Hunger pangs. Alongside cravings, they can be the make or break factor of even the most consistent and devoted fat-loss programmes.

Silent saboteurs, they have a habit of popping up without invite or warning. One minute you’ve polished off your best breakfast for fat loss, the next, you’re face deep in vegan cookies and counting your macros is the last thing on your mind.

And what happens mid-afternoon when your colleague brings out a birthday cake or the biscuits she brought back with her from her ski trip?

Or, perhaps, you’ve been too busy to even eat and your carefully prepared best lunch for fat loss lies untouched in the fridge.

'Work commitments and other daily tasks can often lead to wide gaps between meals,' says Healthspan nutritionist Rob Hobson. 'Snacking becomes less healthy when it’s influenced by the urgency that comes from skipping meals with the choices made in these instances usually including ‘quick fix’ or comfort foods that can be loaded with sugar.

⚠️ Both Hobson and NHS guidelines (read the latest on their 400-600-600 split) advise eating three nutritious meals daily to insure you not only maintain energy levels but also glean the essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) required to support your body’s key functions.

You already knew that, right? But somehow that packet of crisps always wins out (FYI: these are the best healthy crisps to try).

Choose snacks that are rich in protein and fibre and you'll feeling full until your next meal

'Keep your fridge and food cupboard stocked with ingredients to make the best snacks for fat loss so you’re not caught short,' says Hobson. 'Choosing snacks that are rich in protein or fibre can help to keep you feeling full until your next meal whilst also having less impact on blood sugar levels that can cause slumps in energy, fat storage and quickly stimulate hunger shortly after eating.'

Ready to find out what these best snacks for fat loss look like? Read on.

How to choose the best snacks for fat loss

It’s mid-morning

Snack 1: Fruit and nuts

'You can’t go wrong with a piece of fruit and a handful of almonds,' says Weight Watchers nutritionist Zoe Griffiths. 'The fruit will provide you with a natural sugar energy boost, while the almonds provide good fats, protein and fibre to keep you feeling full until lunch.'

Snack 2: Nutella on rye

'This is usually the time when you fancy something sweet,' says Hobson. 'Rather than reaching for the cookie jar, have a rye crispbread (look for the higher-protein options), topped with a scraping of Nutella and some sliced strawberries. This snack for fat loss is a good source of fibre, which will help to keep blood sugar levels in check and slow the release of energy.'

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

It’s mid-afternoon

Snack 1: Roasted chickpeas

'Chickpeas are packed with protein and fibre, making them a great afternoon snack for fat loss to sustain energy levels,' says Griffiths. 'Roast them with ground cumin, smoked paprika and a pinch of cayenne pepper. They will keep fresh for up to a week in an airtight container. No time to cook? Get your chickpea benefits with a snack of reduced-fat houmous with some celery and carrot sticks, instead.'

Snack 2: Cottage cheese and crudites

'Cottage cheese with fruit and raw veggies such as apple, pear, celery or red peppers,' says Hobson. 'It may not be the most exciting snack but when it comes to fat loss, this is a great high-protein option. Choosing protein mid-afternoon is a good way to keep your energy levels pepped up, as carbs mid-afternoon are likely to add to the ‘energy slump’ effect that many people experience this time of day.'

It’s pre-gym

'Pre-gym snacks are about fuel to get you through your workout,' says Hobson. 'Most people will have enough glycogen stored in their muscles to power their training but exercising on an empty stomach can cause dizziness. Keep your snack really light before a workout – rice cakes topped with nut butter will offer a little carbohydrate and protein.'

It’s post-gym

Snack 1: Yoghurt with berries

'Protein is essential for recovery and replenishment,' says Griffiths. 'A 150g pot of 0% fat Greek style yogurt with berries will provide protein and easy digestible carbohydrates, while keeping fat loss on track.'

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Snack 2: Protein bar

'High protein bars,' says Hobson. 'These can be a really useful way to top up on protein, especially if you’re eating on the go between meetings or not going to make it home any time soon. Choose a bar that is low in sugar and look for those – like Healthspan Hilo bars (£8.99 for 5 bars) – that are also fortified with micronutrients and even fibre that can help to keep you full through to your next meal.'

You’re craving chocolate

'Homemade chocolate covered nuts,' says Rhian Stephenson, CEO of Psycle London and a qualified nutritionist. 'You can make these using minimal chocolate and the nuts will help balance any spike in insulin (the fat-storage hormone). Melt some 85% dark chocolate and pour over a handful of your favourite nuts (I love cashews and Brazil nuts). You can also make your own chocolate – I use cacao butter, raw cacao and a little maple syrup for sweetener.'

It’s almost bedtime

'A small bowl of high-fibre, low-sugar breakfast cereal with skimmed milk,' says Hobson. 'It’s no faff plus milk is a source of tryptophan, which, when combined with carbs, is thought to promote sleep by way of the neurotransmitter serotonin.'

Headshot of Emma Pritchard
Emma Pritchard
Contributing Health Editor
Emma interviews the world’s leading sportswomen, top health experts, and women who have turned their lives around through fitness – women like you. You'll often find her scoping out an inspiring story and training to teach Pilates – sometimes at the same time; who doesn’t love a challenge?