It's one of the most simple moves but, do it right, and you're in for a whole host of benefits. It's the humble step-up exercise, of course! Or, if you're plumping for the weighted version, a dumbbell step-up. However, don't be fooled – just because it's straightforward, doesn't mean it's easy.

A foundation movement, weighted step-ups are actually probably something you already do every day. Ever taken the stairs carrying a load of laundry or bringing the shopping in from the car? That's technically a weighted step-up. Adding them into your gym workout (or home workout) routine, can help you build strength and improve your stability through your lower body and core.

The hardest part? Controlling the movement of your hips, knees and ankles as you step up. Don't worry, though, we're here to walk you through how to do step-ups... step by step. (Sorry, had to.)

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What muscles do step-ups work?

The step-up exercise is well worth it, says Power Moves Fitness founder and trainer Mikhail St Catherine. ‘You’re going to fire up the quads, glutes, hamstrings and calf muscles,’ he says.

‘Step-ups, especially when loaded with dumbbells, can be a good addition to your workout because they strengthen the knee and hip joints,’ he adds. ‘If executed correctly, the core and back muscles will have a stabilising role to play, too.’

But (at the risk of going in for the hard sell) that’s not all. ‘Like all unilateral movements, it’ll work to balance both legs as well as building better mind-muscle connection,’ St Catherine adds.

Avoid doing step-ups if you experience knee or lower back pain while performing the move.

How to do a step-up correctly

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  1. Keep your heel flat on the step, your knee should track slightly outwards.
  2. Step up, keeping your torso tall and proud.
  3. Brace your core and straighten your leg to bring yourself to standing on the step.
  4. Keeping your shoulders back and head up, lower your leg down slowly to the ground.

How high should your step be?

The most common height is eight inches for a step-up exercise. Regardless of fitness level or skill, participants should not exercise on a platform height that causes the knee joint to flex deeper than 90º when the knee is fully loaded.

4 benefits of step-ups

1. Improves balance

As a unilateral leg exercise – a.k.a using one leg at a time – expect big improvements to your balance as well as improvements in the symmetry of your lower body muscles. This is because working one leg at a time stops your dominant side from overcompensating, as it might during a two-legged exercise like the squat.

2. Increase your squat and deadlift strength

Looking to hit PB's and make new gains in your deadlift? Well, get stepping. Step-ups are the perfect gateway exercise to increasing your load. Not only will they improve your overall leg strength, but the unilateral element will also play a role in addressing any muscle weakness and strength imbalances that hold you back from levelling up at the moment.

3. Protects your lower back

The movement involved in a step-up replicates that of a squat but uses a lot less weight. Why is this good? Well, it saves your back whilst still having loads of benefits. As a single-leg exercise, the weight you're holding specifically targets those working muscles, meaning you'd never need the same weight as you would when you're squatting with both legs.

4. Develops explosive lower body power

Step-ups are perfect for turning up the speed. Proven to not only develop strength, this exercise will increase your overall explosive leg power making you run faster and jump higher. We love.

Hex Dumbbell 10kg
Hex Dumbbell 10kg
£35 at Decathlon
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Anchor's Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells

3 signs you're doing step-ups wrong

1. You’re lifting your supporting heel

Make sure that heel stays grounded when stepping up to recruit the glutes, hamstrings and hips. Standing on your tiptoes will put too much pressure on the knees – never a good idea.

2. You’re rounding your back

Focus on pulling your shoulder blades towards your back pockets to keep your torso upright.

3. Your step is too high

Your step or box shouldn’t be higher than mid-thigh or you’ll risk putting strain on your lower back.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.