Counting your macros has gone from being the quirk of a bodybuilder to common practice among gym-goers, but as with any diet plan there are pitfalls that can take you down an unhealthy road.

The fundamental basis of counting macros involves working off a formula that fits your weight and activity levels, specifically being very precise about your carbs, fat and protein ratios. Confused already? Use the WH macros calculator or read up on the best macros for fat loss, here.

While for many this sounds like a perfect recipe for nutritional doom (counting things is rarely fun) there are seemingly some bright sides to the formality.

Enter: ‘If It Fits In Your Macros’.

What is IIFIYM?

As the name suggests, IIFIYM is an acronym standing for if it fits in your macros, and is based on the principle that you can eat any food you like, provided it fits in the formula (refresh your knowledge with our macros calculator).

If you’ve spotted Galaxy chocolate and ice-cream laden flex bowls all over your Instagram feed, you’ll no doubt have come across this hashtag.

So what does it meant—that you get to eat chocolate and somehow get leaner?

Not quite.

WH spoke to nutritionist Georgia Bellas at Fresh Fitness Foods - a macros based food delivery service - to understand why losing weight by eating pizza isn't a healthy mindset.

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3 things to be mindful of if following IIFIYM:

1.) It's flexible, but you could miss vital macronutrients

    The fundamental issue with counting your macros is that there's little concern for whre your micronutrients are coming from.

    These are essentially the vitamins and minerals that keep the rest of your body ticking over in good health.

    Replace chicken and avocado on rye with pepperoni pizza and you may match up your protein, fat and carb ratios but you’ll be missing the essential K vitamins, the unsaturated fats and, of course, the fibre.

    2. A high sugar diet can mess with your metabolism

    One thing that comes with a high sugar diet? Insulin resistance.

    As Georgia explains: 'high sugar-content foods cause blood glucose levels to spike, which in turn causes a rapid release of insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar.'

    If you try to bend the rules on what you’re eating to fit in foods with higher sugar content (like chocolate) you’ll still be risking the same problems that come with any poor diet.

    As sophisticated as your body is, there comes a point when too much sugar in the system makes you become metabolically inflexible.

    3. Fall short on micronutrients and your chemical count may rise

    A lot of people who count their macros already know to steer clear of sugar and we’ll admit, a couple of squares of chocolate aren’t going to tip you over the edge.

    However, what a lot of fit fans do, instead of polishing off a share size bag of Malteasers, is munch their way through three Quest bars in a day.

    Again, this is going to see you falling short on micronutrients and instead fill you with all manner of unpronouncable chemicals. Protein Hydrolysate and Isomalto-Oligosaccharide, anyone?

    WH aren't saying all protein bars are the devil but as Georgia says, remember 'they are supplementing what could otherwise be obtained from natural food sources.'

    It's important to not depriving yourself of all of the joys that food has to offer, but it’s also essential to understand it will never be a good idea to eat lots of processed (junk) food, whether you’re gaining fat or not.

    Respect your body and remember: Food is fuel.

    Headshot of Francesca Menato
    Francesca Menato
    Acting Digital Editor

    Ces is the resident runner, with 3 marathons (and counting) under her belt. As acting digital editor she spends her days filling your feeds with things you want to do, try and eat… and lives in perpetual fear of running out of funny meme ideas.