So, you've eaten healthy for a while now, but when it comes to feeding mini you you've come unstuck. Right? Fear not. If you're ready to start weaning your baby from breast or formula milk onto solid foods and need a little helping hand Joe Wicks' latest book, Wean In 15 (£8.49,, is here.

If you hadn't guess from the title, the eighth book to be released by the Wicks empire strays slightly from his standard fat loss recipes and HIIT workouts to guide parents into the messy world of weaning - wipe clean mats at the ready people.

Bluebird Wean in 15: Up-to-date Advice and 100 Quick Recipes

Wean in 15: Up-to-date Advice and 100 Quick Recipes
Now 35% Off
£13 at Amazon

With stories and anecdotes from Wicks' weaning journey with daughter, Indie, plus advice from Charlotte Stirling-Reed - a registered nutritionist who specialises in maternal and infant nutrition and who guided Wicks (and wife Rosie) through the messy transition to solid food - you can take comfort in knowing that the food is both expert and baby approved.

Ready to embark on the early stages of weaning and start introducing new foods to your little one? You're in the right place. Our 6+ weaning crib sheet is packed with the most recent up-to-date research and NHS guidelines. Keep scrolling.

I'm totally clueless about how to start weaning — help!

If you're a new parent or parent-to-be, chances are, you're feeling pretty overwhelmed at the sheer amount of information there is about learning to care for your child in the best way possible.

Don't worry—you're far from alone. On the Women's Health podcast Going For Goal, Wicks admits that when he and Rosie started trying to wean Indie at six months old, it was 'quite daunting'. 'When you take them from breastfeeding or formula think, you just think, what do I feed my child?'

'When we started, we had no confidence because we had no experience', he shares. 'lndie was our first baby and we really wanted to be sure we gave her the best possible start'. He adds that they had the usual concerns that most parents have, including:

  • Are we doing it right?
  • How much should we be feeding her?
  • What if she chokes?
  • How do we know if she's allergic to nuts?
  • When do we stop giving her milk?
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What is weaning?

First things first—what actually is weaning? You've likely heard the term thrown around, especially if you've just had a baby or are expecting, but may not know what it actually means.

According to Wicks, weaning is simply the process of introducing your baby to solid foods (that gradually increase in variety, texture and portion size) alongside breast or formula milk. That's until your baby is eating a similar diet to the rest of the family.

It's all about a gentle and gradual journey from a single food - milk - to the more complex, varied and exciting experiences that make up adult foods and mealtimes.

Wicks explains that sometimes, weaning is referred to as 'complementary feeding', simply because you're introducing your baby to new foods and various nutrients to complement their current milk intake. 'Up until around six months of age, breast or formula milk is all a baby will need to help them grow and develop', he shares. 'However, at around 6 months of age, babies start to need more than they can get from milk alone.'

wean in 15 joe wicks with daughter indie
Wean In 15

Why is weaning so important for babies?

Well, there are a whole host of reasons. It ups their nutrient intake, teaches them the important social skills around mealtimes, self-feeding and eating with others, and expands their developmental skills, like:

  • Biting
  • Chewing
  • Swallowing

Of course, there is an ideal age to start your baby weaning and an age you're recommended not to start weaning before, but more on that later.

How do I know what foods to start weaning my baby on?

As Wicks points out in Wean in 15, each baby is unique and individual in their food preferences, appetite and development, so really, it's about taking note of a number of factors and analysing whether you, your partner and your baby are ready to take the step together.

'Your baby is your baby and you are free to feed them however you like. Try not to compare your child to others', Wicks says. 'This is your journey and you can take it at your own pace. Whichever style of weaning you decide to go for is your choice, and remember: all children eventually do learn to eat with a knife and fork.'

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What age should my baby start weaning at?

In Wean In 15, Wicks highlights that the recommended age to begin weaning varies from country to country. However, in the UK, our NHS suggests that infants are ready for solid foods at around six months of age.

How come? Well, 'starting at around six months helps to ensure that your baby is developmentally ready for solids and can mean they are more efficient at chewing, swallowing and self-feeding and can cope with a variety of textures more quickly too', shares Wicks.

Further, 'breast or formula milk is more or less all that little ones need before six months of age, so some children may not be developmentally ready for solids before this time', he continues.

wean in 15 joe wicks's daughter indie
Wean In 15

N.B. here: all babies are vastly different, and so will vary in their development and milestones reached. Wicks suggests looking out for the main signs of readiness with your child, as they did with Indie. If you can answer 'yes' to two or more of the following, chances are, you may be ready to start the weaning process.

  • Can your baby stay in a sitting position and hold their head and neck steady?
  • Can your baby coordinate their eyes, hands and mouth - can they look at, intentionally pick up and pop food/toys in their mouth themselves?
  • Can your baby swallow food?
  • Has your baby has lost the tongue thrust (which leads to more food being pushed out than swallowed)?

It's important not to offer solid foods to your little one before 17 weeks of age (around 4 months) as they are unlikely to be developmentally ready before then. Chat to your health visitor or GP if you're unsure.

What food do I start weaning my baby on?

As above, every single baby will be different.

The general consensus is to start introducing a few tastes of solid foods into your baby's meals, moving away from solely breast milk. Wicks started with single tastes each day and tried a range of savoury and bitter vegetables, for example, pureed broccoli on Monday, pureed courgette on Tuesday, and pureed potato on Wednesday, all blended or mashed with breastmilk.

They also moved gently from one meal, to two and then three meals a day over a steady period of time, rather than overloading Indie with more food than she could manage, says Wicks. 'Getting their weight checked regularly and visiting your health professional is a good way to be sure that you're on track', he shares.

Do I still breastfeed my baby if I'm starting to feed them solids?

Experts advise parents to continue to offer the same amount of milk to their baby at the start of weaning and let the baby guide them as to how much they want to take - this is a process called 'responsive feeding'.

Over the first months or so of weaning, you will increase the frequency of your baby's meals, along with their portion sizes, and at the same time there will be a very natural and gradual decline in the amount of milk you give to your little one.

Wick's 4 top tips for weaning:

  1. Relax, have fun and enjoy the process with your baby.
  2. Be realistic, and have a lot of patience.
  3. Remember, there is no right or wrong with weaning. There is no perfect blueprint or plan for all babies, so be patient.
  4. Take it at your own pace. his is your own journey, so take it at your own pace.

Your weaning plan: from 6 months to a year

6 months old

As above, 'I recommend starting weaning for the first week or two with single tastes of vegetables, offering one different veggie each day and trying to stick to more savoury and bitter options such as broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes', shares Wicks.

Take things steady—this isn't a hard and fast time scale, and it's mainly about working out what works for you and your child.

6 months+ old

When you've incorporated veggies into your child's diet, it's time to include other food groups, too. 'Try other sweeter veggies as part of your baby's weaning journey, alongside a wide variety of food combinations - including proteins, carbohydrates and fruits', advises Wicks.

7 months+ old

Around seven months old may be a good time to start introducing your little one to larger finger foods. 'Finger foods can help little ones to explore food at their own pace. They are also great for helping them to develop hand-eye coordination and encouraging them to try out a variety of textures', shares Wicks.

7 to 9 months+ old

Once your baby is established on three meals a day and eating a little more in the way of portions, Wicks says it's important to being to balance out their meals so they're getting all three macronutrients.

This doesn't have to be complicated, but trying to think about providing a protein, a carbohydrate and a veg at each meal can help, along with a little full-fat dairy here and there.

Still pureeing everything your little one eats, bar a few finger foods here and there? Now's the time to start mixing it up. 'At this stage, you can gradually move away from purees and start to simply mash and chop up soft things like kidney beans, while still offering whole pieces of softened vegetables and other options as finger foods. You can give them things like orzo, risotto or pasta as long as it's the right texture for your baby', says Wicks.

Why not try:

  • Porridge
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mini oat muffins
  • Mini pancakes
  • Mini fritattas
  • Curries
  • Stews
  • Pastas
  • Orzo
  • Risottos

The whole philosophy is about giving your baby food that you would also enjoy.

10 to 12 months+ old

Now your baby is nearly a year old, your focus should shift to getting them eating the same family foods as you are, says Wicks. Encouraging them to join in at mealtimes and eat similar foods to the rest of the family includes your child more in family meal times and further expands their palate.

12+ months old

'By this stage, hopefully your baby will be eating a really wide variety of foods similar to that of adults and in similar textures, but just smaller portions' says Wicks.

Little one still drinking breast milk? You can carry this on for as long as the parents and baby want or feel they need too.

Recipe ideas:
Your weaning AM to PM plan

These recipes are ideal for a baby at around 10 to 12 months old, weaned onto purees and finger foods and just about to take the step up to more 'adult' meals.

Banana Oaty Pancakes with Coconut and Blueberries

Pancakes are such a quick and easy win in the morning. They are perfect for babies to pull apart and try to feed themselves. Makes about 10 small 6cm pancakes.


  • 1 banana, peeled and sliced
  • 2 eggs
  • 40g porridge oats
  • 30g desiccated coconut, plus extra to serve if you wish
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tbsp coconut oil or butter
  • 40g blueberries, large ones cut into quarters, smaller ones cut into halves


  1. Blend together the banana, eggs, oats, desiccated coconut and baking powder until perfectly smooth.
  2. Melt the coconut oil or butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. To cook the pancakes add tablespoonfuls of the batter to the pan and dot the top of each pancake with a few of the chopped blueberries. Cook for 1-2 minutes before flipping to cook the reverse side. Repeat until all the batter is used.
  3. Leave the pancakes to cool a little after cooking to prevent the blueberries from burning your baby's mouth. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut to serve, if you like. The pancakes keep for up to 2 days covered in the fridge.

Mexican Corn and Black Bean Rice with Smashed Avocado

wean in 15 mexican bowl
Wean In 15

Keep being adventurous with added spices and textures if you want to grow your very own little foodie. Makes one adult and one baby portion.


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 x 250g pouch of cooked brown or white rice
  • 1 ripe beef tomato, diced
  • Juice of 1 lime, plus slices of lime to serve - optional
  • 200g tinned black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 x 80g tin of sweetcorn
  • Small bunch of coriander, roughly chopped
  • 1 small avocado, plus extra slices to serve - optional
  • Grated cheddar and a dollop of yoghurt to serve


  1. Heat the olive oil in a medium non-stick frying pan. Add the onion, garlic, cumin and smoked paprika and sauté over a medium heat for a couple of minutes until soft.
  2. Microwave the rice as per packet instructions and add to the frying pan along with the remaining ingredients except the avocado and cheese.
  3. Peel the avocado and remove the flesh. Mash with a fork in a small bowl.
  4. Serve the rice with the smashed avocado, a sprinkling of cheese and a dollop of yoghurt. Add another few slices of avocado if you like. Keeps for up to 2 days covered in the fridge.

Very Green Curry

wean in 15 green curry
Wean In 15

Life is so much easier when one meal can be shared by the whole family. This is a great one for batch cooking and enjoying together. Makes two adult and one baby portion.


  • 3 kaffir lime leaves
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 25g bunch of coriander, including stems
  • 4 spring onions, roughly chopped
  • 4cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 x 400ml tin of coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 chicken breasts, sliced into thin pieces
  • 1 large courgette, cut into bite-sized chunks
  • 6 baby sweetcorn, cut into small rounds
  • 200g frozen peas
  • Cooked jasmine rice, to serve


  1. Strip out the stems from the lime leaves and discard. Add the leaves to a blender along with the spinach, coriander leaves and stems, spring onions, ginger, garlic and coconut milk. Blend until smooth.
  2. Melt the coconut oil in a large frying pan set over a medium heat. Add the chicken pieces and fry for 3 minutes until cooked through. Check by slicing into one of the larger pieces to make sure the meat is white all the way through, with no raw pink bits left.
  3. Add the courgette and corn and cook for a further 3 minutes. Pour the green sauce into the frying pan along with the peas and heat through for about 5 minutes or until the peas are defrosted and the vegetables have softened a little. Serve with jasmine rice. Keeps for 2 days covered in the fridge.

Bluebird Wean in 15: Up-to-date Advice and 100 Quick Recipes

Wean in 15: Up-to-date Advice and 100 Quick Recipes
Now 35% Off
£13 at Amazon

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Headshot of Alice Head
Alice Head
Nutrition & Health Contributor

Ally is a contributing food journalist with over four years digital experience, plus a freelance food stylist, having worked backstage at many a BBC Good Food Show. Her career highlight? Winning Rude Health’s porridge championships two years in a row.