The lateral lunge is up there with the Kings of multitasking moves, and we're here for it. It'll help you build strength, work on your mobility, and give you a good stretch at the same time, and it's pretty easy to perform. Here's everything you need to know about lateral lunges.

Lateral lunge benefits


The lateral lunge is great for pre-run mobilisation. As you lean out to one side and push your hips back, you're encouraging mobility from both your hips, lower back and groin.


Besides mobility, it’s also an excellent functional move. What we mean by that is that since it's different to standard lunges, it works the muscles required in ways that we're not as used to. The result is that you'll be able to go about your day-to-day life with more ease, and less of a chance of getting injured.

‘It’s useful both for athletes and in real life,’ says Virgin Active master trainer Dorota Maslewska. ‘It’s a great variation of other single-leg moves, like the walking lunge, backwards lunge and split squat.'

‘It strengthens your adductors (inner upper thigh muscles) and abductors (outer hip muscles) more due to the sideways movement.’


As you lean into the lunge, you're giving your adductors (inner thigh muscles) and groin a good stretch without even realising it. The further you take your leg out, the more you'll feel it.

What muscles do lateral lunges work?

  • Glutes - push your hips back and go low to make them work harder on the moving leg, and be sure to push through the heels of your static leg to work that side of the glutes, too.
  • Quads - you'll feel these burn as you push through your moving leg to bring it back up to standing.
  • Hamstrings - pushing your hips back is key to get these going, too.
  • Adductors (inner thighs) - the further you lunge out, the more you'll feel these come alive on both legs.
  • Abductors (outer thighs) - as above, the further you lunge out, the more these will feel it.

How to do lateral lunges

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  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a big step to the side with your left leg, then bend your left knee, push hips back and lower until your left knee is bent 90 degrees. This should take around two seconds. Push back to start. You can alternate, or complete all reps (10-12 should do it) on your left before moving on to your right.

‘Your torso may lean forwards as step to the side – that’s fine, as long as you maintain a flat lower back,’ Maslewska says. Exhale to reverse the movement and stand tall. That’s one rep.

If you want to add weight, hold a dumbbell in each hand and use them to frame your bent leg. What an overachiever.

Level up your lateral lunges: add a deficit

lateral lunges

The images above show lateral lunges performed on a weight plate. While this is far from a prerequisite for the move, adding an elevation is a great way to level it up.

‘The elevation creates a deficit on one leg, making it more challenging to perform the lunge,’ Maslewska explains. The ‘deficit’ refers to increasing the range of motion (or how far you’ll need to travel within the move), which increases time under tension. Really, it’s just a way of making it tougher.

For deficit lateral lunges, you’ll need something flat and stable to balance on. A weight plate is great, but a small step will work fine. If that’s not enough burn for you, go for something higher, like a box or bench, as a progression.

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Signs you're performing lateral lunges wrong

  1. Your back is arching. Lean forward if it helps you keep your back straight.
  2. The heel of the foot of your bent leg is raised. This puts unwanted pressure on the knee. Keep both feet flat.
  3. You’re balancing on the side of the elevated foot. Again, this puts excess pressure on your medial (inner) knee. Focus on pushing your hips back to keep your weight centred.

How to check you're doing lateral lunges right

Use a mirror to watch your form. There's a reason there are so many mirrors in the gym - use them to watch your bent knee is staying in line with your ankle, and your upper back is flat. The same applies at home - find a full-length mirror if you can.

Video yourself. As useful as mirrors are, it can be hard to watch every single move at the same time as actually doing it, so videoing yourself means you'll be able to monitor every move you make. You'll be able to identify anything you're doing wrong or could do better, and change it for the next rep.

Invest in a personal trainer. If you're unsure, a PT will be able to tell you exactly what you're doing wrong, or could improve on. Some gyms offer free one-on-one trial sessions, so that you can decide whether you want to continue.

Essential home-workout kit

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Headshot of Kirsti Buick
Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.