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Assuming you've been engaging with the wellness scene over the past few years, you'll know that gut health is very much a thing.

Quick re-cap: recent science has shown a link between your brain and the place where your food goes to ferment. Short story – a gut that's a garden of friendly bacteria has been linked with increased mental wellbeing.

'The bacteria in our guts outnumber our cells by about 10 to one, and take residence in our bodies from the day we are born, remaining with us throughout our lives,' says nutritionist Cassandra Burns.

Why does it matter? Keep these guys feeling good and chances are, you've got a decent chance of feeling good, too.

Reset your gut: the facts you need to know

According to Rutgers University, dietary fibres promote good bacteria that benefit blood glucose control – and could be key in the management of symptoms of diabetes.

Researchers from Lund University have discovered a link between gut bacteria and obesity.

The University of Iowa Health Care found that an insufficient amount of good bacteria may have a direct link to multiple sclerosis.

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A study from the University of California – Los Angeles Health Sciences – has identified evidence that anti-inflammatory 'health beneficial' gut bacteria can slow – or even stop – the development of some types of cancer.

The University of California – Los Angeles Health Sciences also identified a link between gut bacteria and emotions – supporting other findings that an imbalance can be associated with anxiety and depression symptoms.

    'The gut is one of the most fascinating organs in the body,' says Dr Anton Bungay, consultant gastroenterologist at the London Digestive Centre, part of The Princess Grace Hospital.

    'A lot of people think their gut is just their stomach or their intestines, but it is actually the hollow tube that includes your gullet, stomach, small intestines and then large intestine.'

    Dr Joan Ransley, nutritionist for Love Your Gut has a great way of looking at it: 'Your gut is like a food processor – it processes the food and fluids we consume.'

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    Symprove Live & Activated Bacteria - Mango & Passion Fruit - 500ml

    Wrong. The gut is far more complex than that – why else would it have been grabbing more headlines than Meghan Markle in recent years?

    'The gut is also responsible for digesting carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and it is a vital barrier between the outside and inside worlds,' says Dr Ransley.

    'There’s a one-cell thick wall between the contents of our gut and the rest of our body so the gut has the largest concentration of immune cells in the body, which help to detect pathogenic bacteria and stop them getting in.'

    But, despite having such a crucial role to play, the gut – and those trillions of bacteria – is very delicate, sensitive to changes in diet, lifestyle, and stress.

    And if it goes off balance? Can you ever reset your gut?

    'Bacteria, fungi and yeasts, both good and bad, live in us and on us, in a symbiotic relationship,' says Linda Booth, founder of Just For Tummies and creator of natural digestive health supplements.

    'I like to think of it like getting on with your neighbours – some of whom might be a bit difficult to deal with. A problem occurs when all the good neighbours move out of the area, and the bad, disruptive neighbours move in and take over, causing mayhem.

    Whether the peace can ever be restored completely is difficult to answer as the research is limited but there are steps you can take that should, at least, help.'

    What can throw your gut off balance?

    The simple answer? The usual: stress, poor diet, illness, too much exercise and certain medications (think antibiotics and the female oral contraceptive) can all take their toll on your gut health. Even simply getting older can have an impact. Soz.

    'Other common causes are periods of constipation, low production of acids and enzymes that support the breakdown of food and even fluctuations in hormones during your menstrual cycle,' says nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner Steven Grant.

    So, you pretty much stand no chance of keeping your little internal bacterial army happy then?

    Not so.

    'All imbalances can be helped,' says Grant. 'The hard part is discovering what the imbalance is, so you can address it appropriately.'

    Identify your gut health imbalance

    'In practice we use a combination of symptom analysis, understanding someone’s health and symptom timeline and, where appropriate, use specific testing such as stool and breath tests to help guide us,' says Grant.

    'We always recommend discussing your symptoms with your GP and, if appropriate, a gastroenterologist first, as they may also choose to do some investigation depending on your symptoms.' Makes sense when, as your probably know, the symptoms (see below) overlap closely with symptoms of IBS, and coeliac disease.

    Symptoms that you have a gut imbalance

    'The digestive system is the gateway between the outside world and our inner body,' says Grant. 'A digestive system that becomes compromised, can impact all systems in the body at some level.'

    Which means you can expect for an imbalanced gut to show itself not just in one way, or part of your body, but multiple ways, pretty much anywhere and everywhere. Some of the symptoms you might like to look out for, Grant says, include:

    • Increased bloating and distension
    • Excessive gas and belching
    • Changes to your stools and the frequency of your bowel movements
    • Heartburn and reflux (read more about this and other common bowel problems, here)
    • Acne
    • Rosacea
    • Dull hair
    • Brittle nails

    'At this time, the research pinpointing specific bacteria strains with specific symptoms of an imbalanced gut, is lacking so focus on creating a healthy balance and diverse range of microbes in the gut, while perhaps addressing specific infections or overgrowths of bacteria in the wrong area of the digestive systems as in conditions such as Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO),' Grant says.

    Raring to get your gut health back on track? Read on for 12 ways to reset your gut health. Get ready to meet the new bacteria-friendly you.

    12 ways to reset your gut health

    Reset your gut switch-up 1: follow the '5R rule'

    'Addressing digestive imbalances take a bit of time so just be patient with it,' says Grant. 'The '5R Protocol' provides a nice framework to work towards,' says Grant.

    The 5R’s include:

    • Remove – Remove any unwanted bugs, foods and even stressors where possible. This might include using specific therapeutic diets such as the low FODMAP diet or Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)

    • Replace – Put good stuff back into the digestive system; this might include supporting nutrients, acids and enzyme levels

    • Repopulate – Support the levels of beneficial bacteria and add competition for not so beneficial bacteria. Think the use of prebiotics and probiotics

    • Repair – Support the integrity of the gut lining itself to keep things out of the blood stream that should not be getting in there via the gut

    • Rebalance – Most important is the rebalance of one’s nutrition and lifestyle to help prevent the reoccurrence of issues in the future

    Reset your gut switch-up 1: Eat a gut reset diet

    'A restricted diet reduces diversity within your microbiome,' says Booth. 'The ‘bugs’ like lots of variety.'

    'Starchy vegetables – butternut squashes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, root vegetables, - provide the gut with carbohydrates and fibre,' says Dr Ransley.

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    'Artichokes contain inulin which is very good for the gut. Green leafy vegetables contain micronutrients that nourish the cells of the gut and pulses are really good – they’re a source of long-chain polysaccharides that the gut likes to ferment.

    When it does, the result is short-chain fatty acids, which are good for gut health. Add Puy lentils to sauces, soups and stews.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 3: Dose up on healthy fats

    'Aim for three portions of oily fish weekly,' says Booth.

    'Our consumption of oily fish, which contains omega 3 essential fatty acids) has reduced by a whopping 60% in past ten years and it’s not called an essential fatty acid for nothing as it’s something that the body can’t manufacture. If you don’t eat fish, have vegetarian or vegan flaxseed oil, instead.'

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    Burns agrees: 'Flaxseeds contain a huge 27g of fibre per 100g. As well as encouraging healthy bowel movements, ground flaxseeds have been found to boost several different strains of good bacteria.

    Make sure you do grind your flaxseeds before eating them, as it’s the inside of the seeds that contains the most bacteria-friendly fibre.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 4: know the difference between pre and probiotics

    'There are so many probiotic products out there it can be hard to know what to use,' says Grant. 'However, including pre and probiotic foods in your diet in a good starting point.'

    Still not sure exactly what that means? In a nutshell, prebiotics provide food for beneficial bacteria to feed off; probiotics contain actual live bacteria.

    Best prebiotic foods

    • Garlic
    • Onions
    • Asparagus
    • Artichokes
    • Chicory
    • Beans, lentils and chickpeas
    • Leeks
    • Under-ripe bananas
    • Apples

    Max the benefits: 'As the prebiotic effects of foods comes from the fibre content, eating fruit and vegetables whole, rather than juicing them (which removes the fibre), will have the most beneficial effect,' says Bio-Kult nutritionist Hannah Braye.

    Top probiotic foods

    • Kimchee (unpasteurised)
    • Sauerkraut (unpasteurised)
    • Kefir
    • Umeboshi plums
    • Natto
    • Probiotic yoghurt
    • Fermented soybean products such as tofu, tempeh and miso

    Max the benefits: 'As these foods contain live bacteria, eating them raw or avoiding cooking them at high temperatures is best to maintain their beneficial effects,' Braye says.

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    Reset your gut switch-up 5: be patient

    Don’t think that the more pre- and probiotic foods you load up on, the better, though; gorging on too many, before your gut is ready, can increase your likelihood of gut imbalance symptoms.

    'You need to allow your digestive system a bit of time to adjust,' says Grant.

    'If by adding in these foods, especially the prebiotic foods listed above, it causes you a lot of symptoms, there is a good chance you already have some level of SIBO going on. This may adjust over time with improvements with nutrition and lifestyle, but, if not, I recommend working with someone to help understand the underlying cause and not just treat a symptom.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 6: eat mindfully

    'Take time to eat your food,' says Booth.

    'Digestion begins in the mouth, not the stomach so, because the stomach doesn’t have teeth, it is important to chew your food to a more liquid-like consistency before you swallow.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 7: filter your water

    If you don’t already, you may want to consider filtering your water – chlorine isn’t picky about the bacteria it wipes out.

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    Reset your gut switch-up 8: consider a supplement

    Not all supps are made equal, so what should you be looking for when it comes to picking yours? Braye shares her top tips:

    Opt for a multi-strain product. 'These better mimic our exposure to multiple types of bacteria in nature. Different strains also work in different parts of the digestive tract, so multi-strain products are likely to be of benefit in a wider range of conditions.

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    Bio-Kult Capsules - 30

    Plus they have been found to be more effective at inhibiting pathogens than their component strains taken separately (indicating that different strains actually work together synergistically).'

    Read the label. 'As the effects of bacteria are strain specific, good quality products should clearly identify the specific strains used on the product label. This includes listing not only the family (eg. Lactobacillus) and species (eg. acidophilus), but also the specific strain number (eg. PXN35).'

    Understand the CFU count. 'A characteristic of good quality products is specifying the strength (CFU count) at the time of expiry (not the time of manufacture). Very high CFU doses are often not necessary with some studies showing benefits with doses as low as 100 million CFU a day.

    'A common concern is the ability of bacteria to survive stomach acid. Good quality products ensure this by applying a protective coating (cryoprotectant) to the bacteria or using enteric coated capsules.

    'Shelf-stable products that don’t need refrigeration may also be more practical when it comes to travelling, without compromising on quality.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 9: go Mediterranean

    'If I had to recommend a specific diet, I’d say that the overall approach to a healthy diet is reflected best in a Mediterranean diet,' says Dr Anton Bungay.

    'This is because it is rich in whole grains, lower in red meat, has more fish/white meat and fats such as olive oil.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 10: live a gut-healthy lifestyle

    'Lifestyle factors are also very important for gut health,' says Dr Ransley.

    'The gut connects with our emotions so if we feel stressed or upset, that is re-laid from our brain to our gut, which is why we might feel an urgency to go to the loo, or feel sick, if we’re stressed or anxious.'

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    'Manage your life so you’re not too stressed, have regular sit-down meals that are calming, and exercise regularly so you can better control your weight. Certain women also have more gut symptoms at different times of the menstrual cycle so balancing hormones may help, too.'

    Reset your gut switch-up 11: juice it up

    No time to food prep one week? Sign up to the Plenish Healthy Gut Programme and you’ll receive a selection of organic juices and nut M*LKs, specifically designed by nutritional therapist and WH contributor Eve Kalinik to support your microbiome and maintain good gut health.

    Reset your gut switch-up 11: get support

    'If you have a digestive or gut disorder/disease, having people you can turn to is crucial,' says Booth.

    'Athletes have coaches to help them get into the right mindset to achieve success; the same applies to improving our health. I set up Tummy Talk, my ‘closed’ Facebook community, to help.

    'It’s a very supportive community of natural medicine practitioners such as nutritional therapists, colon hydrotherapists and medical herbalists, plus people who suffer or have suffered with digestive/gut problems.'

    And don’t be embarrassed to seek professional advice.

    'Many people can be reluctant to visit a gastroenterologist or GP about symptoms involving the digestive system as they can find it embarrassing, putting problems down to ‘something they’ve eaten’ or a ‘tummy bug,' says Dr Bungay.

    'However, it’s important that you get any concerns checked out as soon as possible to avoid further problems.'