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  • What are GABA spirits?
  • How do GABA spirits work?
  • Do GABA spirits contain alcohol?
  • What do GABA spirits taste like?
  • The verdict

After a wonderfully indulgent Christmas, I came to a booze-related realisation – for ten years, I’ve probably not gone longer than two weeks without a drink.

From the age of eighteen, I’ve never had an extended break from a glass of my favourite red wine with dinner, a Friday night Negroni or a crisp pint in the sunshine. For me, having a glass of something delicious with your friends is a ritual I love, and have never thought of as a problem, let alone something worth giving up for the best part of a month. However this year, after a full 365 days of covid-restriction-free alcohol-based socialising, I decided my body (and mind) a much-needed break.

The ideal time to eschew the booze is obviously Dry January, when a whole host of people you know in person – and on Instagram – are going alcohol-free together.

Not drinking during the week is pretty easy for me, I’m not often out on the town Monday to Wednesday, but when the end of the week rolls around I like to celebrate the end of the working day with a little something. While there are lots of alcohol-free drinks to choose from, I was looking for something more, something akin to the effects of CBD drinks. Enter, Sentia.

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Sentia produces alcohol-free drinks known as GABA spirits. Their mission is to create beverages that capture the feelings in the moment of your first drink, and they’ve created two flavours that I’ve been wilfully testing out for Dry January. Sentia Black and Sentia Red are designed to be drunk neat, or with a mixer, and Sentia claims they ‘bring hedonists together to savour the moment’.

What are GABA spirits?

OK, here comes the scientific bit. GABA stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid, a substance that naturally occurs in the body and acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and nervous system. According to research by GABA Labs, the scientific creds behind Sentia’s drinks, GABA inhibits certain brain signals and decreases activity in your nervous system. In humans, GABA produces a calming effect, making people feel sociable, and reducing feelings of anxiety, stress or fear. They say this is similar to the effect of your first drink.

sentia gaba spirits
Louella Berryman

GABA spirits are different to other alcohol-free drinks because instead of creating a drink that tastes like alcohol, they create a drink that aims to mimic the ‘good’ effects of alcohol too. GABA-infused Sentia has been created to give drinkers that ‘sweet spot’ feeling of relaxation and sociability, without the unsteadiness or nasty side effects of a drink too many.

How do GABA spirits work?

According to Sentia, their GABA spirits work by activating GABA in the brain. According to GABA Labs, GABA functions as an ‘inhibitory neurotransmitter’. This means that it blocks nerve impulses. By activating the neurotransmitter responsible for the feelings of emotional regulation and sociability, GABA spirits, in theory, should replicate the relaxing feeling of settling into your first drink at a party.

Do GABA spirits contain alcohol?

No, GABA spirits do not contain any alcohol.

What do GABA spirits taste like?

Sentia Black is similar to dark spirits like rum, with a spicy character and a distinct earthy herbaceous-ness that’s the perfect pairing for a mixer like ginger beer. I’d say you don’t need to go mad on the garnishes with this one. I tried it with the juice of 1/2 a lime and the flavours didn’t marry well, so let the spirit sing on its own.

The Red version of Sentia is bittersweet, with berry notes and a botanical nature that reminds me a little of the juniper behind most gins. It works well with ice and tonic, and could possibly take the addition of some fresh berries as a garnish. You can also drink both Sentia GABA spirits neat with ice.

gaba drinks
Louella Berryman

Don’t be tempted to over-pour the 25ml recommended measure! I poured myself a generous double and found the flavours a little overwhelming. However, a 25ml pour topped up with ice and tonic in a tall glass makes for a delicious sip.

The verdict

sentia gaba spirits
Louella Berryman

Having now poured these drinks out for myself and several friends, we were all surprised by the depth of flavour. Even when mixed with tonic or ginger beer, Sentia’s spirits have a sophistication that sets them apart from a soft drink alcohol alternative. ‘I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of flavour, it was something I’d not experienced before in alcohol alternatives which was very welcome,’ said one friend.

In terms of that special ‘first-drink-feeling’, I can say that after one or two servings of Sentia, I experienced a calming effect similar to the experience of sipping on a Trip CBD can. It’s subtle, but there’s definitely a quietening of any stresses of the day.

Whether this is brought on by the GABA activation or the simple ritual of taking the time to make yourself a delicious drink, I’ll never know, but it’s been my saving grace so far this Dry January.

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Headshot of Louella Berryman
Louella Berryman

Louella is our food and drink writer, covering everything from how to host the perfect pasta party to the latest research on fermented foods and gut health. She's worked in almost every part of the food and hospitality industry, from serving plates and pouring wine to recipe developing and cooking behind the scenes to create beautifully photographed food for magazines. Outside of the office, you can usually find Louella performing very badly in pub quizzes or shaking up a margarita or two.