If you’re in your twenties or thirties and think of yourself as fit and healthy, you’ve probably never thought about having your cholesterol checked – but figures from the latest research into our cholesterol levels may make you reconsider.

The study shows that 26% of women aged 25 to 34 years have raised cholesterol, a figure that grows to 37% in the following decade; by our mid forties, almost six out of ten women (59%) have cholesterol levels that are too high. These stats are why HEART UK recommends all adults get a cholesterol check, regardless of their age and how many PBs they’re smashing.

For all healthy adults, if you don't have any other risk factors, such as diabetes or a family history of heart disease, generally your total blood cholesterol should be below 5.0 mmol/L, and your blood LDL cholesterol (‘bad’ cholesterol) should be below 3.0 mmol/L.

As a thirtysomething with a predominantly plant-based diet, engineer Agata, 39, was shocked to discover she had raised cholesterol. Motivated to make some lifestyle changes, she and her partner, Ross, 33 – whose cholesterol levels were also high – started following the Ultimate Cholesterol Lowering Plan (UCLP), focusing on foods that provided protein to support their fitness goals, while keeping their saturated fat intake down.

Here, Agata reveals how it felt to find out about her cholesterol levels, and how using the principles of the UCLP helped her take control.

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‘I was studying for my PhD, which meant my usual routine had fallen by the wayside. I was working from home, so my cycle to work stopped and I found it harder to fit activity in. Pastries, sugary snacks, butter and takeaways had started to become regular additions to my diet.

‘But I was a healthy weight and didn’t eat much meat or dairy, so never expected my cholesterol to be high – my total cholesterol was 6.0 mmol/L, and my LDL was 4.1 mmol/L. Getting our results was a lightbulb moment – a lifestyle overhaul was needed.’

Start with simple swaps

‘The first step was to look at what we were eating, so we began following the UCLP, which focuses on reducing foods high in saturated fat and eating plant and alternative protein foods such as soya alternatives to milk and yogurt, Quorn mycoprotein, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds.

‘I already ate some soya alternatives to milk and yogurt, and occasionally used Quorn Mince, but Ross and I began expanding our shopping lists, trying products such as Greek-style yogurt alternatives and high protein soya drinks.

‘Breakfast became porridge made using a soya alternative to milk, served with fruit – oats are a source of a specific type of fibre (known as beta-glucan) which has been proven to help lower cholesterol levels when consumed as part of a varied balanced diet and lifestyle. Lunch would be a sandwich with vegetable or bean soup or a salad with plant protein.’

Prioritise protein

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‘We also started using more plant-based and alternative proteins in our evening meals. Some we were less familiar with – smoked and marinated tofu, tempeh, Quorn Fillets and Pieces – but experimenting improved the variety in our cooking. Before the diet, Ross ate meat most days, but he cut it out entirely and found it easier than he expected.

‘Throughout the process, I learnt how important it is to include protein-rich foods across the day, rather than just in one meal. Now, my overall diet feels more balanced, and I’m less likely to reach for sugary snacks.’

Make time for movement

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‘Alongside the changes to my eating habits, I made an effort to be consistently active. I did yoga every day, increased my steps and included a cycle or longer walk at the weekend.

‘In just nine weeks, my cholesterol level had dropped by 25% and was back within the normal range – my total cholesterol was 4.5 mmol/L and my LDL was 2.7 mmol/L. I’m really glad I got my cholesterol checked in my thirties and have been able to adjust my eating pattern to manage it – I’d recommend anyone to do the same, even if you think you eat quite well and work out regularly.’

For more information about getting your cholesterol checked, protein top tips and ideas, plus inspiration for UCLP protein recipes that are low in saturated fat and your chance to win a UCLP food hamper, head to heartuk.org.uk/uclp-protein

Reducing consumption of saturated fat, as part of a balanced and varied diet and lifestyle, contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. Protein, as part of a varied and balanced diet and lifestyle, contributes to the maintenance of and a growth in muscle mass.