Meal prep has long been the go-to way that fitness pros have kept on top of their healthy eating. Between The Body Coach's Tupperware container towers and the macro counting Instagram accounts, you've likely noticed a trend for getting organised with food.

But meal prep still has a bad rap. Tupperware eating is associated with soggy, week-old meals and eating the same thing on repeat, which is enough to put would-be meal preppers off.

We're here to change that narrative. Meal prepping is hands down one of the best ways you can eat, so forget sad salad leaves and start chowing down on healthy, pre-made food with these tips.

How to meal prep: 6 mistakes to avoid


When you arrive at work with yoghurt soaked into your muffins and a balsamic vinegar stained sports bra, you’ll replace your set from the 99p store. So skip that step and before you even start your meal prepping process, upgrade your containers. Ideally, look for some with clip locks to stop leaks and spillages.


It’s easy to get over excited by the prospect of finally getting organised and being that person giving everyone lunch envy.

However, for most of us the prospect of eating the same food three times a day is less than appealing.

Team that with surprise meals, lunch meetings and dinner catch ups (essentially life) getting in the way, and you can wind up with food going off in your fridge that could have been safe and sound in the cupboard.

If you are prepping on a big scale, embrace the freezer. No one wants to find uneaten grey turkey in her fridge, let alone eat it.

If you have big ideas for the week, batch cook a new meal every three days rather than trying to do everything at once.


You normally spend Sunday watching one or more nature documentaries and now you’re trying to make three different grains, roasting a chicken and boiling a whole box of eggs.

Baby steps are key. Rather than prepping whole meals, you can start by prepping ingredients that are easily thrown together with other staples. For example, one easy lunch option is can of tuna with quinoa, avocado and butter beans. The only thing you need to prep is the quinoa, then you can open your tin of beans and cut your avo on the day.


Some people don’t mind eating the same thing for lunch and dinner but for most of the population that’s more than a bit boring.

It’s also more likely to see you bin your fifth serving of homemade chilli in favour of your favourite Pret toastie.

Again, make space in the freezer. By all means make enough for five, eight even 10 portions (if you have the a very big freezer) but think about the week as a whole.

Food is life; you want to enjoy it.

People who really struggle with the repetition may find it easier to batch cook smaller amounts every other day rather than one mega Sunday session. It’s all about finding what works for you.

Try cooking one protein like chicken or salmon fillets and keep mixing up your grains. Microwave rice pouches are a healthy and easy way to add some extra flavour.


You wouldn’t expect to eat plain couscous with plain roasted squash and plain chicken in your favourite healthy eatery.

So, before you start bemoaning the fact that your healthy lunches are boring and bland, embrace the salt and pepper, make friends with your spice rack and hey, chop up a chilli.

The same goes for dressing. Finally make use for all those tiny Tupperware containers and mix up an olive oil and lemon combo.


There is a flip side to the seasoning coin: over oiling. There are some foods like the Mediterranean favourite, peppers, that can become extra oily when you roast them (especially if you come over all Jamie and drizzle everything with olive oil).

Similarly, the garlic-filled juices that look so appetising in your roasting pan will turn to cold oil or fat once you’ve stuck them in the fridge overnight.

Save the chicken fat to make seriously tasty stock and let the olive oil go.

Headshot of Francesca Menato
Francesca Menato
Acting Digital Editor

Ces is the resident runner, with 3 marathons (and counting) under her belt. As acting digital editor she spends her days filling your feeds with things you want to do, try and eat… and lives in perpetual fear of running out of funny meme ideas.