If 'working from home' has taken the unsavoury turn into 'living at work', chances are you're slightly strung out. Between Zoom calls, virtual meetings, tasks that need to be done ASAP, and an insatiable caffeine habit, it can be hard to feel balanced, let alone calm or grounded.

For yoga teacher, chartered physiotherapist, and integrative health practitioner, Robyn Silverton, intense stress and an inability to switch off is something she comes across time and time again:

'We all have a healing inner wisdom that is readily available to us when we make the time to tune in. And, it's often in our most challenging periods that we really need to pause, listen and rest, but naturally we need support with this process,' Silverton explains.

Fortunately, she's here to help us with a nine move yoga flow designed to quieten, ground and centre. Heavenly.

Meet your yoga teacher: Robyn Silverton

Lip, Cheek, Hairstyle, Chin, Forehead, Eyebrow, Facial expression, Jaw, Iris, Wrinkle,

What's your favourite pose?

I absolutely love 'Butterfly' pose. It offers me a sense of openness from the centre outwards and provides a wonderful stretch to the inner groin, as well as allowing my tight outer hips and bum to experience release.

As I fold forwards it stretches my lower back beautifully, providing a whole sense of space across a commonly tight area of the body.

What's your top tip to make a regular yoga practice actually happen?

If you want to introduce a new habit, start with baby steps. Pick two poses – one you find really enjoyable and one that challenges you and try to hold each for three minutes.

You could do both poses each day or, if you're short on time, alternate them over the course of 10 days. Finish with a couple minutes of belly breathing in 'Corpse' pose (a.k.a Savasana), for a relaxation boost and reduced stress levels.

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How to do this flow

'Ideally, allow three minutes for each pose,' she explains. 'Have a timer on hand and remember that you can always extend time in each pose as you get more experienced.'

To get the most from this calming, grounding flow, Silverton suggests keeping three intentions top of mind:

  • Finding stillness in each shape
  • Withdrawing the senses and being truly quiet
  • Working towards your edge – the place where you can feel a stretch, but it's not so strong you're straining or feel close to injury

Watch out for discomfort and come out of a pose if the feeling of stretch becomes too intense. You should never have any sharp pain or altered sensations when practising.

What you need for this flow

A yoga mat would be handy, but if you're caught short, a soft surface is OK too. Whether that's a thick rug or carpeted floor, make sure you have enough cushioning to protect your spine and joints.

Some poses call for blocks and a bolster, which we know aren't in everyone's at home repertoire. While Silverton does give kit-less options you could also sub the blocks for a couple of thick books and use sofa cushions or pillows to emulate a bolster.

Follow her lead and use what you need to comfortably get into each position.

Robyn Silverton's Yin Yoga flow to calm, ground and centre

So, if you're ready to find some minutes of peace, roll out your mat, take a deep breath and get ready to chill the hell out.

1. Constructive Rest

Flowerpot, Flooring, Floor, Wood flooring, Houseplant, Laminate flooring, Physical fitness, Exercise, Active pants, Carving,

a) Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground with heels a comfortable distance from hips. Breathe.

Props: you can use a blanket under the head and/or a bolster or cushions under knees. This is especially helpful if you’ve had any back issues.

How to modify: Position your feet as wide as the mat with knees touching.

2. Supported twist

Flooring, Floor, Wood flooring, Flowerpot, Houseplant, Hardwood, Laminate flooring, Carpet, Carving, Artifact,

a) Sitting up with legs straight: place cushion or bolster close to left hip at a right angle to left thigh.

b) Bend both knees around your body to the right, stacking right thigh on left and right shin resting on your left inner ankle.

c) Then turn the upper body to look along the bolster and slowly lower into a gentle twist.

Props: if you prefer to have your head above the heart, raise the end of the bolster/cushions with a block or books.

How to modify: Your head can point in the same direction as knees, or - if you choose - turn it the other way. Be mindful of your neck, though. If there's too much pressure on your abdomen, take the bolster further from the hip. Arms can wrap around the bolster or fall naturally on the ground either side of your body.

3. Butterfly

Wood, Flowerpot, Floor, Flooring, Wood flooring, Laminate flooring, Hardwood, Houseplant, Carpet, Light fixture,

a) Sitting up with legs straight: bring soles of the feet together and draw heels towards hips, leaving substantial space between hips and heels (about two hand lengths or more).

b) Move slowly into the pose by lengthening forwards and bringing your head towards the heels, creating a gentle curving of the back.

Props: it can be really helpful to have large cushions or a bolster to rest the head on but if that isn’t achievable then just fall into the shape with your hands on your feet.

How to modify: If there's restriction in the hamstrings/low back/hips, try sitting on the edge of a blanket to assist a pelvic tilt. If knees are significantly off the floor then do support the thighs with cushions/blocks.

4. Dragonfly

Flooring, Floor, Wood, Flowerpot, Wood flooring, Laminate flooring, Hardwood, Houseplant, Foot, Visual arts,

a) Sitting up with legs straight take the legs wide into straddle, find a position that enables you to stay fairly relaxed in the leg muscles.

b) Gradually move into a forward bend from this position.

Props: You can support your head or chest on cushions/bolster as you fold forwards or if very flexible rest head on blocks/floor.

How to modify: Like the Butterfly, you can sit on the edge of a folded blanket to tilt the pelvis and lessen any tightness in the lower back. You can also have support under your knees if hamstrings are restricting the shape.

5. Shoelace

Wood, Floor, Flooring, Wood flooring, Laminate flooring, Flowerpot, Hardwood, Houseplant, Wood stain, Active pants,

a) Sitting up with legs straight bend the right knee and take the right foot over the left thigh as close as possible to the left hip.

b) Gradually fold forwards, taking the head towards the left shin.

c) Repeat taking the left leg on top of right outstretched leg.

Props: when folding forwards it may be useful to rest on a bolster/cushion. Sometimes I like to rest the outer ankle bones on a small blanket to relieve the pressure on them. You can put any cushioning between the knees in full shoelace, this tends to help the thighs relax.

How to modify: It may well be helpful to sit on a block or folded blanket to make this more accessible. You can also try putting a blanket or small cushion between the knees so they have support.

How to progress: Once you've tried the easier variation of shoelace, you can try to bend the bottom knees (left) as well. By wrapping both feet towards opposite hips you are creating a strong stretch to both outer thighs! This full version should only be done if there is evenness in the sitting bones so the hips don’t lift upwards.

6. Caterpillar

Flooring, Floor, Flowerpot, Wood flooring, Houseplant, Laminate flooring, Carving, Relief, Artifact, Sculpture,

a) Sitting with legs straight out in front place fingertips on the floor in front of hips and lengthen the upper body.

b) Gently and slowly fold the upper body over the lower body, rounding the back as much as it feels easy to.

Props: a rolled up blanket under the knees helps with hamstring tightness. Folding forwards onto pillows/bolster can enhance the experience of letting go.

How to modify: Lifting the sit bones by sitting on a block or blanket will help to ease any pressure through the low back. Taking your legs wider will avoid too much compression through the abdomen if that is a concern.

7. Child’s pose

robyn silverton yin yoga

a) Sitting on heels, fold the upper body over the thighs creating a gentle forward bend. Place the forehead on support such as a blanket/hands or place your head on the floor.

Props: like the other forward folds, it can feel really comforting to rest on a bolster/pillow. A rolled up towel/blanket can help connect the hips and heels better too.

How to modify: There are many variations and preferences for this pose. It's worth trying arms in different positions: by your sides, beyond the head and under the forehead. You could also try taking your thighs wider to create a greater feeling of space.

8. Inversions

Flowerpot, Flooring, Wall, Elephants and Mammoths, Interior design, Elephant, Art, Houseplant, Wood flooring, Interior design,

a) Lying on your back at a right angle to the seat of the chair lift your legs and swing them around so the lower legs are supported on the seat. Make sure your bottom stays in contact with the floor as you adjust your position and settle. Hips and knees should aim to be at right angles.

How to modify: You could try this with your back on the ground and legs vertical and supported against a wall. Or another way to achieve a very mild inversion is by placing a block or large book under your sacrum as a way to lift your base – then lift your legs up above the hips and settle in!

9. Corpse pose

Wood, Flowerpot, Flooring, Floor, Wood flooring, Laminate flooring, Hardwood, Houseplant, Waist, Active pants,

This is the perfect way to finish your Yin sequence so do factor the time in to enjoy it, this is where the magic happens.

a) Choose a super comfy lying position on your back, do use support under your knees if that helps you relax.

b) Then take your arms away from your sides or rest hands on the belly if preferred.

Props: you might like to support your head with a low folded blanket and even put another one over your body if needed. An eye pillow can be a really lovely final touch, helping you fully disconnect from the outside world for the last few minutes of practice.

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Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
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Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.