, says Adam Clarke, run coach at Purdue Performance. 'The key is to practise fuelling and eating different foods before lacing up and figuring out what works for you. On your easier shorter runs, getting a stitch or upset stomach is not as much of an issue unlike if it happened in a race', he shares.

Clarke and co-coach Charlotte opt for pre-workout meals that are light on the stomach but give a good balance of carbohydrates and sugar, for example, four rice cakes with honey and a banana, or two slices of white toast with strawberry jam + a banana. Charlotte also loves fuelling with porridge and a banana for longer runs.

One top tip for runners here: it's important not to eat too much food that's high in fibre, as it can lead to bloating and causing an upset stomach when running hard.

Once you have then found the perfect pre-workout meal for running, you can have 100% confidence in implementing this into your pre-session and race routine. Not sure where to start with testing the water with this? Clarke advises writing down what foods work and which don't in a journal, alongside how long you had it prior to run and how you felt during. That way, you can figure out exactly what fuel suits you and your body.

Plus if you are about to do a strenuous run, tempo or interval session, Clarke recommends a pre-run coffee, around 30 t0 60 minutes prior to exercising.


Best pre-workout meal to eat before HIIT

What to eat before a workout: HIIT

'For a HIIT workout it’s best to fuel up on a source of faster-releasing carbohydrates and protein in the form of a pre-workout meal around three to four hours before, or a small snack around an hour before your workout,' says nutritionist Jenna Hope. That's to give your body the proper time to digest, which is especially important for high-intensity workouts, like HIIT, when you'll be pushing your body to its limits.

Examples of pre-workout meals would be scrambled eggs on rye toast, wholemeal pasta with tomato sauce, wholegrain toast with peanut butter or cottage cheese.

Or, if you’re looking for a snack try a banana or half a banana sliced on rice cakes or a date stuffed with peanut butter, recommends Hope.

RELATED: 22 Best HIIT workouts to try now


Best pre-workout meal to eat before Pilates, Yoga or Barre

What to eat before a workout: Pilates
Roy Mehta

As pilates and barre exercises generally adopt a more slow and steady workout burn than, say, a sprint interval session, you won't need quite as much pre-workout fuel.

Instead, opt for a light snack with plenty of time to spare pre-session, to make sure your blood sugar levels are stable enough for the class but you haven't overloaded yourself, either.

'For a pilates session opt for slower-releasing carbohydrates and a source of protein. Opt for a snack around one hour before the session. A few snacks would include Greek yoghurt with berries and cinnamon, apple with peanut butter, carrots and hummus or a boiled egg on an oat cake,' says Hope.

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Best pre-workout meal to eat before a spin class or cycle

What to eat before a workout: Spin
Serhii Sobolevskyi

If you've dusted off your spin bike and are now peddling your way to fitness this summer, take note. The majority of spin classes claim to burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories in a 45-minute class. The harder you work – and the higher that resistance – the more you'll burn. So, it goes without saying that you will need some energy to in the bank in order to push yourself.

James Pisano at Sweat by BXR (@jpisano_pt) advises a baked sweet potato with an avocado salad of tomatoes, fresh spinach, pine nuts and olive oil, a fruit smoothie or a cold press juice. All of these should offer adequate sustenance and carbs, when taken into consideration with the other meals and snacks you've eaten across the course of the day.

'Remember when worrying about pre-workout meals that when you eat is also crucial. Always eat an hour before, if not more,' he shares.


Best pre-workout meal to eat before a weightlifting session

What to eat before a workout: Weightlifting
miodrag ignjatovic

Whether you're lifting weights in the gym or in your garage (current situ), the advice is the same.

As most experts have agreed, there will be a degree of individual preference as to how much to eat in a pre-workout meal, and PT Laura Hoggins thinks no differently. 'How close to the start of your strength training you need to eat varies from person to person', she says.

She personally eats a moderate serving of protein from an easy to digest source, some simple carbohydrates that will digest quickly and little to no fibrous veg or fruit.

Why? Well, 'the protein helps satiate you so you don’t feel hungry during sessions whilst also promoting strength and muscle repair, and the simple carbs will fuel your session, so you feel like you have energy to give the whole way through. Plus, the removal of the fibrous veg or fruit is purely to make sure the digestion of the food is quick to slow you down during your session,' she explains.

A top tip: sometimes, when Laura trains early in the morning, she makes sure to eat a little more at dinner the night before to make sure the fuel is there to train.


Best pre-workout meal to eat before a weights and cardio circuit

What to eat before a workout: Gym

Strength training may not leave you drenched in sweat like a HIIT workout will, but you'll definitely need sustenance to power through any resistance session, bodyweight or otherwise. Think of all those tiny muscles you're working out.

King of the resistance band and founder of Workshop Gymnasium Lee Mullins (@leeworkshop) knows what is good to for a pre-workout meal that likely involves a rubber band and working through a slow and steady pain cave for the best part of an hour. He loves a handful of mixed nuts, a few squares of dark, organic chocolate or a small portion of chicken and guacamole.

Why? 'Eating pre-workout snacks that are predominantly made up of healthy fats and protein helps to raise the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and dopamine, which have been found to increase focus.'

As with the other workouts, Mullins advises eating at least 60 minutes before the workout and warns that some people may need to consume their pre-workout snack slightly earlier- around 90 minutes before working out.

He also continues to add that the optimum time to consume a pre-workout meal is based on a number of factors – how much you're eating, whether it's a liquid-based snack or solid food, and how good your digestive system is. 'Trial and error is sadly one of the only ways to work out what your body needs,' he continues.

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Best pre-workout meal to eat before Crossfit

what to eat before a workout
mihailomilovanovic//Getty Images

Gearing yourself up for 45 sweat-tastic minutes of mountain climbers EMOM (that's every minute on the minute, to you and I), burpees and AMRAP's (as many reps as possible) in your next virtual Crossfit session and want to fuel smart?

Take note from James Duigan (@jamesduigan), author of Clean and Lean books, who recommends a high-protein snack around an hour pre-session. 'Try a salmon and avocado combo, a boiled egg for protein or a handful of almonds—especially if you're planning to exercise after work before heading home for dinner', he says.

'Consuming a snack that's higher in protein and healthy fat won't raise your insulin levels, a process which would prevent muscle protein being used as energy', he shares.

As with the other exercises, Duigan says that, ideally, you'd eat a balanced meal of carbs, protein and fats two to three hours beforehand and then perhaps have a small snack closer to your workout.


Best pre-workout meal to eat before a swim

What to eat before a workout: Swimming

One to bank for after lockdown...

Whether you're cold water plunging or goggles-on for a couple of laps of your local (heated) pool, what to eat as a pre-workout meal prior to a swim is, once again, somewhat a personal preference, says nutritionist Grace Kingswell (@gracekingswell).

'I’m a huge fan of fasted exercise as it helps tip us all into a more insulin-sensitive state. That being said, I’m a passionate cold water swimmer myself and find that sometimes it really helps to have a bit of a feed before taking the plunge, even if that’s just for a bit of a spike in blood glucose to give me the courage to jump in!', she shares.

Ideally, you'd eat a protein based breakfast like eggs, avocado and leafy greens and wait two to three hours to digest before heading out for your session. But, if time isn't on your side and you're up and out early to squeeze in your session, a mix of carbohydrates and fat is a good bet for quick energy and a quicker-to-digest boost. Try avocado on wholegrain oatcakes or breakfast bars made from grated carrot, mashed banana and chopped nuts.

She recommends aiming to eat your pre-workout meal an hour before you start training or, if you simply don’t have time for that then opt for something that can be broken down and dealt with quickly by the body, like a banana and a teaspoon of almond butter.

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Headshot of Alice Head
Alice Head
Nutrition & Health Contributor

Ally is a contributing food journalist with over four years digital experience, plus a freelance food stylist, having worked backstage at many a BBC Good Food Show. Her career highlight? Winning Rude Health’s porridge championships two years in a row.

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