• CICO (calories in vs. calories out) is a diet that believes all calories as equal
  • Women's Health cover star and tough-talking trainer Jillian Michaels' believes a calories in vs. calories out approach is how people should approach changing their body composition
  • At odds with some experts, the trainer asserts that CICO is the basis of achieving long-term results

You might know her from the small screen – appearing as the tough-talking coach on the Biggest Loser – or from gracing the cover of Women's Health or from taking the stage at Women's Health Live last year, but one thing's for sure, you know who Jillian Michaels is.

And you'll probably know that she's about as straight up as it gets when it comes to laying down her views.

Unsurprisingly, her thoughts on the best way to fuel yourself and your fitness are no different, expressing views that – in the age of keto, food- group-elimination diets and intuitive eating – has slightly fallen out of favour: Basic calorie counting.

Michaels maintains that this way of eating, CICO – calories in vs. calories out, has to be the foundation of any plan that has body composition change as the target end point.

preview for 10 Minute Total Body Workout with PT Jillian Michaels | Women’s Health UK

What is CICO?

The concept of calorie counting for weight change is based in the idea that our bodies work on a 'calories in, calories out' basis and dependent on whether we eat under, over or bang on our required amount, we'll either lose, gain or maintain our current weight accordingly.

Taking this approach means that no matter how 'nutrient dense' or 'good for you' the foods you eat are, if you eat above your body's base requirement, you'll gain weight. If you eat below, you'll lose weight. End of discussion, according to Michaels.

'The food you consume, no matter how nutrient dense it may be, can still be calorie-dense, and if your body isn’t burning off those calories, they will get stored as fat. It’s called the law of thermodynamics. It’s not [my] theory... it’s proven fact,' she asserts.

While this is a view that flies in the face of many current experts and influencers, Michaels maintains that calories really are created equal:

‘Honestly? I believe they are when it comes to weight loss,’ she says, but she does have a caveat: ‘You could eat 1,500 calories of complete crap or 1,500 calories of super-healthy food. Would you get sick eating complete crap? Yes. But when it comes to weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance, it’s calories in, calories out,' she finishes.

Ok, so how many calories should you eat a day?

To work out how many calories you should eat in a day really comes down to what your goals are: if you're trying to lose, maintain or gain weight, the amount you need to eat will vary.

A good benchmark is working out how many calories your body needs just to function (also known as your Basal Metabolic Rate) and then decide from there how to best hit your goals.

Your BMR is the number of calories your body burns each day without you doing anything. If you were to lie in a room without moving for an entire day, this is the number of calories you'd burn through.

Use this equation to work out your BMR

BMR = 655 + (4.35 x your weight in pounds) + (4.7 x your height in inches) – (4.7 x age)

The number you're left with at the end will be the amount of calories you need to eat without factoring in exercise or activity.

To work out your true calorie requirement when daily activity is factored in simply multiply your BMR by your average activity level based on the following categories:

  • Little or no exercise: 1.2
  • Light exercise a few times a week: exercise a few times a week: 1.375
  • Moderate exercise 3-5 times a week: 1.55
  • Heavy exercise 6-7 times per week: 1.725

The number you're left with will be the amount of calories to eat per day. This is the number to either add to or subtract depending on whether you're looking to gain or lose weight.

How to track your calories

There are a number of ways you can keep track of your calorie intake: there are apps that document exactly what you've eaten or you could keep a manual food diary – jotting down what you eat and when, to stay on track.

Boxclever Press Food Journal | Includes Weight Loss Chart, Water Intake and Body Tracker

Boxclever Press Food Journal | Includes Weight Loss Chart, Water Intake and Body Tracker
$7 at Amazon

Should you want to dive deeper into which macronutrients your daily calorie amount should be broken up into – e.g. carbohydrates, protein or fats – then it might be time to consider learning how to calculate your macros.

As always, if you feel restricted or triggered by the process of calorie counting or tracking, take some time away to reassess if it's the method for you.

Find more of Michaels' fit-wisdoms – including workouts, meal plans and customized programs, in her app, My Fitness by Jillian Michaels. Due to the current global situation, and wanting everyone to have access to exercise and fitness, Michaels has reduced the app to just £5.21 per month, or £60.96 for the year for the foreseeable future.

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Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.