In the next instalment of our new nutrition series, in which we look at the health benefits of popular foods and drinks, we assess the wellness gains to be had from the apple.

  • How many calories are in an apple and are they nutritional winners?
  • What are the health benefits of apples?
  • Are apples bad for your teeth?

Apples – they’re Queen’s John Deacon equivalent of the fruit bowl; overshadowed by its other all-singing, all-dancing members. Berries – they’re packed with antioxidants; pomegranates – they can protect against cancer and ward off Alzheimer’s; and avocados, well, need we say more?

Plus, when it comes to this shiny green fruit all the internet is concerned with is how many calories are in it. Today, we right that wrong by shining a spotlight on the fruit-bowl staple.

We asked nutritionist Rosemary Ferguson for her expert opinion on whether this super cheap snack is worth it (apples generally cost around 30p) and whether it’s really worth washing the fruit, before taking a bite to those sensational headlines claiming they can actually rot your teeth.

Plus, we get the final word on their calorie count because yes, we know, that's what you really wanted to know.

So, for anyone who currently eats an apple a day, or for those of you looking for an alternative pre-gym snack, read on for the nutritional low down on this fruit.

How Many Calories in an Apple?

When it comes to calories, apples are a low-figure option. A small apple comes in at around 55 cals, a medium one at 80 cals, and a large apple has about 111 calories.

Eat yours outside of its raw, natural form, though, and, obviously, expect those numbers to change…

Apple compote (1/4 cup) = 75 calories

Apple serving (per serving) = 400 calories

Apple juice (per glass) = 45 calories

Apple muffin = 152 calories

Apple crisps = 104 calories

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What are the Health Benefits of an Apple?

Ferguson takes a bite:

1. Apples are full of fibre

Apples contain pectin, a type of fibre that acts as a prebiotic. This means the fibre found in apples feeds the good bacteria in your gut – and we all know how crucial gut health is for immune function, digestive health and so on. Apples contain around 2.4g fibre (both soluble and insoluble) per 100g. As a point of reference, a banana contains 1.5g.

2. Apples help fight inflammation

They contain quercetin, aka a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C. Quercetin not only helps to reduce inflammation; it also fights against free radicals. Plus, research has shown quercetin to be an effective antihistamine, as it restricts histamine from being released from cells.

3. Apples can clear up brain fog

Apples increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain, a chemical that has been linked to improving focus and memory.

4. Apples are rich in vitamin C

You know, that vitamin known to boost the immune system, protect against oxidative stress and improve iron absorption (which in turn helps with energy production). One apple contains around 4.6mg of the stuff – or 11.5% of your 40mg RDA.

If that’s True, why don’t they get More Hype?

In recent years, studies such as that from the US Department of Agriculture, have raised health concerns over the nutritional benefits of apples, claiming the fruit to be as bad for your teeth as sweets and fizzy drinks. Strong stuff.

The reason? Their sugar content and acidic nature.

Indeed, following these announcements, the British Dental Association advised apples only to be eaten at mealtimes – so not as an on-the-go snack – and that you should rinse your mouth out with water afterwards to prevent the erosion of tooth enamel.

Which all seems slightly drastic – and unpractical. Why the sudden panic anyway? After all, haven’t apples been a British staple for centuries?

Although the answer is yes, due to changes in farming and apple production methods, the nutritional nature of the fruit has in fact altered over the years. The Food Standards Agency has shown that apples, including the Golden Delicious and Granny Smith, now contain around 15% sugar by weight (compared to 10-11%) – or four teaspoons of sugar. While new varieties such as the Pink Lady, have been developed that are naturally sweeter.

Eating apples can, in fact, help in cleaning both the teeth and gums

However, the science isn’t all bad; a study published in the PLOS One journal says that eating apples can actually prevent oral bacterial from multiplying – thanks to the anti-bacterial nature of the fruit.

What to believe?

‘Eating apples can, in fact, help in cleaning both the teeth and gums,’ says Ferguson. ‘When you eat apples, the fibre in them cleanses the teeth, while the antibacterial properties of this fruit keep bacteria and viruses from infecting the body. Apples also stimulate the secretion of saliva (an alkaline compound), which reduces the ability of bacteria to multiply and grow in your mouth. If in doubt, though, rinse your mouth with water after eating your apple.’

What’s the Best Way to Eat an Apple?

‘Apple peel is where the majority of the antioxidant compounds, especially quercetin, are found,’ says Ferguson. ‘Which means apple peels may have higher antioxidant activity and higher bioactivity than the apple flesh. Opt for organic – so without pesticides – or, if this isn’t an option, peeling or washing the fruit thoroughly can definitely help reduce the toxic load.

I like to eat my apples on their own as a snack – or dipped into nut butter. If the fruit is on the turn, I’ll juice them or make an apple compote by stewing them with nothing more than a little water and cinnamon.’

Headshot of Emma Pritchard
Emma Pritchard
Contributing Health Editor
Emma interviews the world’s leading sportswomen, top health experts, and women who have turned their lives around through fitness – women like you. You'll often find her scoping out an inspiring story and training to teach Pilates – sometimes at the same time; who doesn’t love a challenge?