Potassium rich foods… If all that springs to mind are bananas, then read on for a more varied intake of the essential mineral.

The body needs a sufficient amount of potassium to maintain normal levels of intracellular fluid aka fluid inside our cells, working with sodium, which is in charge of the levels outside the cells, for balance. With help from the kidneys, it helps remove extra sodium from the body, as well as helping the blood vessels relax, both reducing the risk of high blood pressure.

It’s also integral to nerve signal transmission, muscle contraction and heart health — pretty essential, right?

Yet your body can’t produce it, so it needs to get it from your diet — something that most people don’t manage to meet. So, potassium rich food us uppp.

How much potassium do we need?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states women aged between 19-50 need 2,600mg per day. To give that some context, there’s 420mg in a banana — though we wouldn’t recommend loading up on these alone.

What are the most potassium-rich foods?

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Leafy greens

Aim for dark leafy greens, like spinach (1180mg per cup) and Swiss chard (1000mg per cup), which perhaps counterintuitively have their potassium levels boosted when cooked. Boil or fry for an easy antioxidant hit then add to smoothies, soups, pasta dishes and eggs.

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The answer to almost everything (except climate change): the never-described-as-humble avocado. Packing 345mg of potassium into half, chop into salads or over wholemeal toast.

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Though the sweet potato is praised for its health benefits and contains a handy amount of potassium, with 700mg in each (we’re talking average/medium-sized, baked), it’s actually its less glamorous white potato that wins here with over 900mg in the same amount. All hail the JP.

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Brown rice

Not as high in potassium as some, but easy on the budget and widely available, brown rice has over 150mg/cup. Same goes for wholemeal bread, with 90mg/slice.

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A surprise spot on the list of high potassium foods perhaps, a small kiwi contains 215mg. Urm, yum.

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Another potentially random-seeming big hitter, the pomegranate — weighing in at a whopping 666mg per medium fruit. Pomegranate juice is also a great source, if you CBA with the seeds.

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As above. Who knew that watermelons provide just 640mg of potassium in just two slices? Watermelon sugar hiiigh (in potassium).

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Burcu Atalay Tankut//Getty Images

Sun-dried tomatoes

A major potassium punch, just half a cup of sun-dried tomatoes packs in 925mg! Add to salads or pasta sauces or just eat as antipasti. Tomato paste is also a handy booster, with 560mg per half cup — squish liberally into bolognese and beyond.

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Butternut squash

Another easy win, a cup of chopped butternut squash contains 582 mg of potassium. Put off by the laborious prep, cutting through the hard skin? Buy it frozen and ready-chopped, then just throw it in your curry or risotto. Its relative, the pumpkin, is also a good source.

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Coconut water

Another day, another reason to rave about coconut water — with one cup providing 600mg potassium.

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Robynne O'Halloran//Getty Images

Beans and legumes

Just load up, people. Particularly on lima, pinto, kidney and soybeans (aka edamame), as well as lentils — all have more than 350mg per half cup.

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Dried apricot

A real wonderfruit where potassium is concerned, with 1101mg in a half cup. It’s not recommended to eat that many all at once, only 3 or 4 a day.

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Antioxidant-boosting beet has heaps of other nutritional benefits, including nitrate, folate and 259mg/potassium per half cup.

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Carlo A//Getty Images


Salmon, mackerel, tuna, halibut, snapper, cod and trout all have more than 400mg/potassium in an 85g filet.

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Carlo A//Getty Images


Be conscious of the sugar in juices, but also their potassium potential — particularly orange, tomato, prune, grapefruit and apricot.

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Tanja Ivanova//Getty Images

Low-fat dairy yoghurt (and milk)

Add to your breakfast for an AM potassium boost, with 573 mg of potassium per cup. The lower the fat, the higher the potassium — so aim for low fat, low sugar alternatives.

Headshot of Rebecca Gillam
Rebecca Gillam

Bex is a wellbeing writer, brand consultant and qualified yoga and meditation teacher who likes baths, crystals, running with her pup Gustav and making unboring vegan-ish food.