Pilates exercises are all about core strength – even the NHS gives a shout out to the workout's focus on harnessing those central stomach muscles.

As you might have guessed, targeting these muscles – which are responsible for functional strength and stabilisation, and crucial for everything from throwing a tennis ball to lacing up your trainers – is a whole lot harder than a couple of sets of sit ups.

Enter Pilates. 'That deep core engagement building to external layers is at the base of the Pilates practice which enhances everyday movement to athletic performance,' says Pilates instructor and FIIT head coach Gede Foster.

The result? Injury prevention, the alleviation of back-ache, more strength and power in other workouts, and yes (often) a flat stomach.

But, as they say in the classics, that's not all. 'Pilates can enhance the movement patterns of almost everyone! From pro athletes to new mums, everyone can benefit.'

If you workout regularly, it can help fix imbalances by targeting muscles that are often neglected, she explains. Conversely, those with sedentary lifestyles can use Pilates to help create healthy joint movement.

Try these twelve pilates exercises from Tony Diamond, Pilates and yoga instructor at Third Space, London, for core strength and full body toning and see your lean body take shape.

1. Roll down

Targets: Abs

a. Stand with your feet together, leaning back slightly against a wall.

b. Keeping your knees soft and arms relaxed, roll your spine down vertebra by vertebra. Slowly reverse the movement to the start. After 10 reps, let your body hang in a forward bend with your abs engaged. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then slowly return to standing.

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2. Teaser

Targets: Abs

a. Lying flat on your back, extend your arms and legs away from your body.

b. As you exhale, slowly draw your arms, torso and legs up, engaging your abs. On the inhale, slowly reverse the movement, ready to go again. 20 reps should do it.

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Opti Basic Exercise Mat

Opti Basic Exercise Mat
£8 at Argos

3. Swimming

Targets: Core

a. Lying on your stomach, draw your abs in towards your spine and extend your arms and legs away from your body.

b. Raise your left arm and right leg, keeping your pelvic area stable. Lower your left arm and right leg to the floor while simultaneously raising your right arm and left leg. Repeat, alternating sides, for one minute.

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4. Side Kick

Targets: Obliques

a. In a side plank with your left leg stacked on top of your right and your left hand on your hip, slowly raise your left leg, keeping your core engaged.

b. Reverse the movement, and that’s one rep. Keep going for 10 reps, then swap sides. Keep it slow and controlled for maximum gains.

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5. Single Leg Circles

Targets: Glutes and core

a. Lying on your back with your arms by your sides, extend your right leg to the ceiling. Slowly circle your leg outwards for 10 revolutions, allowing your pelvis to move freely.

b. Lower your right leg to the floor, then repeat the move with your left leg. On your next set, circle your legs inwards. Keep your pelvis still for a challenge.

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Women's Health Pilates and Yoga Bands - Set of 4

Women's Health Pilates and Yoga Bands - Set of 4
Now 13% Off
£3 at Argos

6. Single Leg Stretch

Targets: Glutes and core

a. On your back again, draw your knees up over your hips and bend them at 90°. Raise your shoulders off the ground, then extend your right leg parallel to the floor, while holding your left leg in place.

b. Draw your right knee back up, then repeat the movement with your left leg. Keep alternating for 20 reps – 10 on each side.

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7. Bridge

Targets: Glutes

a. Still on your back, hands palm-down at your sides, raise your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor under your knees.

b. Engage your abs and raise your hips to create a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold this pose for 30 seconds. This one’s tough, but, to make it tougher, try it with your arms in the air. You masochist, you.

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8. Plank Single Arm Swap

Targets: Abs

a. Begin in a high plank with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

b. Draw your abs in towards your spine and keep pushing through your heels. Slowly raise your left hand to your right shoulder and hold it there without moving for 30 seconds. Return to high plank, then repeat with your right arm.

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9. Seesaw

Targets: Core

a. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms and legs away from your body.

b. Breathing in, raise your upper body and arms. Then, as you exhale, lower your upper body and, engaging your glutes, raise your legs, making sure they stay straight at all times. Do 20 reps, rocking on your pelvis with your body taut like a plank of wood. Or, you know, a seesaw.

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10. Mermaid with a twist

Targets: Shoulders, arms and abs

a. Sit on your left hip, with your left leg flat on the floor, knee bent, leaning on your left hand. Resting all your weight on your left arm, straighten both legs and raise your hips towards the ceiling with your right arm extended overhead.

b. Twist to the left and down, reaching your right arm under your torso. Return to the lifted position.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

11. Two by four

Targets: Calves, abs and abductors

a. Stand straight with your toes turned out and heels together. Rise up on to the balls of your feet. Bend into a plié for four counts. Lower your heels to the floor and straighten to standing.

b. Then reverse the movement: lower into a plié for four counts, quickly lift your heels, straighten your knees and lower back down. Engage your core to ensure your back stays straight throughout the movement.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Pilates FAQs

What are Pilates exercises good for?

Aside from increased core strength, Pilates can help improve strength, promote muscular balance, develop flexibility, improve your posture, improve joint mobility and relieve stress and tension. Need we go on?

Some elite athletes – like Birmingham Royal principal ballerina Céline Gittens – use Pilates as a complement to their intense workout regime. Read about this professional dancer's Pilates workout for lithe, toned legs here.

Is Pilates good for weight loss?

While Pilates might not be as effective a calorie-burner as HIIT or spinning, its benefits go way past dropping digits (read the above again if you're not convinced yet).

'Pilates should be considered part of your self-care routine,' says Jacquelyn Brennan, CSCS, Pilates instructor and co-founder of Chicago-based Pilates + Coffee. 'We all need to move our spines more, move our joints through every range of motion, and everyone needs to be breathing better.'

And all of those healthy practices can lead to weight loss.

As part of a balanced exercise routine, can help reach your weight loss goals through the expenditure of energy, but, that without getting your healthy eating in check, the same results will be much harder to achieve.

Read more about Pilates for weight-loss here.

Is Pilates good for beginners?

Due to the low-impact nature of Pilates, it's a great place for exercise beginners to start. Plus, there are few barriers to entry: no pricey gym membership or fancy equipment required. Once you've mastered the moves above, try our 35 Best Pilates YouTube Workouts to Do at Home

If you're a fan of pilates exercises you'll need to check you're not making any of these common pilates mistakes.

Headshot of Kirsti Buick
Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London. 

Headshot of Alice Head
Alice Head
Nutrition & Health Contributor

Ally is a contributing food journalist with over four years digital experience, plus a freelance food stylist, having worked backstage at many a BBC Good Food Show. Her career highlight? Winning Rude Health’s porridge championships two years in a row.