Plant-based milk has had a serious boom over the past few years. (Dairy milk, who?!) And two of the buzziest are almond and oat milk. If you’ve tried both, you know they offer a very different taste and consistency. But you may be wondering how these two stack up against each other nutrition-wise. In the oat milk vs almond milk debate, does one really stand out as the better choice?

Though almond milk has held court as the king of dairy-free milk for years, its reign might be over. It looks like oat milk holds the title now, and that isn’t a bad thing at all.

First of all, almond milk isn’t exactly sustainable. It takes a whopping 6,098 litres of water to produce a single litre of almond milk, according to the Sustainable Restaurant Association via The Guardian, which is extra troubling considering the UK gets most of its almonds from draught-plagued California.

Second of all, almond milk isn’t really all that nutritious. In addition to providing almost no protein, it’s often sweetened with sugar and only contains calcium if fortified, says Tony Castillo, registered nutritionist and nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition.

On that note, you should know dairy milk packs a ton of nutrition that plant-based milk falls short on. ‘Dairy is a rich source of various nutrients, particularly calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA,’ explains Anya Rosen, registered dietician and founder of Birchwell Clinic.

That said, some non-dairy milk alternatives are fortified with these nutrients. And plant-based folks can make up for the difference by consuming other sources of calcium (kale or white beans), vitamin A (carrots or sweet potatoes), omega-3s (algae or seaweed), and supplements with vitamins D and B12 as needed.

So if you truly prefer plant-based milk or follow a vegan diet, you won’t be missing out much by making slight tweaks to your diet. It’s totally understandable that you’d still want to pick the healthiest non-dairy milk option. So, Women's Health asked nutrition experts to weigh in on the two most popular varieties.

Meet the experts: Tony Castillo, registered dietician and nutritionist, is a nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition. Anya Rosen, a registered dietician, is the founder of Birchwell Clinic. Brittany Modell, a registered dietician, is a nutritionist and intuitive eating counsellor.

This is how almond milk and oat milk nutrition stack up

Nutritionally, oat milk and almond milk are quite different.

Here’s what one cup of unsweetened oat milk looks like:

  • 80kcal
  • Fat: 1.5g
  • Saturated fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 120mg
  • Carbs: 14g
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Fibre: 2g
  • Protein: 3g

And what one cup of unsweetened almond milk looks like:

  • 35kcal
  • Fat: 3g
  • Saturated fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 160mg
  • Carbs: 1g
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Fibre: 1g
  • Protein: 1g

As you can see, oat milk is higher in, well, almost everything.

Why? Both milks are made by soaking either almonds or oats in water, and then blending and straining the mixture. While the process pulls just a bit of flavour and some white colour out of the almonds, it pulls much more — especially carbs — out of the oats, says nutritionist Brittany Modell.

Both milks are typically fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which are important for healthy bones and keeping a proper nutrient balance in your bloodstream and cells, adds Castillo.

Almond milk does have the perk, though, of being naturally high in vitamin E, which benefits your skin and immune system by reducing UV damage to the skin and helping your body fight off bacteria and viruses. It might also reduce your risk of chronic disease by going after disease-causing free radicals, Castillo says.

Oat milk definitely has pros and cons

Here’s what you need to know about the positives and negatives of oat milk.


  • Creamy consistency: because of its higher carb and calorie content, ‘oat milk provides a creamy consistency that almond milk does not provide,’ Modell says. (In fact, it’s probably the most comparable to cow’s milk out of all your plant-based milk options.) That’s why baristas have taken so quickly to the stuff; oat milk froths in a way that almond milk typically can’t.
  • Thickeners not needed: another perk of oat milk's naturally heavier texture: It also rarely contains thickeners (like carrageenan), which some scientists believe is harmful to the digestive tract. In animal models, carrageenan has been linked to cancers and intestinal ulcers, per a review in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
  • Stays fresh longer: oat milk is also relatively shelf-stable, meaning it can last a really long time.
  • More sustainable: finally, oat milk has a lower environmental impact and is more sustainable, notes Rosen.


  • Higher carb and calorie content: if you’re watching your calories or strictly monitoring your carb intake (like people on the keto diet), consider how oat milk fits into your daily eats and keep an eye on your serving sizes.
  • Risk of cross-contamination: gluten-free folks should also be careful about which products they buy. ‘Oats are naturally gluten-free,’ Castillo says. ‘However, they can often be grown or processed [alongside gluten-containing grains], which can cause cross-contamination.’ If you have celiac or a gluten allergy, check your labels to make sure it's truly gluten-free.
  • Often contains inflammatory oils: oat milk often contains added oils that may be inflammatory, like canola oil, notes Rosen.

Almond milk also has upsides and downsides

Like oat milk, almond milk comes with its own set of pluses and minuses.


  • Fewer calories: as mentioned above, almond milk is still significantly lower in calories than oat milk, which is a plus if you want to limit how much of your daily calorie intake.
  • Fewer carbohydrates: again, almond milk has a lower carb count compared to oat milk, which Rosen says won’t spike blood sugar.
  • Higher in healthy fats: finally, almond milk is higher in healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin E.


  • Watery consistency: unlike oat milk, almond milk has a less creamy and frothy consistency, notes Rosen, which leads many food manufacturers to use thickeners.
  • Thickeners: though sustainability has become one of the biggest arguments against almond milk, concern about the thickeners used in the beverage has also brought it under fire. ‘The [questionable] additive in almond milk is carrageenan,’ Castillo says. ‘Carrageenan is used to thicken almond milk and prevent separation, but there are concerns that it may cause inflammation and damage in the intestines.’ Castillo and other nutrition experts feel that more research will help clarify the impact carrageenan has on the body. Though several studies use animals as subjects, a review in the Food & Function Journal of existing studies concluded there isn't enough evidence to determine the effects of carrageenan on the body.
  • Added sweeteners: since almond milk doesn’t offer the natural sweetness that oat milk does, it’s often sweetened. Whether you're specifically monitoring your carbs or not, both Castillo and Modell always recommend opting for the unsweetened stuff.

So... is oat milk better for you than almond milk?

Ultimately, both almond milk and oat milk are fine choices.

If you’re looking for a low-calorie option and don’t care as much about consistency or flavour, almond milk will certainly do the trick, says Castillo. (Modell recommends Califia Farms Unsweetened Almond Milk which doesn't contain carrageenan.)

On the other hand, oat milk contains slightly more beneficial nutrients like protein and fibre that help keep you full for longer, so it’s a good bet in bowls or smoothies, he says. Oat milk's flavour and froth also make it a much better cow’s milk substitute for coffee. (Modell recommends Oatly Oat Drink Skinny.)

Regardless of whether you opt for oat or almond milk, look for an unsweetened bottle that contains as few ingredients as possible.

The bottom line: Both oat milk and almond milk have pros and cons, so drink whichever you like best.

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From: Women's Health US
Headshot of Christine Byrne
Christine Byrne
Christine Byrne, MPH, RD, LDN, is a registered dietitian and the owner of Christine Byrne Nutrition, a private practice serving clients in Raleigh, NC, and virtually across the country. She specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating, and takes a weight-inclusive approach to health. A longtime journalist, she has worked as a food editor at BuzzFeed and Self, and her writing has appeared in dozens of national media outlets, including Outside, HuffPost, EatingWell, Food Network, Glamour, Bon Appetit, Health, and more.
Headshot of Emily J. Shiffer

Emily Shiffer is a freelance health and wellness writer living in Pennsylvania.