Initially a complete shock to the system, national lockdowns seem to have become something we're fairly used to now. And, even though they were originally a rude interruption to our studio and gym workouts, home workouts have been the dish of the day for a good while. The best bit is that we all realised you can get just as good a workout on your kitchen floor. Granted, you may have slightly fewer bits of home gym equipment and perhaps have to dodge a pet or two but sweat wise, you're in the money.

The only thing (and actually, it can be a fairly big thing) is that working out at home can be a quick ticket to injury-ville, should you be making a few common home workout mistakes. The Body Coach, aka the brilliant Joe Wicks, (lululemon's new ambassador, don't cha know) says there are six errors he sees people making with their home fitness routines. Fortunately, he's here to help problem solve, as well.

preview for Gogglebox's Lee Riley rips jeans attempting Joe Wicks workout (Channel 4)

1. Skipping the warm-up

We've all done it, jumped straight into a session without actually preparing properly. It makes "sense" at the time (kind of, not really) but know that you're setting yourself up for a few bad outcomes.

'In my YouTube workouts I try to encourage people to do a warm up but sometimes, they want to crack on and get straight into it. Now I try to incorporate warm-up exercises into the workout. By doing that, you're priming your joints and your body's ready for it and you can get into a nice deep squat and lunge without any tightness,' says Wicks.

'Yes, it's the "boring" part of the workout, the warm up and the cool down, but it's the most effective for your flexibility and your joints, and to really get the most out of the session recover more quickly. I would really emphasise the need, even if it's a quick three or four minute dynamic warm up, before you start going into explosive jumps and things like that.'

Got that? No more slacking on the slightly more boring stuff. It'll help you heaps in the long run.

2. Not focusing on your form

There's nothing like having a personal trainer on tap able to point out where you're going wrong with your exercise technique. Unfortunately, that's just not realistic when you're working out at home. Because of this, we can slip into bad form without even realising and then continue those same bad habits every time we workout. Very not good.

Wicks has a pretty simple hacks to get you back on technique track, watch what the trainer does and try to recreate it with the help of a mirror.

'Video content of a trainer demonstrating the technique will help you. It's also good having a mirror to exercise with as you can see your form which can be really useful. A good online trainer will be demonstrating good technique – just try your best to follow along.'

bad fitness habits

3. Thinking it's all about your body

Exercise is just as much for your mind as it is for your bod, so don't get caught short thinking anything else.

'Don't do it just for your physical body. So many people only do it for their body, like it's a punishment,' says Wicks. 'If you shift your mindset and you start thinking about the mental health benefits and how much it changes your life and how much better you feel, that's going to be the thing to motivate you to come back and exercise.'

We couldn't agree more, JW.

4. Thinking you need loads of kit to get fit

A fully stocked home gym is a thing of beauty but it absolutely isn't a necessity. You can get mega fit using just your body weight.

'I really think all you need is a good exercise mat and a water bottle. That's it because most of the exercises I do are just bodyweight ones,' Wicks says. But don't be fooled that bodyweight exercises are necessarily more easy than their weighted counterparts. You can make them much more challenging simply by slowing the exercise down, adding in static holds or removing one point of contact with the floor – one-armed press-ups, anyone?

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5. Waiting for an injury to start stretching

This is a biggie and very much linked to point one. Barrelling through the week without making time for recovery (stretching and mobility work) or overtraining can lead to an injury. The best way to avoid this is to make stretching part of your regular routine.

'My advice is, don't wait until you're tired and you've got an injury and pain somewhere before you start taking it seriously. Be someone who can really move their body, who works all the joints. That way you're going to be able to move better and you're going to feel so much more confident as well when you're exercising.'

6. Not making your workout routine fit your lifestyle

Grand plans have a tendency to, er, come unstuck, shall we say. A brilliant 45-minute workout might not work in reality when you've only got 30 minutes before the kids wake up or your boss calls that early AM catch-up Zoom. With this in mind, look to make your workout as realistic for your daily routine as possible – this will help ensure it actually happens.

'It's about reducing the resistance – the friction points between you and your workout,' says Wicks. 'If you use your kitchen, bedroom, living room or garden, there's no excuse. You could do it in your pants or in your underwear if you wanted to. This is the quickest way to a sustainable and consistent exercise routine.'

So, whether you get fit done in your underoos (hopefully wearing a supportive sports bra) or in proper gym kit, don't shoot for the moon every day. It'll just end up demotivating you. Instead, aim for small, consistent wins. They're the ones that add up to long-term progress – trust us.

Short of inspiration? Try one of these 51 home workouts today.

Hands up if you'd fallen into one (or more) of these bad habits? We definitely have. But, now we know better, let's do better. To our yoga mat for a stretch, we thinks!

In partnership with lululemon, Joe Wicks has launched a new three-episode YouTube series, ‘The Year That Changed Me’, to celebrate his recent ambassadorship with lululemon, touching on themes of meditation and movement.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.