A push-up challenge is no mean feat. The move is a serious OG when you're considering bodyweight exercises that get results. Gone are the days of considering full push-ups the preserve of males and the knee-based regression, for females. That said, while the rhetoric has thankfully changed, the move hasn't actually gotten any easier, and certainly not when you take them on in the form of a full on push-up challenge. That's why WH Junior Fitness Editor Kristi Buick decided to call upon some help.

I can crunch until the cows come home, and my squat form is perfectly on point. The only move I just can't seem to master? The push-up. So, having not much else to do on the tail-end of lockdown 2, I set myself a simple task: a push-up challenge involving me doing as many as I can every day.

While I've been religiously strength training for upwards of five years, the holy grail of bodyweight moves has always eluded me. Within 4 or 5 reps, I have to drop to my knees without fail – and I'm not sure if the chasm that exists between me and a full set of push-ups lies in my upper body strength or in my mind.

My only rule? No dropping to my knees.

5 things I learned from my push-up challenge

1. Doing them on your knees will only get you so far

Day 1 of Mission Push-Up Challenge and I can only manage about 3 sets of 5 full push-ups (and maybe 0.5 with passable form...). Clearly, those 3 sets of 15 beautiful on-the-knee push-ups I can smash out on an upper-body day haven't helped me progress at all. Why is that?

Kneeling push-ups are really a beginner move, personal trainer Andy Vincent tells me when I call on him for a bit of guidance.

'They are OK for getting the upper-body strength started, but they very quickly stop being effective,' he says. Well, that explains a lot. This is because the most challenging part of the move, he explains, is maintaining full-body alignment while on your toes.

'I would suggest someone uses kneeling push-ups at the start of their journey. If you can do 10 kneeling push-ups, you're ready to move on.' Right – definitely time to level up then. But the gap between kneeling push-ups and full push-ups is so huge, I counter. How do you make the jump?

'Once you've mastered kneeling push-ups, there are other exercises you can use to build strength and range of motion to help improve push-up form,' Andy says. More on that later.

2. They're really a full-body move

It's a chest and arms move, right? Yes – but let's break it down a bit. The action of pressing up from the group is a pecs (chest), deltoid (shoulder) and tricep (upper arm) action, Andy explains.

'But always remember that muscles around a joint work together, so the back muscles, as much as they are not direct movers, they are involved in control and stability of the shoulder joint,' he adds.

Then, when you're at the top of the move – in what is effectively a high plank – your legs, glutes and core have to work really hard to maintain posture as you move the arms.

No wonder I'm finding my push-up challenge so tough... I've never been very good at multi-tasking.

3. It's all about full-body alignment

On around day 4, I manage 3 sets of 6 (OK, the last one was about 5.5). Surely I'm getting better? But after reviewing the form-check video Andy requested, I cringe. What on earth am I doing with my head? And those drooping hips... But he reckons I'm too hard on myself. My form is not the worst he's seen, he says. Still, there is work to do.

My main problem is maintaining full-body alignment on the lowering – that little hip droop (a common push-up problem) makes that pretty obvious.

To help, Andy prescribes a move called an RKC plank – it's like a regular plank, except the focus is on maintaining full-body tension. In my case, getting my legs, glutes and core involved is important.

'Hold a yoga block, towel or pillow between you legs while tensing your thighs, bum and abs,' he suggests. 'There more full-body tension you can create the better alignment you will be in as you come down.'

So I dutifully add in 3 RKC planks into my little daily push-up challenge. Andy advises I hold for 3 - 6 cycles of breath, rather than timing in seconds, to make sure I don't hold my breath – a bad habit I often fall into while doing push-ups and planks.

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4. Incline push-ups are a game changer

In the same chat, Andy also suggests I weave some incline push-ups into my push-up challenge – that is, pushing up with my hands on a coffee table or couch, rather than from the floor.

This lightens the load you're pushing, making the move easier depending on the height of your incline – and it's made a huge change to my form and range of motion. Pushing up from the side of my couch, I swap 1 of my usual 3 push-up sets for incline push-ups. By day 10 of my challenge, I can manage 12 solid incline push-ups with full range of motion – lowering my chest all the way down to the couch. Win!

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5. Push-ups are a skill – and getting them right feels pretty damn good

I'd previously gone to my happy place while doing any push-ups in an attempt to get them over and done with ASAP – but as the end of my first proper push-up challenge nears, I start to realise how much that may have been holding me back.

There's so much to think about: engage core, glutes and thighs, keep you elbows in, don't hold your breath...

'There is also a skill component to being able to control all those muscles at once,' Andy says. 'And that has a big carry-over to lots of other exercises, as well as for our posture and spinal health.'

As with any skill, you need to work at it – and 2 weeks isn't really enough to see monumental changes in terms of sets and reps. On day 14, I'm pushing about 3 sets of 7 – but again, like building any skill – nailing it feels really, really good. That sense of achievement when you make it up from that one, beautiful rep? Money can't buy that.

Push-ups are now a more permanent fixture in my strength workouts. And instead of pumping out endless sets on my knees, I'll attempt one set of full push-ups, and then two on an incline – I'm aiming to level-up and lower down to my coffee table soon. Goals.

preview for 7 Push Up Variations for Women Using No Equipment

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Headshot of Kirsti Buick
Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.