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  • What muscles do squats work?
  • Why squatting is important
  • How to squat properly: Your step-by-step guide
  • 5 perfect squat form tips to keep in mind
  • 4 squat technique mistakes to look out for
  • Should you do squats every day?
  • Can you squat without weights?
  • 9 squat variations to try

Learning how to squat properly is up there with learning how to brush your teeth in the correct way – by which we mean, it's as fundamental to your fitness health as a fresh mouth is to your personal hygiene.

Loose metaphors aside, the perfect squat is a functional compound exercise that engages multiple muscles chains in one move. Basically, it's your full-body bread and butter.

Unlike other foundational exercises (think plank, push-up or sit-up), the squat involves multiple muscle groups and joints working in various planes of motion. More specifically, your hips hinge back, your torso moves down and your knees shift forward and to the sides – it’s quite the multitasker.

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However, the move will never look exactly the same on everyone, as Sarah Lindsay, founder of London gym Roar Fitness explains: 'Most PTs are taught a generic definition for a proper squat, which they pass on to clients. But as you train more people, you realise that it’s unrealistic – actually, impossible – for everyone’s squat to be and look the same.

When an exercise calls for such a variety of movements, lots of factors – from your anatomy to your mobility – can affect the way your body squats properly,' she says.

Of course, there are textbook rules for a reason – to maximise the effectiveness of the move while keeping you safe from injury – and, for the most part, they’ll serve you well. But if you’re squatting at home, away from the watchful eyes of an expert, or performing the move at speed, it’s crucial you nail the correct technique first.

What muscles do squats work?

Squats are a functional compound move, meaning they use two or more joints to engage different muscle groups at the same time. But which muscle groups do they work and where exactly should you be feeling the sweet burn?

  • Quadriceps
  • Gluteus maximum (the medius and minimus act as stabilising muscles)
  • Calves
  • Hamstrings (movement stabilisers)
  • Erector spinae (it controls the rotation of the back)
  • Rectus abdominis (the 'six-pack' muscles)
  • Internal and external obliques

Why squatting is important

Not only is it one of the most foundational moves in the fitness world (you're going to see it come up a lot) it's also one of the most beneficial. Strong glutes help to take mitigate the load your joints have to take on (hips, ankles, knees) and can keep your lower body healthy and pain-free. Not only that but as a full-body exercise, squatting builds strength and stability in your core, too – mega important now but also as you age, too.

It's free, can be done without any equipment and is a great exercise for beginners to get started with. Basically, you shouldn't not be squatting. K?

How to squat properly: Your step-by-step guide

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a) Standing with feet hip-width apart hinge at the knees to come into a squat position – making sure your knees track over your toes and don't extend past.

b) With the weight in your heels push back up to standing, squeezing your glutes at the top. Repeat.

5 perfect squat form tips to keep in mind

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You were dropping squats way before you could even walk. Pros often point to infants as model performers of the move. A natural progression that occurs between learning to sit up and being able to stand, the squat has five form ideals, so take note:

  • Torso is upright
  • Back is straight
  • Knees track over (not past) the toes
  • Hips dip below knee height
  • Weight is in the heels

4 squat technique mistakes to look out for

1. Your knees collapse in

Once you’ve lowered into position, your knees cave in so they align closer to your big toes than the middle of your feet. It’s a condition called valgus and can be both the cause and an effect of knee pain – it’s sometimes linked to ligament sprains or tears.

What's causing it?

Some experts blame tight hips – from too much sitting, running without stretching or both. But recent research suggests that stiff ankles may also be responsible. Limited ankle dorsiflexion (a fancy term for how well you can point your foot up) causes your feet to turn in as you squat, which rotates your legs, knees included, inward.

How to fix it:

Reduce sitting hours and spend three minutes stretching your hips with lunges when you wake up, after a workout and before bed. Strengthening hamstrings and glutes will also help lessen stress on your hips – try three sets of 20 glute bridges four days a week. To improve ankle mobility, trace lower-case Ts for a minute daily.

2. Your lower back arches

As you deepen into your squat, your spine looks more like half of a U than an I – well beyond a natural curve in your back. The stress on your spine in this position (especially if you add weight) may increase your risk of disc injuries.

What's causing it?

Ugh, tight hips strike again. But this time it’s combined with tense lats – the muscles around the sides of your back. The two issues combined produce anterior pelvic tilt, in which your hips rotate forward, jutting out your belly and curving your spine.

How to fix it:

At least twice a week, strengthen your core with planks and make time to foam-roll your lats. Lying on your side with a roller under your armpit, roll your body up and down. Yes, it will hurt, but in a good way.

3. Your knees track past your toes

At the bottom of your squat, your knees are extending past your toes, so your body leans forward. Your heels are lifting off the floor, shifting your centre of gravity forward. Not only are you missing the full bum-toning benefits, but there’s a chance of face-planting.

What's causing it?

The issue usually traces back to poor glute activation. In other words, your quads initiate the sit-back movement instead of your glutes and hamstrings. You might also have tight calves and ankles – perhaps from daily jogs or that stiletto habit you just can’t kick – which prevents you from grounding your heels.

How to fix it:

Train your glutes to switch on during exercise by incorporating deadlifts and donkey kicks into your regular training. Also, stretch your lower legs by bending alternate knees in a downward dog position as part of your warm-ups and cool-downs.

4. Your body shifts to one side

You put more weight on one side as you settle into your squat, so your body looks a bit off-balance. Use a mirror or video yourself doing the move to gauge any off-side leaning.

What's causing it?

You’ve probably suffered an injury on the side you lean away from. If it’s recent, you’ll feel some discomfort, but if it was in the past, you’ve likely developed a muscular imbalance. If you don’t fix it, your better side will just keep getting stronger until it can no longer overcompensate, which could result in further injury.

How to fix it:

See a physiotherapist to figure out what’s causing you to favour one side. When you have your diagnosis, your physio can recommend moves to remedy it.

Should you do squats every day?

As with everything, variety is the spice of life! Don't get so fixated on squats you forget about the virtual HIIT class you love or Saturday long (socially-distanced) walk that keeps you sane after a long week.

That being said, smashing out a perfect squat every time will have knock-on effects in all areas of your fitness regime, including building the lower body and core strength necessary t0 correctly execute other functional movements, such as lunges, deadlifts and split squats.

Find out what happened when one WH staffer did squats every day.

Can you squat without weights?

Yes! Squats using only your body weight, also known as 'bodyweight squats' or 'air squats' are a great way to build strength and nail form before progressing onto weighted variations.

9 squat variations to try

1. Jump squat

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a) Lower down into a squat position with your feet hip-width apart.

b) Powerfully explode upwards by pushing through your heels and using your glutes to jump. Try to extend your legs fully at the top of the jump.

c) Land in a squat position and repeat.

2. Tempo squat

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a) From standing, lower down into a squat position slowly, counting 3-5 seconds on the way down.

b) Powerfully push through your heels to stand upright and repeat.

3. Sumo squat

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a) Place your feet wider than hip-width apart and lower down into a squat position with your knees tracking over your toes. You can bring your arms overhead as you lower down if it helps keep your upper body upright.

b) Raise back up to standing and repeat.

4. In-Out squats

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a) Standing with your feet together, jump out into a deep lunge making sure to keep your upper body upright and your knees tracking over your toes.

b) Jump back to standing and then immediately jump back into a deep squat. Repeat.

5. Front squat

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a) Holding two dumbbells at shoulder height, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. You can let the weights rest gently on your shoulders.

b) Keeping your weight in your heels, bend your knees and lower your bum back and down, as if you’re about to sit in a chair.

c) As you lower, engage your core, pull your weight back through your hips and ensure your shoulders don’t round.

d) When your thighs are parallel with the floor, pause for a second, then drive through your heels to push back up to the starting position.

6. Goblet squat

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a) Holding a dumbbell in front of your chest, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.

b) Keeping your weight in your heels, bend your knees and lower your bum back and down, as if you’re about to sit in a chair.

c) As you lower, engage your core, pull your weight back through your hips and ensure your shoulders don’t round.

d) When your thighs are parallel with the floor, pause for a second, then drive through your heels to push back up to the starting position.

7. Single-arm overhead squat

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a) Holding a dumbbell overhead with your right hand, palm facing forwards, send your body back through your heels and drop into a squat. Lower for five seconds until your bum is slightly lower than your knees.

b) Thrust back to your starting position, squeezing your bum and keeping the dumbbell still. Repeat.

8. Suitcase squat

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a) Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing inwards – towards your thighs. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and toes pointed outwards.

b) Push your hips back, hinging to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the flow and your bum slightly lower than your knees. Keep your shoulders back and your hands still by your sides.

c) Push back up through your heels and glutes with your chest proud and open. No slumping! Repeat.

9. Squat to overhead press

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a) Holding a dumbbell under your chin with your right hand, palm facing into your chest, send your bodyweight back through your heels and drop into a squat. Lower for 5 seconds until your bum is slightly lower than your knees.

b) Thrust back to your starting position, squeezing your bum. Lift the dumbbell towards the ceiling into an overhead press. Lower back to the start position, and repeat.

Still looking for more? These 30 squat variations may be just the thing.

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Headshot of Marissa Gainsburg
Marissa Gainsburg
Marissa Gainsburg is the Features Director at Women's Health, where she oversees the magazine's news-meets-trends Warm Up section and Love & Life section. After receiving her journalism degree from the University of Florida, Marissa has spent the past eight years in NYC with her dog Bentley, writing and editing fitness, nutrition, health, sexual health, mental health, relationship, and travel content. She's held previous positions at Self, Allure, and Cosmopolitan.
Headshot of Victoria Joy
Victoria Joy
Former WH Executive Editor (Print)

Victoria Joy is a qualified coach who helps people take back control of their everyday life, cutting through the overwhelm to create helpful habits and consistent routines to make life feel easier.