A squat challenge without weights. Easy peasy, right? I've been strength training for about 7 years now, and squats are probably the move I've done the most. Pre-lockdown I was managing some decent numbers on a barbell and when home workouts became my new MO, high-rep sets of squats with 8kg dumbbells were in regular rotation, so a serious squat challenge didn't seem all that intimidating.

Then I caught Covid-19 in early December (2021). Thankfully, I recovered without medical help and haven't really had any lingering symptoms, aside from a bit of fatigue. On the advice of the experts I had the pleasure of talking to for an article on how to exercise after Covid-19, I gave myself about a month of full rest, and eased back in with walks, Pilates and yoga, before getting into said squat challenge.

'Reframe it as prehab for your return to exercise,' Dr Rebecca Robinson, consultant in sports and exercise medicine at the Centre for Health and Human Performance (CHHP), advised me, and I took it to heart.

With my strength gone from hero to (almost) zero in the few weeks I spent recovering, I knew this was the perfect time to get back to everyday resistance training fundamentals, so a squat challenge was just what I was after. Let's take a closer look at this PT go-to.

Why do PTs love squat challenges so much?

'The squat is such a popular strength movement as it involves several muscles and joints working together to make it happen,' says personal trainer (and my new squat spirit guide) Sam McGowan. 'There are only a few [compound] movements that have such an effect.'

Opti Vinyl Barbell and Dumbbell Set - 50kg
Opti Vinyl Barbell and Dumbbell Set - 50kg
£75 at Argos
Women's Health Cast Iron and Rubber Kettlebell - 14kg
Women's Health Cast Iron and Rubber Kettlebell - 14kg
Now 10% Off
Women's Health Neoprene Dumbbell Set - 2 x 6kg
Women's Health Neoprene Dumbbell Set - 2 x 6kg
Women's Health Barbell Set - 20kg
Women's Health Barbell Set - 20kg
Now 26% Off

What are the benefits of a squat challenge (or just regular squats)?

Where to start? Increased exercise performance, reduced risk of injury and serious strength gains are just the tip of the iceberg, Sam tells me.

'Using both upper, lower and core muscles throughout the squat will help you not just with day-to-day activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting, bending or carrying but it will also help us with our physical performance.'

Love that for me. As I eased back into slow and steady strength workouts, my squat challenge officially began and I committed to doing 3 sets of 10 reps of squats every day for 2 weeks. 420 squats, eh? Nothing to be sneezed at.

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5 things I learnt from my squat challenge

1. DOMs aren't a great indicator of success

On day 1 of Mission Squat Challenge, I managed 3 sets of bodyweight squats without too many problems despite having taken a few weeks off. But the following morning... Wow. My quads, glutes and hamstrings – my quads in particular – were feeling it.

That means I did good, right?

Not quite, says Sam. 'Soreness isn’t necessarily the sign of a good workout so if you feel that your quads burn more than your glutes, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not working those bum muscles.'

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), while it can be a literal pain in the ass on occasion, can often leave you feeling quite satisfied with your workout. But here's the rub: DOMs ≠ gains. Studies have shown that muscle soreness doesn’t need to occur for muscle growth, and as a regular exerciser, your body will have adapted enough to cope with the demands you’re placing on it. In short, DOMS will occur less and less.

In other words, it's likely my muscles were complaining more for lack of use than actual gains. And sure enough, by day 4 or 5 of my squat challenge, I stopped getting them. My body was adapting fast.

    2. I've been sacrificing technique for depth

    I have pretty decent mobility in my hips and knees, and the depth of my squat has always been a source of pride (yes, I'm one of those people). But when I mention it to Sam (#humblebrag) she preaches caution.

    'Squat depth is not as important as proper technique,' she says. 'Yes, you could force your "ass-to-the-grass" and that would mean you’re completing the full range of motion – but it’s also quite likely your technique has gone out of the window. Your lower back may have rounded and your hips tucked under.'

    I film a few quick videos of myself in motion to check and she's right, of course. My lower back has arched so much it looks like a skateboarding ramp.

    Sam advised me to work on keeping my back straight as my squat challenge continued, even if I don't achieve much depth.

    'Quality comes first – if that means being a little higher but keeping a neutral spine, I am more than okay with that,' she says.

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    Image no longer available

    Before (L) After (R)

    3. Variations are important

    Doing the same old squats every day became stale by about day 4, so I tried to give my squat challenge a bit of spice with squat variations like sumo squats, narrow squats and split squats.

    Sam is more than on-board with my little switch-up. 'There are so many squat variations it’s crazy but they all have their benefits.'

    Narrow squats, for example, target the quads a bit more, which sumo squats (a wider stance, with feet turned out to 45 degrees) shifts the focus to the glutes and inner thighs.

    The split squat – performed by taking a big step backwards, and keeping your back heel raised, or back foot elevated – is Sam's clear favourite though. Not to be confused with its more dynamic cousin, the lunge, split squats are 'a must' in any strength plan, she says.

    preview for Bulgarian Split Squat (rechts)

    'The split squat is massively underrated with its numerous benefits including improving strength, balance and mobility. It allows us to strengthen each leg individually, which is vital in increasing overall strength and reducing any gaps of imbalances between the two.'

    Right – more of those, then.

    4. Squats can teach you A LOT about your body

    About midway through my Great Squat Challenge, I met with TenClinical trainer and biokineticist Natacha Quintal for a post-Covid check-up. I was there to test my heart and lung function (both totally fine, in case you were wondering) and Natacha also videoed me performing squats from different angles.

    They're an essential part of her clinical assessment, she tells me, allowing her to check for any physical imbalances and weaknesses in the body. After using specialist software to analyse the clips, she's picked up a few things.

    First up, my right foot arch is collapsed. It's not as bad as it sounds, but, 'This could put strain on your knees, as it will naturally internally rotate them,' she says. 'You will need to focus on pushing your knees out to the sides while performing your squats.'

    She also picked up on that back arch that Sam warned me about. 'This can cause an increased amount of strain through your lower back if you decide to add resistance or weight to your squats and could lead to injury,' Natacha explains. Yikes – but it brings me to my next point.

    5. Core strength is key for a good squat

    No matter how much I focus on reigning in my back arch, I'm still battling to get in right by about day 10 – and just as Natacha predicted, my lower back is aching as a result. The best way to remedy this, she tells me, is building my core strength.

    I return to my squat spirit guide Sam for more guidance amid Mission Squat Challenge. Naturally, crunches aren't going to cut it. Building core strength means exercises that recruit your deep core, or transverse abdominis, rather than your more superficial core layer, your rectus abdominis (your 'six-pack' muscle). She recommends adding dead bugs into regular rotation - 3 sets of 12 (6 on each side).

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    Obviously, my 2 week squat challenge is not enough to see much progress on that front, but I find the inclusion of the dead bugs really helps with mind-muscle connection, allowing me to engage my core a bit better when I get squatting. And you know what? That back arch is looking less skateboard ramp by day 14. Progress, I think.

    A word of caution: You don't need to be doing a squat challenge, per se, to reap the benefits, Sam says. In fact, rather than doing daily squats, giving your muscles time to rest between leg sessions that include squats is best. As a rule of thumb, take a least a day off in between squat-heavy workouts, or train other muscle groups like upper body or core.

    preview for 15 Core Exercises that Aren't Crunches

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    Headshot of Kirsti Buick
    Kirsti Buick

    Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.