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  • 7 benefits of cardio
  • 5 benefits of weight training
  • So, which is better for weight loss and fat loss: cardio or weight training?

With the rise of strength training, almost 1k of you now search for an answer to 'does weight lifting burn fat?' every month, while 1.9k of you want advice on weight training for weight loss. We get it. You want to feel as if you're working out in the best way to hit your goals, whether they're about increasing strength or changing your body composition, and it's likely that you've all got your goals front and centre ahead of the new year, so we're here to help.

To clarify, cardio workouts cover your running, walking, swimming, cycling, hiking. Then, on the other side, resistance training spans everything from weights to strength training and circuit training – anything that requires you to work against resistance to build strength. Got it? Let's get down to the main Qs: does weight lifting burn fat, and is cardio or weights better for fat loss?

As a baseline, the NHS recommends adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week. This is as well as 'strengthening activities that work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms) on at least 2 days a week.' But how you fill those activity minutes is really up to you.

7 benefits of cardio

Cardio really does what it says on the tin. Namely, improve your cardiovascular (heart) health and how efficiently it's able to work under pressure.

1. Improves heart health

If you've ever taken up running (for the first time or after some time off) you'll be familiar with how it can improve your heart's ability to keep you trucking on. The first run probably felt as if you were about to pass out, your heart beating wildly in your chest, but by the third or fourth time you ventured out for a jog, you can breathe, albeit heavily, but the "make-this-stop" element has largely been removed. That's your heart pumping oxygen more efficiently around your body while you exercise. Pretty cool, right?

Fortunately, for everyone who hates running, all cardio exercise has this effect: cycling, hiking, walking, jogging or swimming.

2. Regulates appetite

If you're prone to snacking (who isn't?), a cardiovascular workout might be the thing to curb general snarfing of everything in the pantry.

A study found that people who did high-intensity cardio (moderate-pace running, cycling or a HIIT workout) ate 11% less in the 24 hours following. Exercising at such an intensity 'causes your body to circulate more blood to prevent overheating,' explains metabolism expert Dr Andy Blannin. As such, blood is diverted away from your stomach and around your body, which, according to Dr Blannin, can put the kibosh on your appetite.

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3. Aids fat loss

Minute-for-minute, cardiovascular exercise burns more calories than weight training due to the continuous nature of intensity. Because of this, doing cardio for weight loss can help you lose body fat.

However, the type of cardio you choose is important depending on what your goal is:

  • LISS (low-intensity steady-state cardio) is best for those with large weight loss goals, is great for beginners and can help chip away at stubborn body fat
  • HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is best for retaining existing muscle, stimulating fat-burning enzymes and burning fat as efficiently as possible

How important is cardio for fat loss?

US research actually found that those who chose aerobic exercise lost up to four times more fat than those who only chose to strength train. However, and this is important, your healthy body goals might not just be about fat loss – maintaining muscle tissue is crucial for a healthy metabolism and sculpted physique. That's where resistance training comes in.

4. Budget-friendly

A huge upside of cardiovascular training is that you really don't need much to do it. Running, walking and high-intensity bodyweight workouts are all completely free ways to work out.

If cycling's more your thing then investing in a bike (plus bike helmet and bike lights, please) is a great way to incorporate more cardio into your life. Or, if you prefer to sweat at home, an exercise bike is a great shout for stationary fitness gains. Get around everything you need to know about the Peloton, Echelon and Apex bikes, now.)

Or, grab a skipping rope and get going. The humble bit of home gym equipment is brilliant at burning fat and building muscular endurance. It's also hard as hell, FYI.

5. Boosts brain power

As we age our brains gradually lose tissue. This process starts from the age of 30 and has a marked effect on our cognitive performance. Cardiovascular exercise has been linked to significantly reducing the amount of brain tissue lost over time, with one study showing that those who regularly exercised in this way had the most 'robust' brain tissue. Basically, get sweaty, stay sharp. We love to see it.

6. Helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels

If high blood pressure is something you contend with, cardiovascular exercise can help to lower it to healthy levels, with one study showing data proving the effectiveness of endurance exercise (steady-state cardio: walking, jogging, cycling, swimming) as decreasing blood pressure levels in sedentary adults.

7. Protects your immune system

A strong immune system has always been important, and fortunately, getting some daily cardio movement in each day will help keep your immune system ticking over at peak efficiency.

Research has shown that 'regular and moderate exercise has favourable effects on the immune system by increasing "immunoglobulins"' which are immune-system protecting molecules produced from your white blood cells.

8. Easy to vary

As we've touched on, the range of cardio workouts out there is one of the best things about it. Everything from walking, running, swimming, hiking, cycling, spinning, jogging, dancing to different modalities like HIIT and LISS training all count as cardio exercise! This is brilliant if you're trying to get your cardio done and dusted but tend to get bored of the same type of exercise over and over.

This plus point is something resistance training does have going for it as well (it encompasses everything from powerlifting to circuit training), but a benefit is a benefit and document it we must. Now, onto the benefits of weight training.

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5 benefits of weight training

Now, to the heavy stuff. In answer to your Q - does weight lifting help with weight loss and fat burn, it's a big ol' yes. Read on to learn how it does this, while simultaneously sculpting lean muscle tissue, keeping your metabolism healthy and improving stability and coordination.

1. Builds muscle

It shouldn't be a surprise that lifting weights can build and sculpt muscle. Training with weights places more resistance on your muscles meaning the tissue is broken down more quickly. This triggers the body’s response to clean up and heal the tissue, growing muscle in the process while building strength and endurance. The fancy word for this process is 'hypertrophy'.

How to use weight training for weight loss

While you can build muscle with just your bodyweight – callisthenics training is a testament to that – the more stress (resistance) your muscles are placed under will force them to work harder and grow more quickly.

To push your muscles to the point of change (growth), regularly training them to fatigue is important – e.g. if you can do 100 reps with a 3kg dumbbell it might be time to level up.

With any weight training programme though, simple is best – especially if you're a beginner. ‘You’re better off having a more basic plan that you stick to for a year than the most robust muscle-building plan that you only stick to for a month,’ says Third Space's Head of Education and PT Josh Silverman. Roger that.

Does lifting weights burn fat?

The other upshot of building muscle is that it boosts your BMR (basal metabolic rate) which increases how many calories your body burns per day as muscle requires more sustained energy, which leads us nicely onto weight training benefit #2. Read on.

2. Boosts metabolism and fat loss

Let's dig into how weight lifting can help you lose body fat. At its most simple, weight training = increased lean muscle mass = higher metabolic rate = more calories burned.

While you'll most likely burn more calories during cardiovascular exercise, weight training will keep that slow burn going all day long, leading to a larger and more sustained calorie burn over the course of the day. (Handy if you're trying to stay within a calorie deficit.)

So, really, does weight lifting burn fat?

As we've said, yes. Here's an in-depth explanation from the pros. 'Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so the more you gain, the more calories you’ll burn – and the more likely you are to keep fat off,' says exercise physiologist Dr Leigh Breen.

Weight lifting can be especially important in helping women lose stubborn body fat (e.g. if you're trying to get rid of back fat or lose belly fat) with a University of Alabama study showing greater belly fat loss in women who lifted weights as compared to those who just performed cardiovascular exercise.

3. Protects bones and increases bone health

Weight-bearing exercises – and this can be bodyweight or with added resistance – help to promote good bone health. Unfortunately, for those of us who sit at a desk most of the day, our bones are not loving that life and require a little extra force to stay strong and resilient.

'Walking, jogging, lunging, squatting and light circuits are all good examples of weight-bearing exercises that can promote bone health,' says Oliver Eaton, clinical director of the ProHealth Clinic. 'The secret is to not go overboard – exercising excessively can be bad for joints. Three times a week for at least half an hour, is enough.'

4. Relieves stress

If you've done it, you'll know: lifting a weight that was previously out of your ability or comfort zone can make you feel strong AF and move the stressors of your daily life to the back burner.

Luckily, the evidence on this isn't just anecdotal, the International Journal of Sports Medicine found markedly decreased cortisol levels in people who weight trained for two weeks. Jeepers.

5. Aids sleep

Weight training relieves stress and helps you drift off? What is this sorcery? According to Clinics in Sport Medicine, weight training tires your muscles while the drop in cortisol helps you maintain a more peaceful slumber all night long. Um, yeah, we like the sound of that.

6. Easy to adapt

We said we'd get back to this one – weight training (like cardio) can be varied based on personal preference. You might not be into Olympic lifting or powerlifting and that's fine. Everything from bodyweight exercises to using ankle weights during a Pilates class or repping it out in boot camp circuit training classes counts as resistance training.

High reps, low weights? That counts as weight training. Low reps, high weights? Yes, you guessed it – weight training. As a form of exercise with so many benefits, the fact you can switch it up based on what you like is a real win.

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So, which is better for weight loss and fat loss: cardio or weight training?

Scores on the doors: weight training is better for fat loss and building lean muscle. However, cardio will help with weight loss, improving cardiovascular health and helping to uncover the muscle you've sculpted.

If you're looking to tone up while also sculpting muscle, doing a variety of each, each week is the best way to achieve your body composition and aesthetic goals. It's a marriage of sorts.

The main thing is that you move in a way that helps you smash your goals without sacrificing enjoyment in the pursuit of those goals. Basically, keep your body moving in a balanced and varied way, while also maintaining a healthy and nutrient-dense diet that prioritises vegetables, lean protein sources and complex carbohydrates that keep your energy up.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.


Bridie is Fitness Editor at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).