From high-protein snacks to protein powders, protein water and protein-specific recipes, ‘high protein’ stickers are plastered on products up and down every aisle in the supermarket. On boxes of cereals and cereal bars, snack pots and packets of pasta – finding food with ‘added protein’ has never been easier. But is there such a thing as too much protein?

‘The elevation of protein’s status on your plate could teach a reality star a thing or two about social climbing,’ says dietician Laura Tilt. ‘Hailed for its bulking prowess and ability to fill you up, it’s lacing powders, balls and bars, and being stuffed into everything from bagels to cheese.’ Convenient? Sure. But are you eating too much?

Jump to:

  • Can you eat too much protein?
  • How much protein do you need each day?
  • So, what happens if you’re eating more than the standard?
  • How do you know you’re eating too much protein?
  • Can protein affect your kidneys?
  • So what’s the bottom line on how much protein you should eat?

Can you eat too much protein?

‘Yes and no,’ says Tilt. ‘Protein is essential to your health, since the amino acids that form protein provide the raw materials your body uses to make and repair tissues, muscles, hormones and enzymes. What has perhaps been over-egged is the amount you need.’

How much protein do you need each day?

In the UK, the RNI (reference nutrient intake – the amount that will meet most people’s needs) is set at 0.75g of protein per kilogram of body weight. For the average woman, this is 45g of protein and equates to two portions of meat, fish, nuts or tofu per day. As a general guide, a protein portion should fit into the palm of your hand.

‘For someone weighing 70kg, that’s around 53g of protein a day – met with a grande latte (13g), a chicken salad (30g) and half a tin of chickpeas (10g) in a veggie curry,’ explains Tilt. ‘That’s before adding the smaller quantities of protein naturally present in veggies, grains and seeds.’

Which foods contain protein? Meat and poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, beans and legumes, nuts, seeds, soya products, quorn.

So, what happens if you’re eating more than the standard?

For starters, the claims around protein’s potency aren’t wrong; studies show that high-protein breakfasts (say, those featuring eggs) boost feelings of fullness more effectively than high-carb options, like cereal or toast.

‘There’s also some evidence to suggest protein intakes over the RNI can help to preserve muscle mass during dieting, and for those regularly strength training, higher protein intakes (1.2g to 1.6g per kilo) help with muscle growth and recovery,’ says Tilt.

But, a 2022 review published in the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle showed that there is actually no benefit to consuming more protein than recommended, since increased consumption of protein had no significant improvement on athletic performance — it just led to minimal muscle gain in healthy adults who strength trained.

‘The problem comes in thinking that because some protein is good, lots must be better,’ says Tilt. ‘Studies have shown that consuming over 2g per kilogram of body weight brings little benefit when it comes to building muscle. Given that there’s no storage facility for protein, eating more than you need means the surplus will be used for energy – but if you consume more calories than you expend trying to get your protein fix, then the excess can be stored as fat.’

How do you know you’re eating too much protein?

Here’s how to identify the signs...

1.You’re dehydrated and constantly need to pee

When you eat excess protein, your kidneys have to work doubly hard to flush it out through your urine, and that can make you feel thirsty.

2. You’re gaining weight

Eating too many calories in general can cause you to put on weight. Although high-protein diets have been shown to be effective for weight loss, consuming too many calories, no matter the source, can cause you to gain weight.

3. You’re constipated

If your diet is high in protein and low in fibre (fruits, vegetables, wholegrains) you might experience constipation and other digestive symptoms, like bloating.

    Can protein affect your kidneys?

    ‘Despite fears about the connection between high-protein diets and kidney failure, a wide-ranging review of studies from scientists at McMaster University concluded that there was no evidence to show that eating large amounts of protein could impair kidney function in healthy adults,’ says Tilt.

    ‘What you do need to consider is what all that protein is replacing. Ditching whole grains for a protein-heavy salad at lunch means you’ll be consuming less fibre, which fosters a healthy microbiome and ensures a good southbound service.

    ‘Excessive intakes of protein can also result in some protein escaping into the colon, potentially feeding less favourable bacteria.’

    So what’s the bottom line on how much protein you should eat?

    ‘Balance is best. Plus, dietary surveys show that the average UK woman’s intake is well above the RNI,’ says Tilt. ‘So, if you find yourself gobbling chicken strips at 4pm when you really want a Pink Lady, or piling protein powder into an already protein-heavy brekkie, at ease. Nutritionally, you’ve likely already got it nailed.’

    What would a day of protein goals consist of?
    - 100g Greek yoghurt 9g protein
    - 125g cooked lentils 14g protein
    - Your average salmon fillet 24g protein

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      A guide to better nutrition

      Headshot of Alice Barraclough
      Alice Barraclough
      Nutrition Editor

      With nearly a decade of journalistic experience – in print, online and social – at national newspapers and lifestyle magazines, it’s fair to say Alice has tried it all when it comes to health and fitness. From packing herself off to an extreme Aveduric retreat in Sri Lanka and sweat-testing every new fitness fad to running the London Marathon and completing a 70.3 IronMan, Alice now looks after WH’s food content. With a ‘food first’ ethos, she is here to help you decipher exactly which foods will support your health, and which macro-counting, pasta-replacing, intermittent-fasting, 13-day cleanse is just, well, a scam. A keen baker and host, her favourite dessert has to be pavlova (with lots of summer berries and whipped cream, of course).