Lateral raises, ever heard of 'em? What about a dumbbell lateral raise, DB lat raises, lat raises, a side lat raise or shoulder lateral raises? There are several variations, but no matter which type you go for, lateral raises are the isolation exercise to do on the reg if you’re trying to target your shoulder muscles. Not least because strong shoulders can help protect against injury – something it's always a rather good idea to avoid.

That said, you should avoid doing lat raises if you have a shoulder injury. Seek medical advice to ascertain why it happened and what you can do to recover.

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What muscles do lateral raises work?

DB (dumbbell) lateral raises primarily work the shoulder muscle, or as the muscle group is officially known, the deltoids.

Your deltoid muscle is comprised of three ‘heads’ – a technical term to refer to the origin point of a muscle – the anterior, medial and posterior.

Lateral raises engage the anterior and medial heads, the muscles that extend alongside the front and sides of your shoulders and are engaged by raising your arms laterally to either side of you.

What are the benefits of lateral raises?

Are lateral raises worth doing? You bet – particularly if it's strong, mobile shoulders you're after, says Gympass Personal Trainer, Becky Bowman. As they should be, given that your shoulder joint is one of the least stable in your entire body. Who knew?

'A great benefit of lateral raises is that it improves overall shoulder strength by isolating the deltoid muscle and improving shoulder mobility,' Bowman tells us.

And that's not all. Let's summarise all the benefits of lateral raises, shall we?

  • Stronger deltoids (shoulders)
  • Increased shoulder mobility
  • Can help protect against shoulder injury
  • Beginner-friendly
  • Versatile – can be performed with dumbbells, a resistance band or cable machine
  • Require minimal workout space

Lateral raise form: how to do lateral raises

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Dumbbell lateral raises are a simple move once you've got the hang of them. Here's a handy how to.

  1. Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides, palms facing inwards.
  2. Ensure your shoulders are relaxed (not raised), your abs are engaged (think tensing, as opposed to breathing in), and there’s a slight bend in your knees.
  3. Retaining this posture, lift the dumbbells out to the sides with straight arms, going no higher than shoulder height.
  4. Pause and check your stance – is your back still neutral and your tailbone tucked under? Is there a gentle bend at each elbow? 'It’s important to keep your shoulders away from your ears and legs still to ensure proper form,' Bowman adds.
  5. Gradually (i.e. don't just let your arms fall back down, move with control) lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Lat raise form mistakes: 3 things to watch out for

You're just lifting dumbbells up and down, right? Not hard to mess that up. Well, actually... as with many strength training moves, the devil is in the detail. Get around the three main signs you're performing lateral raises wrong.

1. Your back is arched

You’re putting your lower back in danger. Support yourself by bracing your core and keeping a neutral spine (no arching or rounding of the back) from the start to finish of each lateral raise.

2. You're swinging the weights

Stop. Your movement should be controlled movement without momentum. You'll notice this most when you bring the weights back down. If you’re struggling, try using a lighter weight.

3. You’re raising your shoulders

We've talked about this, friend. This could strain your neck and those muscles on your collarbone. Keep them relaxed, and exhale as you lift – it’s like a deflating trick for your shoulders.

How to make lateral raises harder

Worried that lateral raises are a little, well, basic? ‘People don’t like to do isolation exercises because they get bored,’ says PT Mapule Ndhlovu.

Her fix is to make it harder by testing your balance. Lift your left leg, then raise the weight in your right hand up and down, and repeat on the opposite side. You’ll be activating stabiliser muscles (hello, abs) you never knew you had.

3 tips to make lateral raises more challenging

  1. Drop it slow: Lower the weight slowly, counting out six seconds. Feeling that burn? Good.
  2. Turn it up: At the top of the lift, rotate your wrist, tipping the weight as if pouring water from a jug.
  3. Circle it: Make small circles with your arms when they’re at shoulder height.

Still feeling a bit meh about doing lateral raises? Try a front raise, instead. It's a variation of the classic side lateral raise that works with the same muscle group – the deltoids – and are an easy progression to make when mixing up your shoulder isolation work.

What weights should I use for lateral raises?

As always, it’s best to be more concerned with perfect form than with how heavy you can lift. Focus on nailing your lat raises without swinging the weights, arching your back or shrugging your shoulders. Then see what weight feels challenging but manageable when you've ticked all those boxes.

Another pro tip: start lighter than you think and adjust accordingly. As the shoulder muscle is working in isolation, this exercise should be a challenge. So, if the last few reps are as easy as the first few, then it might be time to think about upping the weight.

If dumbbells are a step too far then this exercise can be done with a long resistance band – under the feet and held in each hand – just as easily and to a similar effect.

Hex Dumbbell 10kg
Hex Dumbbell 10kg
£35 at Decathlon
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Anchor's Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells
Hex Dumbbell 10kg
Hex Dumbbell 10kg
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Anchor's Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells

What kind of rep range is good for lat raises?

A good rep range for side lateral raises is three or four sets of 10-15 reps.

'Super-setting lat raises with a compound shoulder exercise is a great way to get a bigger bang for your buck,' Bowman says.

In other words, go straight into an upper-body move that also works the shoulders – like shoulder presses, Arnold presses or bent-over rows for a serious shoulder burn.

How do lateral raises protect against shoulder injury?

'Your shoulder is one of the least stable joints in your body and can be injured easily,' says Kristin Swart, a biokineticist at the Panorama Intercare Medical Centre. That’s because your shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint – a precarious machine that could get hurt if overworked.

'Lateral raises strengthen your delts to reduce your injury risk,' says Kelly Saunders, director of training for HIIT workout studio Switch Playground. 'Plus, it’s the simplest, most beginner-friendly move out there.'

Can lateral raises help with shoulder pain?

Yes, but the answer is twofold, according to PT, strength and conditioning coach and founder of the Body Beautiful Method, Aimee Victoria Long.

'Lateral raises are going to target your deltoids in your shoulders. If you have stronger shoulders you’re more likely to have a good posture.'

'Having stronger shoulders allows you to have better posture. Shoulder ache can come from being slumped or sitting with bad posture for most of the day. If, when you’re sat at your desk, you have a better posture, your shoulder ache will decrease.

'If you’re carrying yourself in a better manner because you’re stronger, you’ll soon see a decrease in the level of pain/ache you’re suffering from,' she explains.

If you're looking to improve bad posture, Long recommends adding reverse flies and banded pull-aparts to your workouts. They'll target your shoulder blades which will help to pull back your shoulders and improve your overall posture.

'As well as strengthening the shoulder and creating more stability it’s important to stretch. Make sure you’re adding 10 minutes of stretching to your day if you’re struggling from shoulder discomfort,' says Long.

Feeling sore? Try this yoga for shoulder pain flow

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Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.