Unless you've been living under a rock, you most likely know all about TikTok's favourite meal this summer season.

The combo of a Caesar salad, a portion of fries and a Diet Coke to wash it down has had social media in a chokehold for a while now, and if you've ever tried it out for yourself, you know why it's established itself as the girl dinner du jour. There are over 60 million posts about 'Caesar salad and fries' on TikTok to date.

The creamy, cheesy, indulgent Caesar salad is offset perfectly by the saltiness of fries —and what better to wash it down than a crisp, refreshing, and preferably icy, Diet Coke?

With so many of us obsessing over this combo, it's no surprise that curiosity about the trending meal's nutrition is through the roof. Google searches for 'chicken Caesar salad benefits' have increased by 150 per cent over the past month.

So, in a bid to answer this burning question, we spoke to Kyle Cowley, expert nutritionist at Protein Works, for his take on the nutritional value of this summer staple dish.

Is a Caesar salad healthy?

Although the rich and creamy dressing that typically coats a Caesar salad veers on the unhealthy side, the core components of this dish are actually nutritious, whole foods. 'Chicken Caesar salads traditionally consist of grilled chicken, lettuce, croutons and Caesar dressing, sometimes with the addition of anchovies,' says Cowley.

'In terms of nutrition, overall this meal contains everything you need - from protein in the chicken and parmesan, carbohydrates in the croutons, vitamins in lettuce and omega-3 in anchovies, it is packed with benefits.'

According to Cowley, chicken is a great source of protein as it is one of the leanest types of meat out there. 'It can help to build stronger muscles and promote healthier bones,' he explains. Perhaps surprisingly, parmesan isn't without its nutritional benefits, either, as it's 'rich in essential amino acids, which makes it an easy to digest protein'.

Romaine or iceberg lettuce frequently makes up the base of a Caesar salad — both of which are high in vitamins C and A, which 'can help to boost the immune system and reduce your risk of getting sick.'

Anchovies are often sprinkled throughout Caesar salads, too, and this oily fish is rich in omega-3, which is 'an important fatty acid which promotes brain function.' According to Cowley, getting enough omega-3s in your diet is crucial for long-term health, both mental and physical. 'Studies show that not getting enough omega-3s is linked to symptoms of depression, highlighting the importance of it within our diets.'

That being said, not all Caesar salads are created equal. Undoubtedly, a homemade Caesar salad (with a fresh, additive-free dressing) is likely to boast more health benefits than your average restaurant alternative.

Are fries healthy?

It won't come as news to any of us that eating fries isn't exactly great for our health. Any food with such a high salt content is going to be detrimental when consumed in excess, Cowley explains, but eating them is moderation is — like anything — unlikely to have an adverse effect on the body.

'As with any food, eating them in moderation is unlikely to cause lasting damage,' Cowley says. 'Adding a side of chips with your meal, especially when paired with a Caesar salad, is a perfectly fine addition.'

Is Diet Coke healthy?

Spoiler alert: no, it's not. Granted, Diet Coke contains less sugar than a regular can of Coke, but it's brimming with artificial flavourings and sweeteners, and has zero nutritional benefit beyond having no calories to speak of.

'Like any diet drink, these contain artificial sweeteners to keep them sugar-free and low in calories,' says Cowley. 'Ask with anything, drinking a Diet Coke in moderation is fine; however, increasingly opting for these fizzy options can cause damage to the body and even lead to an increased risk of diabetes.'

So, maybe every now and then, it might be worth switching up your Diet Coke with a slightly healthier alternative.

So what's the verdict?

Overall, this TikTok trending meal appears to be a winning combo on the nutrition front (within reason, of course). Granted, fries and Diet Coke aren't the healthiest options out there, but they won't hurt when consumed in moderation.

It's no surprise this meal has gone viral — it exudes refreshing summer vibes, and it strikes the perfect balance between healthy eating and indulging. Is anyone else craving it now, too?

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